Fights over friends.

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We weren't allowed to leave Yorkie 'informally dressed'.

By the time Corey and I had changed back into our winter uniform after training, the boys were still peeling stickers off Cole's windscreen. Without much coercion, we helped them. Cole was reasonably calm about the entire thing. All he did was give Alex and Jace compelling gaze which was reassuring and frightening at the same time. It seemed he was not above retaliation.

A few minutes into the ordeal a masculine, brash voice mused from behind us. "What did you do to deserve that?" I suppressed a gasp and giggle at Angel Enders unexpected appearance.

Mr Enders was Easts football coach. Six years previous he had been expelled from Yorkie in his final year and forced to transfer to Easts, the event which had led to the rivalry between the schools. We had been in year 7, and even now I remembered Angel wrecking havoc. One instance -- which finally got him expelled --  saw him set off fireworks on the school oval. Now he stood before us, with his notably fiercely golden eyes, chin length black hair and a reputation that over shadowed it all.

"How'd you boys pull up after the game?"

"Good enough." Cole shrugged, tearing off the last sticker. He refused to turn and face Mr Enders.

"We should invest in a masseuse." Alex rubbed his shoulders, strapping tape peaking through his shirt.

Mr Enders rolled his eyes, and said quite frankly. "Yeah, with a public school budget, we'll do that." Angel turned his sought after attention on us, and found Izzy's cold smirk. He took in her dark auburn hair, round hazel eyes and peculiar demeanour. "You're a Finlay then?" Finlay -- Izzy's mums maiden name. She squared her shoulders and raised her chin, ridged and defensive at the mention of her family and against his accusing tone.

"Yes," Izzy said. He ran his hands through his dark hair. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to stop a smile.

He dropped his eyes to the ground. "Say hi to Blue for me." Izzy didn't bother to reply, and he didn't bother to wait. He saluted the boys and sauntered toward the team bus, waiting for him. The other Easts football boys were hanging out the windows of the coach, hollering at Alex, Jace and Cole.

"Well that was highly uncomfortable," Corey said for all of us, watching the bus pull out of Yorkie's green gates.

"Who's Blue?" Jace bent down to the asphalt, picking up all the ripped stickers advertising BBL.

"Cousin." Izzy threw her school bag over her shoulder. She folded her arms across her chest, before she shared a smile with Cole.

"The doctor?" He taunted her, and she scrunched up her face at the mention of Ava's party.

"The social worker."

Alex absentmindedly wrinkled his nose. "What kind of name is Blue?"

"Well it's a nickname, so shut up." Izzy reached around and slapped Alex across the forearm he feigned injury.

"Can't be as bad as your nickname, Alex." Cole popped the trunk, and the boys threw their bags in carelessly. I spotted bottles and cans of alcohol.

"What's his nickname?"

"It's not really appropriate for a PG audience." Jace tackled him, dragging him into a headlock. Alex let himself be subdued, the boys not exactly evenly matched.

Sudden and violent contact reminded me of netball, and in turn triggered something I was meant to tell Izzy on behalf of the coach. "Coach says if you wanna play next game, you've got to train privately with her and prove you're fit."

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