Part 8- 10

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Steve: "Hey.  It's me remember?"  He was still trying to talk sense to you. (But, it was Pheobe.)"I know you're in there somewhere Y/N. We need your help now more than ever..."

Phoebe: " FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT Y/N!" There's no reasoning with Phoebe... "MY name is Phoebe! And you didn't need her before you left her standing alone. Why should I believe you changed your mind now?" She growled, still with a smirk on her face. "You left Rogers... You don't get to come back begging."

Tony walked forward cautiously. Tony: "You don't want to help us fine, no big deal. But, uh...That man did nothing to you...And he's dead...So..." At this point you were still trying to break free. That's when she looked at the necklace hanging from her neck confused in what he was talking about. That's when her mind wondered and lost concentration. You broke free. In the transition your body went limp.

You fell towards the ground, but Thor ran over in time to catch you. You woke to the kind, yet rough touch of your friend. You looked around sadly at everyone as you used Thor to lift yourself up. It felt like you just woke from a dead sleep.

Y/N: " I'm so sorry...Phoebe is ...Overwhelming... She likes to hold grudges and doesn't like people..." Steve came over looking at you in relief. He pulled you in for a hug. You could feel is breath trying to slow knowing, you're okay, as your head laid there comfortably.

Steve: "I'm just glad you're okay." You felt the vibrations of his voice, and it soothed your worries slightly.

Y/N: "I saw something...I think it's what triggered her to show..."

Thor: "What did you see?" You broke from Steve's arms, and looked at Thor worriedly.

Y/N: " Loki...He found a whole shit ton of stones...." 

Thor: " N-No...Loki is dead..." He was having a hard time. I think he was trying so hard to believe he was really gone this time, that he didn't want to get his hopes up.

Y/N: " I can see through the stones. He looks as if he's held captive. But, in the future. Not currently. The stones I saw aren't the ones I need. I think my powers are just linking with them for some reason..."

Tony: "So, you're saying you're glitching?"

Y/N: "Yeah...Basically. Anyway, are we going to stand around here like a bunch of waiting ducks? Or am I going to kill Thanos?" Thor came over placing his hand on your shoulder grinning.

Thor: " Sorry, my lady. But, I already called it..." Thanos was sitting in his little hut, in the quite. He looked old, and brittle from the power surge that went through his body when he snapped. You went in first.  You busted through the ceiling, and knocked him to the ground. As he tried to stand up, you wrapped yourself around his neck, using the heat from your foot to melt his hand off. The others were there now, Rhodey was holding his other arm, and Thor standing impatiently in the corner with his axe ready to swing. 

You looked up away from Thanos' ugly ass face, and you watched Cap walk in. The sun was behind him, and Nat was as well.

Y/N: "Damn Rogers...You really know how to make an entrance..."

Nat: "Someone has the hots for Captain America." She teased.

Y/N: " I'm more jealous of your view to be honest Nat."

Nat: "Everyone one does love America's Ass."  She laughed.

Steve: "Can we not...Do this right now?" You and Nat spoke at the same time.

Nat&Y/N: "So...Serious..." That's when Rocket flipped over the hand on the ground, and  saw there were no Stones. The gauntlet was empty.

Rocket: "Uh...Guys, we've got a problem..." 

Y/N: "Where the hell are they!?" You tightened your grip around his neck.

Thanos: "Gone...Reduced to atoms."

Nat: "W-What?" You climbed down pushing Thanos to the ground. Letting him lay there.

Thor: "Y/N! MOVE!" Thor yelled in a fit of rage. He couldn't contain it anymore. His face red with anger, and hurt, from the loss of all his loved ones, from the guilt of feel like he wasn't good enough to step foot in a throne.

You moved over, as you were slightly scared of Thor at the moment, you've seen him mad, and flip tables but, never this mad. Mad at himself. You felt a jot of energy. that felt like a pounding on your head, and a beating in your chest. It was Pheobe trying to break free again. You did all you could to hold her back.  That's when without warning, Thor swung his axe bringing it down over Thanos' head. Nat looked in shock, as you didn't take your eyes from Thanos.

It was like it was in slow motion as you watched the blade touched the first layer of skin right down through the others until finally reaching the last. You heard a thud as the lifeless body hit the floor.

Y/N: "I- I got to go..." You enjoyed it too much...You knew you had lost. Nat chased you out.

Nat: " Wait, don't leave. I know you're mad at him...But, he didn't know you existed... You can't be mad at him for that. I don't know what he did and didn't do. But, he needs a friend right now, and I think so do you. He's different now. Give him a chance. At least give him a chance to be good to Y/N..."

Phoebe stopped in her tracks as she spun around looking at Nat. Phoebe: "I don't give a DAMN about Y/N!" She looked at her sadly.

Nat: "You're a terrible liar." 

Phoebe: "This isn't about Y/N!"

Nat: "Then what is it about?"

Phoebe: "My sisters..." 

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