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Time has past, Walker has taken the Serum, and he was trying to capture the leader of the Flag Smashers for killing Lamar. After a while of fighting Walker and the Flag Smashers you got separated From the boys. His anger had out matched yours. He ran at you full force. He slammed you against a wall...The first thing that Came to mind , thanks to Peter was Olaf from the Movie Frozen. God does Pete love that movie... You looked down at your wound and tried to access the damage that has been done.

You Watched the blood run down Your stomach, as You lightly maneuvered the pole that has impaled you through your lower back. The last thing you Said to Walker was: " You Will Never be Captain America..."

He left you there for dead. His anger might out match yours but, his stubbornness sure as hell doesn't. You placed your left hand behind you as you managed to pull yourself forward Just enough to get your hand on the end of the bar. You heated it using your powers. The rod melted off setting you free. You hobbled outside despite the pain. You pushed your way through the crowd. You collapsed as you saw WaIker with the Shield. You couldn't take your eyes off the head of the dead Man that lay before you. Just as Stunned as everyone else. As you sat on your knees you reached out for Back's hand. He Was slightly in front of you. Buck turned around in shock seeing you like that.

Buck:" Charm!?" You looked up at Sam in tears.

Y/N: " S-Sam?. . . I-I gotta call Pete back ..." You begged knowing this was it.  Sam and Buck were now on your level. 

Sam: " Hey, calm down. You can call him as soon as we get that thing out of you."

Y/N: " N-No...I have to call him now... and Lok...and Thor..." Buck sat down behind you making sure to hold that rod in it's place. He rested his chin on your head.

Buck: " Charm, Thor is in Space..." 

Y/N: " Please Buck...I got to...I promised them..." 

Y/N: "P-Hey Pete!" You tried not to sound horrible.

Pete: " Y/N! You called!" 

Y/N: " I said I would didn't I?" 

Pete: "You sound tired...is Sam taking care of you?"

Y/N: "Yeah Pete...He's taking real good care of me."

Peter: "I found some new movies we can watch if you want to...When you get back anyway!" 

Y/N: " As many movies as you want...You'll never guess who's here... Say hi..." You held the phone up to Buck.

Buck: " Uh. Hello?" He was trying to hold back yelling at you. You could here Pete gasp.

Y/N: " Alright Pete. I've got to go now. I love you Pete..."  

Pete: "I love you too..." You could hear in his voice that he knew something was up.

You hung up the phone and called Loki next. (You were using Sam's phone by the way.)

Y/N: "Lok..." 

Loki: " I'm shocked to hear from you so soon..."

Y/N: " Loki. I want you to promise me something..."

Loki: " Darling, you know I can't promises."

Y/N: " Loki! I'm serious, promise me!" 

Loki: "I suppose that would depend on what I'm promising?" You could hear how serious his tone had gotten. He tried to hide the nervousness. But, you know him too well.

Y/N: " Promise me, you will always remember that I thought you were worth it. Promise me, you'll always do what you think is right, and don't you EVER change who you are just because someone doesn't like it. If they don't like you that's a problem they need to get sorted out."

Loki: " I promise..." He spread the words out, yet crammed them together. " I'm coming to find you." You couldn't tell if he made the promise, or just promised he'd come find you. Before anything else could be said, he hung up the phone.

Forever and Always (Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora