Bad boys can get in trouble? Really?

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photo of Sam above!



Jace's dad had recently purchased the largest house in Eastwood, as a result of an early onset existential crisis.

It was a 3 story French Chateau built in the middle of the Australian bush. Where the conservatory was now a recreational room, complete with glass walls and ceiling. The flooring was 1920's Venetian tiles, and in the middle of the sun room laid a swimming pool. It was safe to say Jace got his flare for the dramatic from his dad. Anyway, it was 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, with a marble staircase, so by our second night here Cole and I had our own permanent private rooms. Fully furnished. I mean fuck me sideways.

Jace's room was still almost empty and not decorated. His room overlooked the extensive backyard, the high windows allowing the light to pour in. Everything was either black, white or grey. The only photo in the room was perched upon his wardrobe, and it was of the three of us.

"Do you reckon that Izzy chick is okay?" Jace asked.

"What's on tonight?" Cole asked, changing the subject abruptly. I rose my eyebrows at him, but he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Nothing Going On and BBL are playing at Blonde tonight." I got a notification on my phone, telling me about it that morning. Nothing Going On and BBL were bands comprised of people who had recently graduated either Yorkie or Easts. Blonde was the only club around if you didn't want to go all the way to the city. It was an 18+ venue but the bouncers had a habit of letting anyone in.

I let them talk amongst themselves, as I look the girls up from last night on Facebook. On a whim I sent all three a friend requests, and waited for the boys reactions. I fiddled with the holes in my jeans, waiting for their replies.

"Right, I'm going for a smoke." Cole pushed up from the couch he was laying on. He reached over into my bedside table and pulled out a pack of smokes. He winked at me, falling over himself to ruffle my hair with his dirty nails.

Jace smirked. "You're going for a hook up more like." I let out a burst of laughter, as Cole's cheeks flushed.

He paused in the doorway, licking his lips. "Well I'm not. But if I was I'd say, sex is a perfectly normal and healthy bodily function." Jace and I laughed harder as he floundered for a defence. He groaned, flipping us off and fleeing the room. "And you-" He pointed a slender finger in my direction. His nails were chewed, dirt piled underneath. "Do you even remember last Friday?" I chuckled in response and we reached out to tap hands.

"That's not the point. Three different girls a week Cole, is not safe!" Jace called to him as he was leaving.

Cole turned back to us, "Who said anything about girls?" He winked, and left.

Still grinning, Jace turned to face me. "I'm gonna go to the shops, get some things, wanna come?" Their maid, Sofia, was on maternity leave for like the tenth time and they didn't want to get another one, so Jace was forced to do the shopping.

"Nah mate, I'll stay here and take a look at Cole's car."

Jace and I had only been friends since he moved back here, but we had taken to each other quickly. Plus, we had messaged back and forth a bit when he was in Canada. Mostly about Cole. About how worried we'd both been about Cole. Adding to that, our dads were childhood best friends.

Somebody Else ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora