When We Were Kings.

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You see, the thing about the teenagers of Eastwood, was that we were pack animals.

And so the day the last ATAR exam was sat, we took a leaf from Mr Angel Enders book. We snuck onto the oval of Yorkie, and we lit it up with fireworks.

It was the last time we would all be together, the students from Yorkie, Mum's, Dad's and Easts. We stood in our uniforms, which were mandatory to wear to exams, for the last time.

The night was cold, and we stood huddled together. I had Sam in my arm. She had come back from the city just in time to witness this, visiting her father. He had relapsed twice since his hospitalization, and was back rehab.

She was convinced she flunked her exams because of that, but I kept reminding her that she was the most important woman in the universe and could do whatever she wanted. In my eyes at least.

Jace stood at the center of the gathered group, his arms buried in Corey's leaves jacket. He was kissing her forehead, much to everyones delight.

Ava and Keira were shivering, huddled together, with EJ's arms around both of them.

Aggie and the Mum's girls passed around a bag of marshmallows, and the Roger twins stole them, causing a game of chasey to erupt.

The Fontaine brothers had been dealing all night, as more of us started to turn 18 and clubbing became more and more popular.

The Seven Sins boys hadn't come. Their serious initiation had begun, and I hadn't even seen Landon since the day at The Crooked Saint.

Joel stood, with Hugo's arms around him, pointing out the stars. Sloane chilled with them, correcting Joel on his mistakes.

Isaac was with his boys, keeping a good distance between him and Corey. I think he knew we'd fuck him up, if he didn't.

Behind us all stood the grand buildings of Yorkie, shiloutted black. I could see the white lights of the cars that rushed by the school, and I could smell the nostalgic mixture of alcohol and smokes.

EJ turned toward Yorkie and raised his middle finger up to the structure.

Cole was trying to light the fireworks, from the smoke he had taken from his lips. It wasn't going well for him, and we shouted for him to hurry the fuck up, bitch! We're fucking freezing!

Cole and Izzy had done like they promised. No more smiling to evade questioning for Izzy, no more allowances for Cole.

They were in treatment, proper treatment. I hugged Izzy from behind, and she turned to me. She looked just as tired as before everything came out, and still as beautiful.

She wasn't better after one session. That's not how shit works. Neither was Cole. But they had made it this far, and I knew them that they couldn't be beat, not when they believed in themselves. And that's what they were getting back, the believe they had lost in themselves.

As Cole attempted to light the fireworks, Izzy stepped up behind him. She leant her head against his back, and kissed his neck.

Finally, the fireworks caught, and a cheer went up. They lit up the sky; red, pink, violet,  yellow, orange, green and blue. The boom as each one went off echoed in my chest, and I gripped Sam tighter as she squealed with delight.

We stood, eyes locked on the sky, and watched the sparks fall back down to earth.

And as, the fireworks faded from the sky and the stars resumed their place, I heard Cole sigh. I glanced up at him, and he pointed out, onto the the road next to the school.

Flashing blue and red lights came into my view, along with the roar of the sirens. I leant my head back and laughed.

"Who the fuck called the cops!" Someone yelled, and we all took off running.

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