Rescue mission

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We see Dimitri as he was seen going through some files on a laptop as Ashton came to him.

Ashton: What are you doing?

Dimitri: I remember about when we were in Hope's Peak so I went back there and downloaded some files in that secret lab. (shows Ashton the laptop) It looks like that Junko had handed students from a class called class 77-B to Draven for experimental purposes.

Ashton: Might as well go and save them

Dimitri: It seems that Draven has them in a lab of his on an island. And I was able to pinpoint the exact location.

He then showed Ashton a map of the island Draven's lab was on as it was on an island in the pacific ocean.

Ashton: Then that's where we need to go.

Dimitri: Then let's go.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton as Dimitri was Steel Wing and Ashton was Astrodactyl as they were seen flying through the pacific ocean and were seen flying to an island as they see a base was there as they landed in the bushes as they looked to the the front entrance as they saw two guards guarding the entrance as they noticed the sides as one guard was walking by and the other had a guard as well as Dimitri and Ashton both grabbed rocks and threw them at the guards at the side as it hit them in the head knocking them out and fell to the ground as the two guards at the entrance saw them and came to them as we see Dimitri and Ashton both sneak in as we see them enter the base as we see them going down a hall as they saw a door open and went in to see a room with many chemicals as Ashton looked to see a paper with a formula as he read it.

Ashton: D, you might wanna see this. It looks like Draven was working on a serum that would make people obey only him.

Dimitri: So he's been making a mind control serum.

Ashton: And apparently he has made these (holds up a small vial of red gas) These are used to cure people of mind control.

Dimitri: Well we should take that with us. And I think we should both split up.

Ashton: Good idea.

We then see the two split up as we see Dimitri going through doors trying to find where Class 77-B was in as he then comes across a door and goes inside as he looks and sees fifteen pods and sees the people inside.

Dimitri: It must be them.

He then sees the door he went through close and locked.

???: So you actually came.

Dimitri then turned and looked as we see Draven step out of the shadows

Draven: And you've brought my son. Splendid.

Dimitri: Draven. What do you want?

Draven: Do you remember my offer from our first encounter?

Dimitri: Oh right, you wanted me to join you, why do you want me?

Draven: You see you are special, you are able to generate a powerful energy known as crimson energy just like your father, but you lack vision.

Dimitri: Really? How?

Draven: You may be able to control the energy but you cannot use it to its full potential, join me, and I will show you how to harness its power and become the most powerful being on earth.

Dimitri: Never, I'm a hero. Always have been, always will be.

Draven: I thought you would say that.

We then see Draven press a button as we see the pods start to open up as Dimitri watches as the students of Class 77-B stepped out of them.

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