He Changed

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Mat's P.O.V.

Gun fires pounded around in my ears as I listened. Absolutely mortified as screams blared around the building.

Preston's screams causing my stomach to drop everytime another gun shot went off. Chills shooting down my back whenever they silenced.

Whipping around after the sounds went completely silent. I felt taken aback as I saw Mitch rocking back on forth on his knees in the corner.

His eyes wide and bloodshot as if he just witnessed something horrible like a murder or terrorist attack.

"Jerome..." Was all he said. Mitch's voice barely audible I felt my left eyebrow raise as soon as he spoke the name. Who was Jerome?

Opening my mouth to speak up. I quickly snapped it shut as I heard footsteps coming towards our cell.

The only thing keeping the area from silence. My gaze shifting towards the noise I flinched as it came to a stop.

My eyes shifting upwards I felt my eyes grow as I saw Preston and another mechanical cyborg staring through the bars.

The Guard swinging the door open he pushed them in before slamming the door closed and walking away. (He locked it don't ask)

"JEROME!!!!" Mitch screamed his body flying towards the other boy beside Preston. I smiled as the one called Jerome opened his arms

as Mitch landed in them. Mitch's head rested on Jerome's chest as they swayed back and forth lovingly.

Awwwww! Preston shuffled away from them. A laugh escaping his lips as he walked away from them.

"Well, that's cute." Preston commented a huge grin on his lips he turned to look at me but all I could do was stare at him.

The scarred, shy Preston I met is no longer. He changed, his arms were wrapped with muscle and his eyes were completely green, red and blue.

 Like circuit boards. His brown hair is now flat and styled. The innocent emotions and expressions are now replaced with cool, tough guy looks.

 The metal on his arms and body are no longer dented but shiny and looks brand new.

"Well somebody hit robot puberty." I commented earning a laugh from him as he heard what I said. At least his laugh didn't change.

"I know right." Preston replied sarcasm in his voice he flexed his muscles on his arms. Winking at me he laughed before letting his arms lay limply on his sides.

He changed....A lot.....But I still love him...

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