The first mission

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SINCE we are in Melbourne we took my private jet to Queens land where my warehouse is.

Before we left the girls packed their clothes with them and came back in workout clothes.

They are actually really serious about this.

It's been 3 hours and all I can do is think about her, I can't get her out of my head she's all I can think about. I think I've come to start liking her a lot and whenever I'm with her I have unusual feelings that I've never felt with anyone else but her, I just hope that they aren't torturing her.

Now I'll have to tell her about my mafia, I hope that we will still be friends if that's what we are.

I talked to Tommaso and he located 3 of the German warehouses. We are going to all of the warehouses but first we are going to make a plan.

We arrived here in Queens land 4 hours ago and I called a meeting in the hall with all my men, gaurds, assassins and hackers.

Ben and Liam are training the girls even though they just started training I hope they are fast learners.

"So listen up everyone, a friend of mine has been kidnapped by the Germans and we all know all the things the Germans have done to our mafia, so we need to get her and kill them all."

"Tommaso you're on, explain to everyone where they will be going and who's going to be coming with Ben, Liam and I."

I left the stage and went to the training room, there I found the girls doing combat and let me just tell you, they are doing really great. On the side I saw Liam and Ben with their jaws dropped at how good they are.

"How are you guys so good in combat?" I asked stepping in the room.

"We took judo classes last year because we were bored of staying home." Jasmine shrugged then grabbed a towel.

"Okay so we will be going for Kayla in 2 days but Liam, Ben and I are going to be searching and spying on the Germans." I said starting to explain.

I couldn't sleep for the past seven hours, she's all I can think about and I'm going crazy without her touch and smell.

"What are you guys' special weapon?" I asked taking a seat next to them.

"Mine is the knife" Madison said. She threw the pocket knife that was in her hands and catching it later on spinning it.

"I have the gun" Jasmine said pulling the trigger and aiming on target, hitting the inner circle.

"I have the bow and arow" Kristal said putting the bow in her view and pulling on the bow also hitting the inner circle.


"It's been 7 hours and you guys have been training non stop, good job guys" I said. "Now let's see some more combat" I wrapped my hands in a hand wrap.

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