Heart Break

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Preston's P.O.V.


The laughs died down immediately as soon as we heard noise outside of the cell. The sound of multiple footsteps pounded in my ears.

My eyes slowly widening I whipped my attention to everybody else. Mat stood there, his whole body shaking as his teeth chattered.

The tension getting to him. Jerome and Mitch shot each other a feared glance. Colliding their hands together. Calmed by the presence of each other's touch.

But not by much. The soldiers finally came into view. Army clothing was laid on their bodies. All of them in a line of four by four.

Their belts were armed with multiple weapons. A tazor was tucked in each of their pockets. As a gun swayed from their belt.

The gun making me uneasy I directed my attention to the back row of soldiers. All of them wearing some sort of army cap.

One a general would wear. They were definitely going somewhere. But where I have no clue.

"Anybody else panicking on the inside?" Mat spoke up. Mat's voice sounding choked. I forced a smile onto my lips as Mitch and Jerome nodded agreeingly.

Silence swiped across the cell as we waited for the last group to pass. My stomach dropping when they did.

Immediately spotting Rob I felt my blood run cold. What was he doing in an army troop?!?! Curiosity and nerves getting the better of me I called his name.

"Rob?" I questioned. Gaining his attention he turned. Rob's reflexes causing him to whip around.

I saw his eyes nearly pop as soon as they landed on me. A huge blush laid on his face as he stared straight into my eyes.

Obviously not sure how to react. The gun seeming misplaced on his waist. The tazor in his pocket made me feel ill and uneasy.

"Oh my gosh!! Preston?!?!" Rob choked out. Almost sounding as if he was about to cry. Rob's voice hoarse as if he didn't believe I was right in front of him.

"Rob, I need to speak with you, what's going on?!?" I wondered. Curiosity killing me on the inside he refused to answer.

Anger and fear flickered around his face. The expressions he was going through showed on his face. And right now, I swear Rob looks like he's about to slap me.

"No, go away, you hurt a human. You hurt a person!" Rob blurted out. Mitch and Mat turned towards me.

The question hummed in the air yet they didn't dare speak. Opening my mouth to object I snapped it shut.

Over thinking what he just said mere moments ago....A human....A human..Not, your kind....A human...As if it were another species.........No.......

"A human? Oh....Ok...A human....Not, my kind or anything right? I'm just a robot. A cyborg." I spoke up, my voice dull I stared at him.

"I never said that." Rob defended but I interrupted him.


BECAUSE IF SO JUST WALK AWAY RIGHT NOW ROB!!!" I snapped. My eyes narrowing I saw the green scope into my vision.

No longer normal I stared at him. Opening his mouth to speak up he quickly closed it. Starting to walk towards the cell I pounded on the cell bars.

"LEAVE ROB!!!" I bellowed. Tears trickling down my face he stared at me.

Shifting his body he turned around and walked back to the other troops. Silence dimmed in the cell as all of their eyes laid on me.

"Preston-" Mat tried but I interrupted him as well.

"I'm a human too Mat, I know, I don't care." I scolded. The silence staying I hid in the corner.

My knees buckling I let myself smack my knees on the cold, stone floor. My head snapping upwards slightly I read my name over and over again....

Why do I have a name.....A life....If I'm only here to be used as a....Weapon....

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