The Soldier

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--= Preston's + P.O.V. =--

"I wish we could stay this way forever Lachlan." I cooed. Cuddling my head onto Lachlan's chest Lachlan hit giggled a bit as a response.

"Yeah, I wish so too." Lachlan agreed. Smirking at the agreement I sat up fully in Lachlan's arms so I was just sitting in his lap while Lachlan cradled me back and forth.

Gazing into Lachlan's deep blue eyes I noticed a silhouette out of the corner of my eye. My heart fluttering at the thought I whipped around, hoping to see Rob but only to see someone else....

The General.....My eyes widening in fear I curled up into Lachlan even more. Trying to hide in Lachlan's arms. Lachlan wrapped his arms around me tightly but I knew this wasn't going to last.

"Alright Come on!!" A voice called out. The voice sounding agitated I jumped out of Lachlan's arms. Only to find a The General glaring at all of us.

"What are you talking abut General?" Lachlan questioned. Standing up as he did so the General just chuckled before whipping out handcuffs and marching towards us.

The cell door swinging open from The Generals scan he immediately stalked over to me. Fear flashing in everyone's stunned eyes I bolted up and started racing around the cell room.

The General sprinting after me I just continued to run. Tears of fear threatening to spill from my eyes I bolted out of the door and down the hallway.

Where I full on let out my sobs. Tears streaking down my face I listened to the heavy footsteps of what was behind me. Taking one quickly glance backwards I saw nothing until I whipped back around and full on collided with somebody. Both of us tumbling to the ground I immediately started to crawl away but my heart sank as I heard the General's voice......

"HOLD STILL PROTOTYPE!!!" The General barked. Seeming agitated with me I immediately felt my body go still....Oh no.....

My gaze locking onto the Generals I saw madness in his eyes. Knowing I was caught I squeezed my eyes shut. Not wanting to see myself being imprisoned again.

Turning my head away from the sight of The General I felt the cold, hand cuffs snap onto my most human like wrist and snap onto whatever was beside me.

"I don't need anymore prototypes." The General sneered. Turning away from me my breathing started to grow quicker. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers rushed by me.

Each willing to glance at me with pity. And each one who stared at me stared at me with shock, fear, and hope dying in their eyes the longer they ran.

"You got twenty minutes....Good luck!" The General called out before disappearing completely. Confusion swirling in my mind I felt my eyes widen as I heard a faint sound of a clock ticking......

I'm going to die.....

Rob's + P.O.V. =--

The tears streamed down my face. Miserably trying to hide them by bowing my head I knew in my heart there was no use.

I mean.....I fell in love with an experiment! A metal man! One that should be harsh....One that should have no heart......Like a soldier....

Slowly sweeping my gaze to my uniform I almost gagged at the camo that we wore inside the building. I don't get it though.....

Why do we need to wear war suits inside a secret facility? It doesn't really make any sense to me.... But I guess its only me!

At least their comfortable.....Sort of..... Lost deep in thought about a little rant of the camo war suits I was interrupted by an announcement.


YOUR CHOICE!!! HAVE FUN!! AND GOOOOOD LUCK!!!" The General boomed into the monitors. My eyes widening at the statement I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

One thought flashing through my mind I immediately whipped around and rushed back to wherever Preston's cell was.

Hold on Preston!.... I'm coming.....

Poofless: Built From The RunesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang