Belt stolen?!

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We later see the group at a rooftop as they all saw Sin Cara there as he was looking at the sun.

Ryuko: Sin Cara?

Ashton: What are you doing up here?

Cena: Sin Cara knows the legend of the bear more than anyone.

Mako: But why is he even here?

Cena: He has a flare for drama.

They then saw Sin Cara flip to them as Dimitri and Ashton clapped for him.

Mako: Oh now I see.

Satsuki: Can Sin Cara tell us about the ghost bear?

Cena: Doesn't need to, luckily I speak masked luchador.

Dimitri: So do I, Cena and I will try to translate our best.

They then saw Sin Cara doing some moves as he made his arms make the shape of a beast's jaws.

Rad: What's he saying guys?

Dimitri: He's saying that the ghost bear was originally a bear that was part of a traveling show. They named him Vicious, and for a good reason.

Cena: He had a mean streak a mile wide and twice as ugly and never been beaten ever.

Dimitri: Until it met Sin Cara Grande. Sin Cara's great great great grandfather. He challenged the bear on this very spot long before WWE City was built

Cena: The battle between man and bear was epic.

Dimitri: The bear was an unstoppable horrible beast but it was man that triumphed over the monster.

Cena: Vicious couldn't contain his anger and wrecked havoc on the town.

Dimitri: Many lives would have been lost that day if it hadn't been for Sin Cara Grande.

Cena: While saving the innocent townsfolk he was injured.

Dimitri: Sin Cara Grande would never wrestle again and the bear escaped to the woods in a cave never to be seen again.

Cena: Until now. Sin Cara believes that the spirit of the beast has been stirred by Wrestlemania itself.

Dimitri: Which is why the monster has risen from the grave to have its revenge but fear not because it's now Sin Cara's honor and duty to continue his great great great grandfather's legacy and protect WWE City at any cost.

The group cheered as Sin Cara took a bow and a few hours later the group was back at the rock yard with Ashton carrying a few dozen sushi platters as we see Dimitri and Cena were with him.

Cena: I can't believe you're still hungry after the big meal we just had.

Ashton: This is just a late night snack right D?

Dimitri: Yeah.

As they were walking Dimitri then noticed a table and saw Aj Lee, Triple H, Brodus Clay, Santino, and Miz sitting at it with Miz being in a wheelchair covered in casts

Triple H: I have half a mind to go out in the woods, find that bear and rip its head off!

Brodus: I don't know Triple H, it's awfully tough.

Santino: I say we should stick together.

Aj: What do you think Miz?

Miz: *in pain* Stick... together...

Ashton: Hey guys great matches today.

Aj: Thanks Ash.

Dimitri: We happen to overhear your conversation about the bear.

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