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Mat's P.O.V.

My eyelids slowly opening I opened my mouth, a yawn rolling off of my tongue as I scanned the grey walled cell my eyes landing on the name carved out on the left wall.

A smile dancing on my lips as I read it over and over again. Preston.......Gosh he was pretty cute I'm not gonna lie.....Wires and all....Poor thing....I really do wish he could speak though....

Wait.........My eyes searching the cell once more my stomach dropped as I scanned the cell. No sign of Preston whatsoever.

"Preston?" I squeaked out my voice still hoarse as my body woke up. Worry starting to take me over I jolted upwards no longer in a laying position I continued frantically searching the cell.

The sound of metal grinding together caught my attention. Immediately whipping towards the sound relief washed over me as Preston's face stared straight back at mine.

"Rrrrrrrr...." Preston tried speaking once more his mouth open as the sound coming out of him sent shivers shooting down my spine.

Even his eyes were tempered with. One eye was green designed like a circuit board and his other eye was a light brown color, almost bronze colored.

"I really feel bad for you ya know.......It's not fair. You were able to talk before right? Like, I mean. Before...You know....The experiment?'' I piped up trying to start a conversation.

Hurt flashed across his eyes but he quickly hid his feelings closing his mouth as he nodded his head. So he could talk before.

"You really scared me before, so quiet. I thought they killed you or something." I spoke up my voice sounding sincere a reassuring smile lingered on his lips.

"............What do you think they're going to do to me Preston? I really hope it's not as bad as yours....No offense to you......I'm just afraid...." Confessing to Preston his whole body tensed

as his eyes grew losing eye contact with me as he went deep in thought. Obviously not thinking of something good.

Opening his mouth to speak he remembered he couldn't and quickly closed his mouth. Disappointment on his face.

"Be honest Preston, do you think I'll be alright?" I whimpered out Preston gave me a look of pity before slowly shaking his head. Tears forming in his eyes I let out a sigh.

Opening my mouth to say something a gun shot echoed across the area we were in causing me to jump out of my skin as I screamed.

Preston crawled into the corner bringing his knees to his chest and hiding his face in them. Footsteps quickly approaching our cell.

"HEY ROBOT BOY!!!! COME ON THEY NEED TO DO SOME TESTS!!" A guard shrieked slamming the door open he marched straight up to Preston snatching his wrist.

Preston's chest rising and falling he opened his mouth letting out an ear piercing mechanical shriek as he tried struggling. The guard whipping his hand to his back pocket he pulled out

a remote control flicking the button so that it turned on. Preston immediately standing upright obediently. The guard bending down he slung him over his shoulder as Preston layed limp.

The guard glaring at me before slamming the door closed locking me in once more. This time alone........The footsteps fading away I let a few tears slip out of my eyes.

It's true I just met him.......But I really care for him.....And now?.....Now he's probably going to be in a lot of pain....Extremely....

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