
756 13 2

TW - suicide and self harm.




The day after we all went to Blonde and whatever the fuck that was, went down, it was our last free dress day at Easts. This meant we were allowed to dress up in crazy costumes.

I went as a gladiator, Cole as Harry Potter and Alex as Spider Man. It was Yorkie's free dress day as well, and we got Snapchats in the morning of the girls getting ready together. Apparently there was a disaster as Corey and Sam tried to help Izzy into her wig - she was Medusa.

Sam was Wednesday Adams complete with the smirk and her Pugsley. She had talked Vinnie into it, apparently, at Yorkie's ball at the start of the year.

Corey was going as a nun. Well, she had messaged me, its ironic. She also said about twenty people had tried to talk her down from ot, being at a Catholic school and everything, but she had said vehemently, fuck it.

She wasn't allowed through the school gates.

The little structure Easts had went out the window as we arrived at school. Phones were out, and class was ditched for photoshoots arranged by the principle.

The classes we did go to, no work was done. We sat and paraded around, showing off our costumes - and the teachers smiled and helped us straighten up our costumes as they came undone.

At lunch time, there was the annual free dress day dodgeball game, between the year 12's.

We were meant to go down to the gym when the second bell rang. Before it rang, we got the news. Our phones beeped, and Cole, who was playing with his wand, was the first to check.

I tapped my foot, in a hurry to get the dodgeball game over and done. Cole gasped, his eyes jerking up to the large group gathered around him. They fell on Alex. By this time, everyone else had checked their phones. A shiver ran through my body, as my classmates began to cry out and grab onto each other.

Cole though, was still staring at Alex. Alex was standing next to me, and hadn't noticed Cole looking at him. Cole rose, and stepped toward him. Instinctively, I put my arm around Alex's shoulder - and Cole wiped his mouth.

"Dude, come with me."


"Alex, please -" Cole began to plead, but Alex snatched his phone from him.

I caught a glimpse of the messages. I gasped involuntary, and Alex became heavy in my arms. Cole pressed his hands against Alex's cheeks.

I didn't know what to do. I glanced around in a daze. The second bell rang and it echoed off a silent block. The lower years shuffled passed us, but the year 12's of Eastwood High were immovable.

When we didn't show up for the dodgeball game, Mr Enders came to find us. He filtered through the statuesque students with his eyebrows raised and a frown etched onto his mouth.

I think I was the only one who could move. I showed him my phone. I showed him the stream of Facebook posts.

Rest easy baby, until we meet again.

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