Trip and arrival

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Kayla Rose

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Kayla Rose

We got to the airport and checked out all our stuff and since we still had 30 minutes before our plane came we walked around the airport.

We found dr.juice and ordered some drinks, from an other shop we got grilled cheese and bagels, from there we went to a small shop and got sweets and chocolates.

After all that walking we went to where everyone sat to get on the plane and we waited there for a few minutes.

We heard a woman from the speaker saying that the plane had come so we got our luggages and got on the plane.

It was pretty exciting because I've never been on a plane before and I hope it will be a great experience to travel for the first time with your friends.

As we were preparing for take off Kristal started eating the chocolates and chewing loudly, we all looked at her giving her a 'really' look.

Jasmine broke the silence and spoke "without me!? Give me some chocolate"

We all laughed at her as she started eating the chocolate with a pout on her face.

The rest of the plane ride was pretty chill. We slept, listened to songs and just watched movies. I took some pictures of the clouds and the sky for memories.

It was a 7 hour flight, its been 3 hours since we've started flying and Madison slept the whole 3 hours.

Jasmine, Kristal and I ate some chocolates but we didnt eat the crunchie bars because those are Madison's favourite chocolate.

As I was watching a movie my eyes became heavy until the darkness engulfed me.

I woke up to being pushed and 3 phones all up in my face, I sighed and I rolled my eyes. "Piss off" was all I said before heading to the restroom, as I was about to open the door I was met with a hard chest and almost lost my balance.

I looked up at the person and let me just tell you...that's the most finest man I've ever laid my eyes on.

His eyes grey, sharp jawline line, slightly bushy brows, perfect nose, freckles scattered all over his nose and cheeks, big and pink plump lips and his shiny black hair,he's tall too.

I snapped out of it and quickly said sorry. I got in the restroom and closed the door shut, I sighed and did my business.

I flushed the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror and zoned out. I came back to reality when the speaker went off meaning that they were giving the food out.

I quickly washed my hands and got to my seat.

As I'm about to take my seat I'm met with grey eyes. He's the guy I bumped into on my way to the toilet.

We made eye contact for what felt like ages and I just snapped out of it and took my seat sighing and taking a bite of my sandwich.

I continued to watch my movie and eat more sweets.

*2 hours later*

I'm woken up by Jasmine and she tells me that we had just landed, I get up and take my bags. As I'm about to walk off the plane I'm met with familiar pretty grey eyes.

I smile at him and wave my hand, only for him to do same.

gosh he has a nice smile.

I get off the plane catching up to my friends and walking with them, we got in the airport and got some coffee then got our luggages.

We called a taxi to the hotel we are staying at and let me just tell you, I have never seen such a luxurious hotel.

We got to our room and went around our room, I went to the balcony and took in the fresh air. The view is great, giving me a view of the pool and the sandy beaches.

This was all great.



Sorry for the short chapter, next chapter will be longer!

Have a great day! :)
-Grace :)

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