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Sam: "What's wrong Buck? Star struck?" He teased. Buck took a drink of his beer.

Buck: " No. I'm just surprised that she's wearing that." He shrugged.

Sam: " Why? I think it screams 'Y/N'." Sam was obviously confused.

Buck: " I bought her the dress in the 30's. Told her Steve bought it though." 

Y/N: " Would you quit staring and let's dance while we're here!" You said when you reached them.

Zemo: "I would be honored to join you." Zemo began dancing as you jumped up and down like a dork. Sam started doing some weird things with his arms.

Sam: "Here, that's all you get!" He laughed.

Y/N: "You guys, are the greatest!" You laughed as you continued to dance. After a while you began to get dizzy.

Bucky: " Doll, when was the last time you ate?" (No. He never did dance.)

Y/N: "Uhm...I had Mexican with Pete..." You said holding your head. Trying to focus your sight.

Sam: "That was almost a week ago!"

Buck: " Come on, let's get something on your stomach." He lead the way to a bar stool, as you both sat down. Buck waved down the waiter. 

Buck: "Fries. Lots of cheese." He said. You looked over at him.

Y/N: "Thank you for earlier."

Buck: " Which time earlier?" The waiter put down a plate of fries and cheese as Buck took one, then pushed the plate to you.

Y/N: " In the club." You sighed looking at your fries sadly.

Buck: " Why'd you go into shock?" 

Y/N: " Because...PTSD. Sometimes I lose my shit, like I did on Walker, or others I freeze. Bruce recommends medication...But, I want to be happy because I am Happy, I want to feel strong because I am strong...Not because I choke down a shit ton of pills everyday." 

Buck: " You should take them. He wouldn't recommend anything you don't need."

Y/N: "Do you take the pills they recommend?" You looked up at him as he laughed because cheese fell on your chin as the waiter handed you a napkin. But, before he could you wiped it with your finger licking it from your finger.

Buck:  " No." He shook his trying not to laugh at you. " But, when do I do anything I'm supposed to?" Your eyes started to tear up. Remembering how much you missed this...Him just...being there. Sure he's different...But, deep down...He's still just...Your Lucky Rabbit's Foot.

Y/N: "You know I don't hate you right?" He looked at you confused.

Buck: "I know Doll." He half smiled. You then stood up as did he. "Ready to go back to partying already?" He teased. You turned to him giving him a hug around his neck.

Y/N: "Since when did you start calling me that?" 

Buck: " Since you told me I wasn't allowed to call you Charm anymore..." He then laughed. "What is this for?" 

Y/N: "I- I just really needed to feel at home for a second." 

Buck: " You miss Steve don't you?" With that said you pulled back.

Y/N: " Yeah...I think about him all the time." 

Buck: "Me too. Like he said. It'll be alright. But, come on. The others are waiting."  A few minutes later that's when Sharron found you all, looking at the art. You were trying to get out of your head, and forget what just happened.

Sam: " Here we go..." He placed his hand on the back of your head and directed you to pay attention.

Y/N: " Sorry..." You bluntly apologized.

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