A Guest

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--= Jerome's + P.O.V. =--

A loud voice boomed through the cell and a clock ticking were the two things that woke me up. A yawn rolling off of my tongue I lazily creaked my eyes open.

Only to be a little caught off guard by what I saw........A Blonde boy was holding Preston, cuddling Preston and Preston was cuddling back. And then beside them on the floor, was just Matt.

The boy did seem awfully familiar though. Thinking of my back story and my past my mind clicked this Boy almost immediately to one of my friends that I had before all of this happened.

Lachlan?........My stomach churning at the thought of it I hurriedly whipped around. Shaking Mitch carelessly I felt my heart soar as soon as my eyes locked onto Mitch's sleepy ones.

"Jerome? Why'd you wake me up?" Mitch groaned. Stretching on the cold floor lazily my heart practically melted at the sight of him.

"Well Mitch, I would love to watch you sleep as creepily as I could.....But we've got company over in our cell." I explained. Mitch's body stiffened a bit before relaxing into a sitting position.

While Mitch's face just showed clear confusion. Laughing at the cluelessness I pointed to the boy who seemed an awful lot like Lachlan.

Letting it take a few moments I saw Mitch's eyes widen in shock and surprise. A squeak escaping Mitch's lips he whipped around to look back at me, Mitch's eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Is that?!?" Mitch squeaked pointing at The Blonde I was now positive was Lachlan. Mitch absolutely speechless I nodded my head. Only causing Mitch's eyes to grow wider.

"Holy crap." Mitch commented. Laughing at the shock in Mitch's expression I turned around to see Preston and Lachlan staring deeply into each other's eyes.

Both of them humming a tune that they used to always sing together when one of them was not feeling well or had a problem.

They sang it every morning, every afternoon and ever night. It was a song that they used as hello, and goodbye. It was used oh so many times by them it was almost sickening....

Almost....But it was more romantic than anything else, and judging by how well their humming the tune right now, I'm guessing that they remember it too.

Wait.......Hold the phone for a second.....Does that mean that four out of six of us are gay? Damn, did not see that coming....

What a cute little surprise!!! 


BE OUR GUEST! BE OUR GUEST! PUT OUR SERVICE TO THE TEST! AND WE'LL SING YOU OFF TO SLEEP AS YOU DIGE- O.O........No?..........Nobody else thought of that song when they saw this?.......Okay then.....My bad >.<

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