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After your moment with Loki, you walked into Buck's bedroom. This is the first time you two have fully got to process the existence of each other. After all, the last you heard of Buck he was dead, only to see him helping Steve fight Thanos. Then die.

He stood there with his hands in his pockets. 

Y/N: " I missed you." You said calmly. 

Buck: " I shouldn't of left." You could tell he wanted to walk closer to you but, was nervous.

You ran to him, giving him a hug. Tears silently falling down your cheek. 

Y/N: " And I should've asked you to stay..." You whispered barely able to speak. "Maybe, then you'd still have that arm..." He leaned back pulling you closer.

Buck: " Don't do that...It's not your fault. You didn't know. Hell, I didn't know." He broke the hug.

Y/N: " I know, I-I thought I'd never get a chance to see you again...When you fell...Steve sent me a soldier to break the news to me... Then, this time I watched you die..." You both sat on the edge of the bed, and he pulled your head to his shoulder as he played with your hair.

Buck: " Well Charm, you did. And, if I remember right in my old age...I owe you a movie." You came out of Buck's room, and Sam was there.

Sam: " So, you're not gonna try to kill us anymore?"

Y/N: " Not unless Phoebe takes control again." You let a big breath of air out.

Bruce: " So, how are we getting to Utopinheim?"

Y/N: " The air that surrounds it isn't made for everyone. The Queen was so powerful, she could control who could breath it. So, if she approved, then you could get in. But, since Lucas killed every living thing...No one is allowed to enter."

Steve: " Then why does Phoebe think she can get in?"

Y/N: " There's more than one reason. First off, the sisters should still be there. Since my spilt. Also, we are originally from there. So, I might have a chance but, none of you do. You die on impact.

Peter: " What if we use Stark's technology to make everyone going suits?"

Everyone looked at Pete shocked.

Bruce: " You know how to work Tony's lab?"

Pete: " Yep." He shrugged.

Bruce: " Then what are we waiting for?"

Steve: " He'd be proud Peter."  He nodded as Pete began to tear up. "Go get started." Pete nodded his head leaving with Bruce.

While Pete and Bruce worked on the new suits. You, Steve, and Buck sat on the couch putting a movie in. Loki, went to read while Thor was trying to sober up. Sam came in during the intro before the movie was on.

Sam: " Movie night? Mind if I join?" You were sitting on the edge of your seat smiling big.

Y/N: " I'd say since you took such care of my boys, I'll allow it!"

Steve laughed: "The more the merrier."

Y/N: " Man. Nat wasn't kidding you are old." You teased. You sat between Bucky and Steve. Sam was on the other side of Steve. You sang EVERY song that was in the movie. It was called 'Sing'. After a while you were zoned out, and you began to sing louder, you were REALLY into it. Sam nudged Steve's shoulder, while he tapped Buck's head from behind you.

Sam: " We got a performer here." He whispered after getting their attention. He was trying so hard not to laugh.

Y/N: " BEFORE THE LORD INN SONG!" Steve starred at you looking completely mesmerized. "HALLELUJAH!" With you hitting the note Buck let out a little laugh trying to hide it.

Y/N: " I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake shake." Sam leaned over to Steve.

Sam: " How long you think she has until she burns herself out?"

Steve: " We'll know when she passes out on either Buck or I. That's how it always ended." This next song she got way into...way more than the others.

Y/N: " Got burned got broken down by desire... I tried I tried!" By the last song, you had curled up with your feet on Buck, and your head on Steve's lap. You weakly sang the last song as you drifted off to sleep. They began to whisper.

Steve: " Told ya." He smirked.

Buck: " I want to know why she got so happy over a cartoon." He was obviously confused.

Steve: " I wanna know when she learned to sing that good?"

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