Destination Reached

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Mitch's P.O.V.

The guards held my arms in back of me as they dragged me down the hall. Staring at the ground I felt tears flood down my face.

They......They almost killed Jerome.....He almost died.....They took him away from me....Poor Jerome....How could they do something so cruel...To someone so....Innocent...

We never did anything...Why do WE have to be here?!?.....Whatever....I'm sure wherever they're taking me is going to be pure h*ll....

Watching my feet as they skidded across the concrete floor I glanced sideways seeing rows upon rows of cells....Oh....Great....Now I know where there bringing me....

Prison....I've always wanted to go to prison...But with my Biggums beside me....

Guard's P.O.V.

I froze in my tracks causing Experiment #- I mean Preston to notice and stop as well. Concern on his face I motioned my head to the left and he followed the direction.

His face paling as soon as he saw what I was nodding to.....Our destination......Preston's eyes growing wide he whipped around to face me.

"Preston....." I whimpered gazing into his eyes, a sigh escaping through his lips he stared downwards breaking eye contact with me.

"I know..." Preston replied, my heart feeling like it was being stabbed I opened the door to the cell. My heart shattering into a million pieces as soon as Preston walked into the cell....

He doesn't deserve to be in there....His eyes meeting with mine I gazed at him one last time before closing the cell door and locking it.

"It's my job Preston....I'm sorry..." I whispered tears threatening to fall from his eyes I turned around, walking away before he could even respond...

I hate my job......

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