Our Paradise

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I felt my heart skip a beat as soon as the footsteps stopped in front of Mat and I's cell.

My head snapping upwards unwillingly I felt my eyes grow at what was being put in our cell.

A gasp slipping out of my mouth I bolted upwards. Rushing into Jerome's eyes I felt my vision blur as tears filled my eyes.

My hands spreading across his back I stood there. My head rested on his shoulder as I listened to his breathing.

Both of us not paying attention to anything else we stayed in our own little dark paradise.

Preston's P.O.V.

Mat scanned me up and down. Checking out every single little thing about me. My feet shuffling below me I waited for him to say something yet he remained

silent the whole time. Alone with his judgemental thoughts I continued to wait. Jerome and Mitch were off doing their own little love thing

I slowly started to retreat to my thoughts. The only place I was safe from society.

My thoughts wandered, trying to focuse on my past before the experiment but it was all a blur.

Tears started to well in my eyes but I fought them back. I don't remember anything, anyone, or my family of my past....

Did I have one? Were they mean? Were they amazing, did I have siblings? A pet? Did I have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? I need to know. But I don't think I ever will.

Rob might know, but he's only a Guard that watches us. The only nice one as well. Why is everything so complicated?

I just want my old life back.Because anything is better than this....

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