I'm a prick but wow P2

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Part two.

Not four hours later was I driving back to Izzy's. I parked around the corner and walked the rest of the way.

It was not my first time climbing through a chicks window but it was the first time climbing through the window of a Finlay girl, so it was safe to say I was off my game.

She was standing, waiting for me. In her hand was her phone, our text conversation, effectively a classy booty call, up.

"I'm shook you actually had the balls to do that."

"I'm offended you doubted me," I said to her, smirking.

I didn't know what we'd plan to do, as I took off my North Easts jumper and pulled her down with me onto her bed. But she tasted sweet, like mint, when she kissed me and it drove me fucking wild.

In the darkness I let my hands wonder, feeling the bumps and grooves of her body. She was so soft in my hands, and I wanted to take my sweet ass time and hear her moans over and over in my ear, but her goddamn parents stopped us.

They were fighting, screaming at each other. Mrs Harris was telling Mr Harris that he was a fucking pig and Mr Harris was screaming back you're a crazy bitch.

I breathed heavy and closer my eyes, my mind going back to my own parents. Izzy's hand on my chest clenched over my shirt. There was a loud crash and I flinched. Get off me, get off me, get off me - merde, malaka - Izzy massaged her fingers into my shoulder blades. I closed my eyes.

"That's just Mum hurling something at Dad." And when I didn't reply, she stopped touching me. My heart was beating so fast it hurt, it actually hurt like it was going to fall out. "What can you smell?" Flowers, magnolia and roses, your perfume. "What can you hear?" Your voice. "Open your eyes," she commanded. "What can you see?" You, sweetheart, I can see you.

"Sorry," my voice was shaking. So not cool.

"Babe I once had a panic attack from looking at a pencil sharpener, you're fine."

"Let's get out of here." I insisted, getting shakily back to my feet.

Izzy stood there, and turned her ear to her arguing parents. She quickly nodded. Izzy changed into my North Eastwood Giants hoodie and a pair of trackies so big she had to roll them at the ankles and the waist.

Mr Harris told Mrs Harris that he didn't give a fuck about what happened anymore - and still Izzy joked. "No one in my family finds out about me wearing a North Easts jumper Cole." Izzy warned, as I took a picture on Snapchat and saved it.


Izzy didn't need my climbing out of her window. In fact, she was the one who guided me through the dim light down the roof tiles and over the side fence. As we walked to my car, I took her hand in mine. She squeezed it, hard.

In the car, Izzy leaned over and rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed, one hand still on the wheel.

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