Daddy's Girl.

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Sam had fallen asleep just as Alison Dilaurentis was telling a Halloween story.

I unwound myself from her grasp, and closed her laptop. I pulled the blankets up to her chin and flicked off the light, hovering for a moment in the doorway.

I left her curled up, her arms around a fluffy, lion shaped teddy I had gotten her last Christmas.

I hoped Alex and Jace had left by this point, so I could clean up the mess that was left in peace and then call Izzy again to get what the doctors had really said, not the sanitized version she had to say for Sam.

I had almost forgotten that Jace had kissed me moments before everything collapsed, but when I heard his voice, I felt the warmth creep up my cheeks.

I jumped behind the door separating the back half of Sam's house to the middle and clenched my teeth together. I remembered the softness of his lips against mine, and giggled a little.

Laying on the shag rug on the lounge room floor, was a whole group of people. I stood, my hands on my hips and felt my eyes narrow.

"We heard this is where the real party is at," Ava mumbled, from behind Keira's shoulder.

"For fucks sake," I muttered and my period cramps became almost crippling.

I clenched my hands over my stomach and looked around, my lip curled back. I tried to groan silently and push past the cramping.

Not everyone was had come across to Sam's, but it was enough to make my stomach cramp. Still Ava, Keira, EJ, Amory, and some of Aggie's crew didn't need to be in Sam's house, and I was dangerously close to throwing shit to really hammer that point home.

I had watched Sam's Mamma's take her siblings into the front half of their house and close their doors, but Jesus Christ, my mind was over run by thoughts of Sam's bloody clothes in the bin.

"Finch is in the spare room," Am told me and I felt a scream rise in my throat.

EJ sauntered up to me, smoke hanging from the corner of his mouth. His hands gripped my shoulders as he massaged my flesh. "I'm not gonna be some straight drunk guys experiment."

"Okay, babe."

"All those boys from Dad's need to stop popping pills and thinking they can fuck around with whatever or who ever they want."

"Yeah. I agree." 

Alex was chewing on his shirt collar. He sat silently next to me, putting his hand over mine. "Sam okay?"

"She's asleep."

"I'm gonna go lay with her."

I half rose, grabbing onto Alex, my eyes frantic. "Don't wake her up."

"I won't, I'll just make sure she's okay," he told me earnestly and I smiled at him.

"Did you hear Landon's dad is gonna be let out of jail?" Keira was asking Amory, and I flinched, rubbing my nose.

"Crazy aye, can you imagine being the cop that is responsible for him getting out on a technicality."

I rested my elbows on my knees and hunched over, my eyes drifting shut. They had but on the news and I heard the late night coverage hound Landon for answers.

I could imagine the little shit eating grin that would take over Landon's face as he dodged the questions. Michael had been crowned king again, which meant Landon was a prince once more.

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