Meeting The Bad Man

381 31 16

Rob's P.O.V.

A sigh slipped out of my lips as I gazed at the sleeping mutants in the cell. This isn't right......This is so wrong that it can't even have the definition of wrong.

It's so....Horrible...Especially to these innocent people. How can they bare this? Tears threatened to spill from my eyes when my gaze swept across the room and finally landed on the sight that hurt me the most.

 Preston and Matt. They're eyes were closed and a relaxed smile was laced on their lips as they dreamed of hope and happiness. Something that they would never find in a place like this. 

Or anywhere now that they look like that. The metal on Matt's body brought tears to my eyes. But it was clean, like a suit. 

Preston's metal was ragged, there were ivory claws where Preston's nails should be and wires were jutting out of his arms everywhere. 

There was a tiny circuit board on Preston's shoulder. And a small, black circle in the centre of his chest.   (Like iron man! :D 0-0......Sorry, continue)

The part that hurt me the most was the scars they carved into his arm. It used to be black from the colour of the ash and ember. But after the ash washed off it was pure white.

'Experiment 6204'

The numbers still give me chills down my spine when I think of it. Hearing footsteps coming my way I let out a sigh before continuing to stare at the boys in the cage.

They're all lying in there. Like animals in a cage. It's cruel, inhumane. It's life.......A single tear escaped my eye and rolled down my face in grief as the prisoners slept through the only peaceful times in their days.

Footsteps echoed around me but I paid little to no attention to the sounds. Too busy looking at Preston's angelic face of pure beauty.

The footsteps slowed down to a stop sounding a meter away from me. Keeping my eyes on Preston I didn't dare to look and see who it might be.

"Is that the cell the prototypes are in?" A voice spoke up. Cringing at the curiosity and coldness in the man's voice I nodded slightly. 

"Yeah, they're inside this one, But they're asleep. Why do you ask?" I questioned. My turn to ask. A small laugh puffed out of his mouth. 

Sounding more like a scoff than anything else. Not wanting to look at the man chills shot down my spine as soon as I heard the sound of the metal door smashing open. 

"Just don't hurt them!" I growled piping up. The man tensed at what I said, before slowly turning around to show me his face.

The Man was tall, his bright, blue eyes shined like headlights on the car in the middle of the night. They glistened with harshness and courage, but underneath I saw kindness and pain.

Just like everybody else here.....The man was tall and looked a little younger than me. Probably about a few years and his hair was gold, the lightest blonde you could ever see.

"I have to watch them. Besides, the Boss told me one of my old friends were here." The man answered. Sounding truthful I felt my face relax at what he said. Just a friend?......Oh......

"Hmm, Which one was your friend?" I questioned. My stomach pleaded for him not to say who I think he was going to say. But....The answer was not what I expected. 

"All of them." The man spoke. The man's voice cracked as soon as he said so causing me to look up. A feeling of pity pounded in my heart as I recognized the Assassin crying at the sight of them all.

"......My name's Rob." I introduced. Out stretching my hand towards the crying blonde that looked my age I saw a small smile grow onto his lips before reaching his hand out and intertwining ours with a handshake.

"I'm Lachlan."


:D YAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!! ANOTHER PLOT TWIST!!! SORT OF!!!! XD Sorry Gummy Bears, I just kinda had to. Besides, all of this was part of the plan.

And I know my plan very, very well >:)

But besides that creepy statement I wish you all the very best and Hope you guys have a great day and or night! See you next update!!

Sincerely, MisfortunateMC

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