Boys and their cars.

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Vinnie lived opposite a vacant lot, studded with waist high weeping lovegrass and lavender. Alex and I snuck away from the party and ran across the broken bitumen road, kissing as we did. I breathed heavy and giggled, spinning around in the street.

I had a bottle of gin in one hand and I held onto the back of Alex's shirt with the other. As he lead me through the field, he abruptly turned and picked me up, black hair and his black eyes shining in the moonlight.

Wrapped around his waist, I could see the whole street, the marigold light from the light posts, the towering Ghost Gums hiding the grand houses and above us, the glinting constellations of the Big Dipper, the Seven Sisters and Orion.

Alex laid me down in the sour grass, crushing the violet and yellow flowers. The loud music and screams from the party drifted around us, as Alex settled himself beside me, pulling me onto his chest.

"Now, I would be all cute and point out the stars for you, but I don't know shit so," Alex laughed, running his hands over my waist.

"Thankfully I know them," I said and sat up, to his whining. "There's the Seven Sisters and Orion. Ugh, I love the stars, don't you?"

"Your eyes have all the stars I need, love."

"Oh get fucked Alex."

"Well, that is the plan." Alex smiled and I chuckled and shook my head. "What is someone so smart, doing with me?" He asked, pressing his lips against my shoulder.

"I'm not — shut up."

I rested my head against his shoulder, and his hand brought mine up to his lips so it could be kissed. I imagined what it would feel like -- to hold him close in a way that wasn't possible in the field. Well, I could?

To be honest I was trying to remember all the tips I read on a Snapchat article, but got preoccupied with the feeling of Alex's nails sliding over my bare shoulders. He slid my hair over my shoulder, pressing his warm, soft lips against my neck.

I glanced at Alex, trying to tell him that holding his hand and kissing him — it just wasn't enough. In the dark light it was like someone else was taking off his clothes and caressing him — but then he brought me into his lap and held me so tightly I thought I had been put back together.

He rolled on top of me, my back pressed against the damp, cool ground. Alex kissed up and down the length of my body — my eyes fluttered open just as his tongue was trailing over my hip bone. He caught me staring, and lowered his tongue, further, further until I was squirming — almost screaming.

I gripped him by the roots of his hair and dragged him back up to kiss me, on the mouth. Alex braced one hand by my head, my hands tugging at his jeans and his pulling up my skirt. With them undone, I could feel him fumbling his way around and I peered down, my eyebrows raised.

"You'd think you'd know the mechanics by now." I teased, my voice low as my lips brushed against his ear.

Even in the dark, I could see the blush creep up from his neck. "It's dark, okay? And there's just so many — parts." I buried my nose into his hair and laughed, breathing in his warm scent of coconut and citrus.

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