Dream Boy

389 33 7

Rubbing my eyes gently I sat up, a yawn crawling up my throat I opened my mouth, letting the tiresome signal roll off of my tongue.

The yawn sounding more like a purr of a cat then a yawn. Biggums laid beside me, far from awake as were the others.

Struggling to keep my eyes to myself I directed my eyes to Preston. Curiosity getting the better of me I checked him out.

Never getting the chance to before. Preston's face was perfect. I admit he is a good looking man but, I got my Biggums, no love triangle here.

Preston's hair was scruffy, yet tody. Like the type of hair most girls want their crushes to have. Preston was practically a dream boy....

I wonder if he's gay? Hmph, a Gay robotic teenager, now that is something I would love to see happen! Oh wait......

Laughing at my obvious stupidity I glanced at Jerome, only making me laugh a little harder before continuing to check Preston out.

Preston's shirt was dry and crinkled, and his jeans had multiple rips and holes in them. Yet he seemed comfortable, so it shouldn't be that bad.

There were scars upon scars that layered his arms, a huge bruise lay on the last of his skin on his arm before it was covered up with metal.

Preston's fingernails were metal, not a single inch of skin showing on his arm but robotics. The metallic fingernails seemed razor sharp.

Looking like the perfect tool to make those scars....... Feeling my face soften at the idea I let my eyes go back to his peaceful looking face. How can someone so innocent and nice looking, get everything take away from them? Things aren't fair... Like....

I Have so many questions that need to be answered. I'm curious, but I'm scared to ask them at the same time. Especially to his face.

I can't just go up and ask about his past, you know how rude and selfish that would sound?

I'm a stranger, it would be kinda creepy for some random guy you're stuck in a cell with ask about you're past that you may or may not remember......

Totally sounds legit..... Not.


Hello Gummy Bears! I want to apologize for the lack of updates, I have been super busy sooo.... I want to make it up to you guys! I have a few options, maybe you want to choose one... Or two. But knowing you Guys you'll probably say all of them XD

Okay, so......

#1: Twenty Questions?

#2: Sneak Peeks and Prologues ;)

#3: Post A Rant Book (The Evil Scheme's Book? 0-0)

You choose, you decide ;)

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