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Preston's P.O.V.

"FIIIIIIIVE YEARS OF BEING ALL ALONE ON A BATTLE FIIIIIIIELD!!!" A voice sang. My eyes widening at the voice I whipped around to see a man, laying on the ground laughing.

Oh......A dellusional..... Poor man.... A sigh escaping my lips I strolled over to the man. Hoping in anyway if I could help.

"Are you okay man?" I questioned. Concern filling my voice the man rolled over, locking eye contact with me and almost immediately bolting upwards.

"Oh gee I'm sorry! Ah, no! No I'm fine I just.... I mean you're just..... Please don't kill me!!" The man pleaded. Getting up shakily to his feet I watched the poor man.

"I don't kill people!! The General does!!" I defended. Raising my arms up in surrender I immediately saw something flicker in his eyes.

The silence tensed the area as he stared at the ground....Deep in thought after what I said earlier....Nobody cared though, they all just don't realize....How horrible we actually all are...

"....Why would anybody do that?" He spoke up, shivers shooting down my spine I snapped my head upwards. Answering him in a heart beat.

"Fear.....We've all been there...Everyone has...They build us up into a machine...Cyborgs...

He wants order, and the fastest way of getting it is if your subjects are afraid....

People tried fighting for us...Just ended up making more of us....We're all mechanical...I don't even remember how I look like anymore....

All because of a crazy ass man who wants to rule.....My friend Mat.....Got the worst of it....He's not even human anymore....

A complete robot with a hidden heart and brain isolated and tucked away
shadowed over and hidden by wires and metal.....

And we're all just kids...A bunch of teenagers.....I've been in here with Mat since I was five....Now we're here...Standing on a battle field....

Programmed to kill, forced to hurt people we don't want to.....All my friends died away, the others that were left are long gone.

Last time I saw them was when the military base exploded!..... But that was a long time ago...

Everyone here knows it's wrong.....But yet we don't stand up for ourselves....All because we're afraid...." I spoke up my voice going staticky at one point.

Flinching when I talked about my friends I stared at the man who was too deep in thought to realize....We may look like robots....But we're still human on the inside...

"Why don't you obey?" The man spoke up and I glared at him, scanning his body. Thoughts racing in my head as I thought of executing him but I pushed the programming away...

"I'm not like the rest.....The last man standing if you could even call myself that.....I act like I obey...Say I'll kill someone drag them outside the room and tell them to run...

You're saying you prefer me to kill people?" I questioned my teeth sharpening instantly as fear flashed on his face.

"No, no....What's your name?" The man asked quickly changing the subject. My eyes widening as soon as the words hit my ears.

''M-My name? My name is 6204, but if you mean the other one....I am Preston....Preston Blaine Arsement..." I announced earning a nod from him.

"I'm Rob, and I believe we have some unfinished business go attend to Preston..." Rob greeted causing my lips to stretch upwards into a grin. I haven't heard that name in so long....

"Yes I believe we do, shall we start where we left off?" I questioned. Bowing jokingly in front of the teenage soldier boy.

"Yes, except this time, we'll build from the runes. And not destroy them." Rob commented.

Taking my hand in his the smile on my lips widened as I intertwined our fingers.


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