I'm Sorry.....

503 38 8

Jerome's P.O.V.

I stared at Preston. Silence the only thing from keeping us from talking to one another. Pity swelled in my heart as I stared at him.

The longer I looked at Preston. The worse I felt. An aura of sadness glowed around him as he hung his head in shame.

Preston's knees were tucked to his chest. Curled up in a little ball Preston sat in the corner.

Rocking himself back and forth slowly as tears spilled out of his eyes. The tears trickled down his face before splashing to the ground beside him.

Opening my mouth to speak up I quickly shut up as the cell door swung open. Preston continued staring at the wall.

Not seeming to care anymore, for now anyways. Panic swelled my heart as I saw four soldiers march into our cell. A whimper slipped out of my mouth.

My eyes widening I hid Mitch behind my back. Completely invisible to the troops they searched the cell.Scanning all of us their eyes finally landed on Mat.

"That the one?" The first soldier asked. The other three circled around Mat for a little while before one of them nodded his head.

"Pretty sure. Let's just take him and go." The second soldier answered. All of them nodding agreeingly they grabbed Mat's arms.

My stomach dropped as soon as they took him by the hand. Making their way towards the cell door.

Once outside of the cell they slammed the door closed and began to forcefully drag Mat to wherever they needed to take him.

Mat's eyes were wide and filled with fear. As if he was a wild animal that stumbled upon a house.

A ticking time bomb. Once they started moving Mat snapped. Bursting into an absolute frenzy as he tried to fight for his life.


Whipping around Preston's eyes went huge as he saw them trying to take Mat. Bolting upwards he leaped to the cell door.

Slamming on the bars he started to scream. Yelling Mat's name over and over again as Mat was dragged away.

Mat continued screaming Preston's name as Preston continued screaming his. Until they were both out of ear shot.

After Mat was out of our sight Preston collapsed onto the floor. Mumbling Mat's name over and over again.

Tears rushed down his face as he lay there. Preston flicked his wrist triggering the gun he had on his hand to come out.

Mitch continued hiding behind my back. No clue what was going on. I watched Preston confused as he stared at the gun.

Only realizing as he began to point it towards himself. Loading the gun with amo he brought it to his neck.

"PRESTON DON'T!!!!" I screamed. Diving for the gun I pinned his arm to the ground. A yelp coming out of Preston he turned to stare at me.

"WHY NOT!!!" Preston shrieked. His voice was hoarse yet powerful. The mechanical sound made him sound demented.

"You're worth it. Don't try ending it so soon. You have no clue what is going to happen, just wait it out.

I'll always be here to stop you." I pleaded. Preston looked at me for a few moments.

Hatred burned brightly in his eyes but it quickly turned to one of hopelessness.

Giving up he hid his gun into his mechanical pocket of his arm. Smacking his head repeatedly on the ground he just stopped and laid there.

In shock from the crazy and torturous experience he just had. Preston's mouth lay open. Yet his lips were moving.

Preston was mouthing two words, and I know exactly what those words were. One's I used so often.

I'm sorry....

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