The Boy From The Past

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--= Preston's + P.O.V. =--

The sound of a familiar hum beckoned me to open my eyes. The sound of the loving person who was humming caused me to be curious. But I needed to resist.

A yawn rolling off of the tip of my tongue I rubbed the crust out of my eyes. Rubbing away the dirt that collected under my eyes during the night.

Cracking my eyes open after the weight of my eyelids were lifted I began to sweep my gaze around the room. The silhouettes of sleeping friends made me smile brightly.

Continuing to keep my smile I paused as my eyes locked onto Rob. Rob glared at something that was above me. His hands balled into fists I stared at him.

.....What's his problem? Concerned about the rage that was roaring in Rob's eyes I poked my head up. Causing my gaze to look straight upwards.

And lock eye contact with a teary eyed boy that was staring back at me. My heart catching in my throat I looked at the boy. All the alarms in my head rang as I stared at the boy.

"Oh my......" I trailed off. A lump bulging in my throat the boy just seemed to smile even more. Excitement flickering brightly in the boys eyes a twinge of fear flickered in my mind.

"GOD!!! I MISSED ALL OF YOU!!!" The boy cried out.

Engulfing me in a hug I tensed. Unsure of what to do before my instincts kicked in, and I melted into the hug.

Wrapping my arms around the boy I let out a small whimper before answering the boy. The Boy from my past....

"I missed you too Lachlan." I choked out. Tears falling down both of our faces I heard the door slam. But paid no attention to it.

Pulling my head away from Lachlan I stared him in the eyes. A smile on my lips Lachlan just blushed. Seeming too happy for words.

"You're as handsome as I remember." I murmured. Brushing strands of hair out of Lachlan's eyes he just smiled at me before I rested my head on Lachlan's chest.

Listening to the calm, steady heart beat. I missed him so much...... And I didn't even remember him.... But now? Now I do..... And I love him even more.

"I could say the same to you Preston." Lachlan cooed. Lachlan pulling his hand through my hair and playing with it I smiled.

Closing my eyes and letting out what sounded like a purr as I sat there with him. Curling into Lachlan's lap, I let all the memories of us sink in.

Remembering extras, like field trips or expeditions in the forest with my brother. Jumping in puddles with my siblings.

Causing years to slip down my face and cause me to gasp once or twice as I remembered my family and friends.... While Lachy held me in his arms.

I had friends..... A family...... A boyfriend who loved me! A purpose....... And they took it all away..... Left me with nothing...

But a part of it came back.....

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