Robot Boy

431 31 2

(Matt's P.O.V)

Woozing in and out of a sleepless dream I let out a sigh. Listening to the sound of my breathing steadily slowing down. Exhaustion sweeping me off of my feet I let my eyes shut down.

Listening to the sounds of the silent, cold cell. Shuffles and sighs filled the room. As everyone lay down in a comfortable position.

Mitch and Jerome lay huddled in a bundle of brown fur and a fuzzy checkered hoodie. While I rested my head on Preston's lap.

The comfort and heat radiated around us. Almost like a blanket fresh out of the dryer that you snuggle into when you're cold.

It was perfect. Preston sat up straight and proud. His head lifted as he gazed at absolutely nothing. Too deep in thought to realize what was going on.

A loud sigh blowing out of his lips I let a smile crack onto my lips. Cold metal lightly bumped against each other as Preston shuffled about.

Silence swirled around before I heard someone calling out. Too tired to open my eyes I listened. Preston responded to the call.

The sound of shuffles smashes through the silence of the cold, damp cell. Feeling my head being lifted up I felt something hard and wet replace it.

Peeking one eye open I saw Preston running into somebody's hands. Who the hell is he? Not feeling any emotion I just watched.

I wasn't jealous, or angry, just a little..... Confused? Needing to know more i opened my other eye. Watching everything they did.Preston's hands caressed the mans back as they whispered to each other.

Each of them seeming to like one another more than The other thought. Preston liked me. As a friend, right? I don't mind. As long as I get someone worth while in the end I'm alright.

After all, I'm just a Robot Boy

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