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Steve walked up to Phoebe. Steve: "Where have you been?" He wouldn't break eye contact.

Phoebe: "Locked in a God damn cell! They must have been scared I'd win a fight against their beloved Captain..."

That's when Buck approached confused on what he was witnessing. After all Phoebe looked just like his long lost forgotten friend. But, at the same time it didn't.

Buck: " Steve? What the hell is going on?" At the sound of his voice she turned towards it. She saw Bucky standing there in shock but, so was she. That's when Thor summoned his hammer using the distraction to his advantage as He laid under her.

The Hammer flew past Steve, and knocked Phoebe out cold. They took you back to another base of theirs. Later, Buck was yelling at Rhodey.

Buck: "You put her in a fucking cell!?" Rhodey looked at him in disbelief.

Rhodey: "What did you want me to do?" He looked at everyone else. " She killed a million people in one week."

Loki butted into the conversation frustrated. Loki: " Would you Squims stop fighting for 3 MINUTES!? We have a bigger problem to worry about. She wants to go to Utopinheim..."

Thor: "What is Utopinheim?"

Loki: "The 10th realm. It was known as The Realm of Peace. It's where the stones grow."

Thor: "I lthink I'd know about a 10th realm brother..." He practically laughed in his face. But, is that really new?

That's when Y/N walked out from the room in handcuffs, she shrugged her shoulders.

She was a little cocky with her attitude. Y/N: "Actually, you wouldn't."

Rhodey put his shield up in defense ready to fight. He was sure what to expect at this point. I don't think anyone was.

Y/N: "Maybe, you could tell me why I'm handcuffed?" She made eye contact smiling big and laughing towards Steve. "If you don't Rogers, I have no choice but to assume this is some sort of floor play..."  He looked over being all serious as he normally is.

Steve: "Y/N? Were you out cold for the entire thing?"

Steve explained everything while you were still in the handcuffs. 

Y/N: " Well, I can say that it's true. I wanted Loki to be with his brother." Your hands began shaking as your breathing became heavy. "I-I promise Phoebe isn't a bad person..." 

Your hands now beginning to spark from the anxiety and the guilt... Buck pushed his way passed the crowd of people cupping your face gently. Despite the pain and agony it put him in. He made eye contact not letting you break it.

Buck: " Hey..." You tried to look away but he snapped you back. His eyes a beautiful blue, and there was just something about them that made you feel the weight lift from your shoulders, yet more nervous at the same time. " HEY! Look at me. Charm, I need you to calm down." You nodded your head slightly trying to catch your breath. Steve cut in.

Steve: " I need you to tell us everything that you told Tony..." You broke contact with Buck, as you looked at  Steve panicked. 

Y/N: "C-Can't I just hope you can trust me? Despite what Phoebe has done? I-I'm not her..."

Thor: " I'm sorry Lady Y/N...Phoebe is too dangerous...We must know what to expect..." You noticed how different, and drained everyone was...It's been a shitty 5 years it looks like...You couldn't help but wonder...Did you cause all this pain?

Y/N: " Fine...But, two things...Where is Tony? And after I tell you...I just need 5 minutes to catch up with my friends..." It took a minute for Steve to answer, as no one wanted to say it.

Stever: " Tony's gone. He saved all of us. He used the stones defeating Thanos and his army..."

(Flash back)

So...After your bitter sweet goodbye. You were left walking the streets alone. A tall man, with dark hair saw you crying to yourself. He has deep brown eyes, you could get lost in. His whole demeanor just screamed 'I'm worth it.' He was very skinny. and was genuinely concerned.

Lucas: " Hey-Are you alright?" You began to wipe the tears, trying to hurry and pull yourself together.

Y/N: "Uh-Ya!" You lied straight through your teeth. "Thank you though." You managed to say. You were trying not to take out your broken heart on an innocent man.

Lucas: "You don't look like you're alright...?" 

Y/N: " I am really..."

Lucas: " It looks like someone hurt you?"

Y/N: "N-No...No...I was just saying goodbye to some friends..."

Lucas: "What do you say I buy you a drink? We can talk about it? Or not...It's up to you..." He blushed shy like. 

Y/N: " Honestly?...I'd love that..." It would be nice to have someone to talk to outside of Steve and Buck. So, with that you two went to a near by cafe and began talking.

Lucas: " So? Let me get this straight? After repeatedly begging him not to enlist again, and to stay with you...He just...walked away?"

Y/N: " Y-Yeah...Basically... I get it if you don't understand."

Lucas: " No I get it. You didn't know how much time you had left because of his health. So, you wanted to spend it with him right?

Y/N: " Y-YES! Exactly!" 

Lucas: " So, why didn't you ask your other friend to stay?" He looked confused.

Y/N: " It was too late...I didn't know he was enlisting until he did it, and got approved...Plus...It's Buck...He always comes back...and I will forever believe that." After a while he stood up and began to do a little dance.

Lucas: " Well what do you say I get a dance?" You began to blush to and laugh.

Y/N: " Okay-Okay..."

You began to feel wanted. It was like every worry in the world meant nothing anymore. From there on...is where everything went down hill...

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