Riding in cars with boys.

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Photo of Alex above!



Wes found me, sitting on the couch in Ava's shed, watching a game of beer pong. He was high of course, and I knew he would use that as an excuse for his behaviour toward Izzy in the morning.

However, half of the party was also as the Fontaine brothers had been selling at a discount price to anyone they knew by name.

They didn't try and attack girls. I refused the MDMA, as I had the moral responsibility of being deso driver for the night. I was trying to pay restitution for being such a mess the previous night.

The shed was alight in a soft yellow glow, the fairy lights strung over the walls illuminating the party. He came over to apologise. Jace and Alex groaned loudly. The three of us took up all the room on the couch, so he sat on the ground in front of us.

"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me, man." I shouted at him a few times, just so he would hear over the music, and he wrinkled his face up. I felt like jerking out my leg and kicking him. He stretched out and laid on his back, staring up at the rafters of the shed.

"I'm gonna apologise to Izzy? Please. She lives off drama." He took our silence as an invitation to keep speaking. I directed my attention to picking apart the couch, a faux leather mint green, it's foam flesh poking through gaping wounds. "That's who those girls are. They feed off causing shit. We call them 'the fates'. Y'know, cause they're crazy and there's three of them?"

"Yeah nah we got that." I answered for us all, as the other two were incapacitated. "Plus, I mean, I know Izzy. Well kinda. I know Joel."

Wes was slurring his words. He forced a bottle of beer in my hand, that I swiftly stashed behind the couch when he wasn't looking. He leaned toward me, his bitter smelling breath fanning across my face. "Well then you know about the Seven Sins?" The Seven Sins Motorcycle Club, of course I knew them -- half of them went to my school. "And how Izzy was their old bike." He snickered.

"She's a bikie moll?" Alex raised his eyebrows, emerging from his daze. I smacked him upside the head. "I mean, shut up."

"Well that is what made the rounds. That's why no one believed it when she started hooking up with Joel Gibson of all people. Kinda a dramatic change from Landon Rose." I shifted away from Wes. Last year, when Izzy and Joel were dating, Joel had discovered Izzy was cheating on him with Landon Rose, her childhood friend and ex. He was the highly publicised son of Seven Sins President, Michael Rose. He and Danny Drake had once shared a front page, the latter of which was not pleased about it. Landon was an all around fucking asshole. "The girl sure can pick 'em."

I rolled my eyes at his lack of prudence. "Piss off man."

"I didn't realise you were fond of her."

"I'm not. Now piss off." I glowered. Wes and I were roughly the same build -- tall and lean, and I wondered if I could beat him in a fight. However, he shuddered away from my glare and scrambled to his feet. Good move. I did have a reputation for a reason.

"God you get angry when you're sober." Jace chuckled. He threw his body over mine, kissing my forehead. I shook my head at his nonsensical behaviour. I heard Alex shout something over the loud, top 40 music, and wave people over. Jace grinned. Jace and Alex got up to sit on the floor with Corey and Sam, while Izzy trailed behind.

When she fell down beside me, I couldn't resist glancing over at her. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine. They narrowed and her lip curled up. I let out a nervous chuckle, running my hands through my hair.

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