final authors note.

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So, I don't know how or why I've been writing this book for the past 6 years, but I have.

It was been through many incarnations. At one point, the girls were in charge of the Australian Mafia??

But I can confirm this is the last incarnation, its done. I know there are still grammar mistakes, I know some things don't flow as well as they should, but it's over.

I have given everything, for the past 6 years, to this book. I simply have no more left to give to it.

I started this as a love letter to my friends, with no other purpose than to make them smile. Over the years, its transformed into something that not only has entertained them (I hope) but has given me an outlet to vent.

When I was fucked up, so was Izzy. When I wanted to get better, so did Izzy. My friends were struggling and didn't know what to do? I put it in the book.

Our lives, at 16, felt like they were falling apart? That went into it.

This book is patch work of our lives, and I thank my two closest friends for lending their names to a story we started together, as kids.

And I want them to know, as I finish it, I remember all the nights we spent plotting it out together.

I hid in linen closets at parties and sat in the bathroom of clubs to write this. I took days off school and took notes on what my friends were saying, because I wanted each and every one of them to be apart of it.

To this day, my friends message me saying, omg I saw a guy who looks like Cole today! Or dude, (insert name here) is acting like Alex. Or, (and my personal favourite) he's got more money than Jace.

It's been a wild ride, and I cannot believe its over. Catchya on the flip.

With all the love in the world,


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