EJ's Elixir.

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I woke up with a headache that might've been from a hangover, or from the realization that the night before I had graduated from fucking high school.

I laid in my bed, and gazed up at the ceiling. Fuck, I thought after a moment, what am I supposed to do now?

I mean, we still had to sit our final exams and wait with fear until the results came in the new year, but still. What the fuck should I do now?

I floundered out of bed and fell onto the floor. My room was a mess, with dirty clothes and text books I had cleared from my locker on the floor. I picked my school diary and flicked through, reading the reminders, the notes my friends had written me, and the bits my teachers had written. I found something that Mr Enders had wrote to me, breathe, you got this, in capital letters on the day of a test and I smiled.

I tore the page of the diary out and shoved it in my beside table.

I fell back asleep, with my head against the edge of my bed and my mouth dry. I curled my legs up to my chest and coughed, my cheat pinching.

I dreamt about an alien invasion that took place in a field of sunflowers and in my half asleep half concious state, I promised myself to never let Cole talk me into drinking and following it up with that much weed again.

I jerked up as I heard laughter, and awoke to find Alex and Cole's faces in mine. "What's happening?" I wheezed, as Cole shoved me in the shoulder.

Cole ruffled my hair, and dragged me from the floor. "Kick ons."

I groaned. "Here?"

"You betcha," Alex yawned, throwing open my curtains.

I threw myself onto my bed, eyes burning. "Does Danny know?"

"Yep, he okayed it."

"Dude, really? After last night though?" I rubbed my head, and pouted at the memory of getting munted at The Bowl after visiting the Abrams. I felt my bed jerk as Alex and Cole jumped on my bed, pulling away the blankets. "Jesus, okay!" I finally caved in. "What time?"

"Like 9ish. But we've been summoned to Sam's house."

"What for?"


"Fuck, what time is it now?"


I don't remember showering, or putting on fresh clothes, but apparently I did. Cole handed me my wallet and Alex my phone, and we stumbled out of my house to Sam's. I could hear Danny locked away in his office as we left.

When we walked to Sam's, in the twilight, I was in that strange state after you wake up after sleeping the day away. My head felt backwards and the cold hair was not making it better.

EJ opened Sam's back sliding door for us, and as he did her dog ran between our legs. He was wearing a matching gold and white short and shirt set, a smoke dangling from his lips.

"Fuck boy, you're looking fine." Cole whistled as EJ did a little spin, and EJ rose his eyebrows.

"Excuse me, you're fucking Izzy, watch it."

"Keep it in your pants, bub!" Izzy called, and I glanced around the back passage for her.

Cole smiled and ran through the house to her. Izzy was on the floor in Sam's room, doing her hair, and groaning over the pain in her arms as she tumbled her curls on top of her head.

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