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You used your powers to change your clothes. You were also using your powers to keep your shoulder from hurting (It's highly dangerous) But, you did it anyway. As Sharron led the way, Buck pushed you in front of him, and behind Sam. You made your way through the truck yard stopping at a casing he was supposed to be in. You all began looking around the empty cargo case.

Y/N: "Guys. You're stupid." You pointed at the end of it. " Can you not hear the music?" We went in Buck pushing in front of me. That's when you found your guy.

N: "I'll talk. If you give me something in return." Buck looked over at him noticing he was looking you up and down.

Y/N: " You want to see something? I'll show you something..." You grinned leaning down into his face. You used your powers to get into his head. What he saw wasn't reality. But, what he heard was you actually speaking. You had blood dried to your teeth, and a river of blood running down your chin. You were missing an eye, left nothing but a socket. You leaned into his ear.

Y/N: "You can answer us...Or...Russian roulette is not the same without a gun... And baby if it isn't rough it isn't fun..."

Zemo: " Good idea... James..." He grinned, as Buck held a gun to his head. That's when you could hear guns going off from outside. You turned around dropping the mind control.

Y/N: " I'll go help her. You guys get answers."  Sharron was hiding around the corner, and you ended up scaring her.

Sharron: "Thank god...It's just you." 

Y/N: " I know what you are... If I were you I wouldn't get too relieved." That's when a few men started rushing the two of you. Without taking your eyes off of Sharron you blasted a handful of men that were at least 12 feet away from you. You killed them all, as you through your hand out, and your eyes glowing.

Sharron: "What the hell are you?" She looked at you shocked. Talk about scared straight. You began to walk away. 

Y/N: " Your worst nightmare if you try to pull anything stupid. Now, you can either stand there, or we can head out." You made your way back to the crate.

Sam: "Good to see you're still alive."  Long story short the guy was shot by Zemo, and there was an explosion. You got slammed against a table which led to glass in your leg. That's when you saw a blurred figure helping everyone up. Zemo was gone, and you couldn't see straight. After Buck helped Sam up, Sam came over grabbing you.

Y/N: " S-Sam, I can't see! Everything is blurry." 

Sam: "It's alright...I got you..."  You ran out into gun fire, as we all got pinned behind cases. Buck ran out of bullets.

Buck: " Shit!" 

Y/N: "W-What happened?" You kept rubbing your eyes. You went to move up towards Bucky's blurry figure.

He yanked you down to the ground. Buck: " Get down! My gun is empty." He said. You looked at him as your sight was still blurry.

Y/N: "Put me out there!"

Sharron: " Are you crazy!? You can't see, and you have glass in your leg, AND your shoulder is still fucked." 

Buck: " What she said." 

Sam: " Where the hell is Zemo?" 

You yanked free from Buck as you tried to crawl away. He yanked you back. 

Buck: "You're fucking crazy if you think I'm letting you go out there!"

Y/N: " Please...I can help..." 

Buck: " Steve's dead. Doesn't mean you have to be too." That's when there was another explosion. It was Zemo that pulled us out free. Buck yanked me up, as we ran towards another case. Buck shoved you in, and grabbed a pole from the side and began fighting a couple of guys. That's when Sam pulled him in.

Sam: " Come on!" After a few minutes my eye sight started to come back. Zemo pulled up with a car, and Sharron stayed behind. We ended up following our lead. The glass was out of my leg now, and we were walking into a place Zemo deemed safe.

Buck: "I'm gonna go on a walk."

Sam: "You good?" You three looked him up and down.

Buck: "Yeah. See you guys in a bit." 

You walked into the entrance shutting the door behind you.

Y/N: "You guys go ahead. I'll make sure he's alright." You watched as he was picking stuff off the ground. He walked all the way into an alley. He held up the ball.

Buck: "You dropped something." You stayed hid in a tight corner. He looked around for a bit, until he saw a Wakandian women.

Buck: " I was wondering when you were going to show up." You were having a hard time hearing them.

She spoke in a different language you've never heard. But, you did understand 'Zemo'.

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