The Slare

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Rob's P.O.V.

Tears falling down my face I tried wiping them away as I tried catching up to the other troops.

I didn't mean to call him a monster. I would never call him anything like that. I just don't understand what went wrong.

Emotions swarmed all over my body as I thought of Preston. It must have been because of what happened with the Guard.

The incident where he tried shooting him. It makes sense. All of it does. Focusing on the task ahead of me I ran.

My feet pounding against the empty corridor floors I closed my eyes as the wind rushed onto my face.

I was new here, so I would do as I was ordered. It seems like a smart idea. But I'm not so sure myself. What if they want me to hurt anybody?

I'm not heartless....Just a pansy soldier....That's all...No training with guns...Or weapons...Nothing. I'm just some peaceful guy.

Once caught up with the other troops I let my emotions drain out of me. Pushing the thought of Preston to the back of my mind.

I can't let him distract me. Even though I worry about him. Now isn't the time. Later maybe, but not now.

Directing my complete concentration on my job I gazed downwards. The gun the first thing that caught my eye.

I felt my stomach churn. I couldn't even imagine having to use it against anybody. It just wasn't my style.

Not paying attention to where we were heading I followed the other troops in my group into a dimly lit room.

Panic piercing through me I shot my head upwards. My stomach dropping as soon as I noticed what lay on the opposite side of the room.

It seemed like some sort of torture machine, some sort of machine that would definitely be used on the cyborgs...Wait...

Two guards stood beside the machine. Fear in their eyes whenever they looked at it. This can't be good. Whatsoever.

Their hands shook as they held the guns beside them. Just in case anybody tried to do anything funny. They obviously couldn't afford to mess this up. Biting the inside of my cheeks I waited. Trying my hardest not to freak out in a panic once the boss walked in.

The boss marched in front of the troops before marching to the center of the room. Clearing his throat loudly he began to speak.

"Now you're all probably wondering what this thing is, right?"

"Yes sir!" Everybody in the groups replied. Remaining silent I watched him. Needing to know what that machine was for.

"Well, this machine, is called a Slare. The Slare is basically a torturing machine. Want to know what it does?" The Boss replied.

"Yes sir!" Everyone responded once more. Yet again I remained silent. Too afraid to answer in case I said something wrong and was made a fool of.

"Well, the Slare has a metal suit inside of it. You push the cyborg in. It clamps the metal on top of the skin painfully.

And turns them into living robots. It is highly unlikely that they will ever be able to get out. Understood?" The Boss barked. His voice harsh and cruel.

"UNDERSTOOD!!!" The other soldiers boomed. Flinching at the loudness I felt my stomach drop at what The Boss said next.

"Now, I need four volunteers to go and get the original prototype." The Boss demanded. Four hands shot into the air and they were chosen immediately.

Smug looks on their faces they rushed off to go and get the original prototype.....My eyes widened as I realized...

They were going to get Preston.....No....No no no no no..........They can't do this! Opening my mouth to object no sound came out.

So I just stood there. Crying while everyone awaited to see what the Slare could do. I felt like dying to even think how much pain Preston would go through.

I shouldn't have fought with him....

I'm sorry Preston...

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