Damn partys.

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Ah here it is :') it's short I know, I know, and Cole will get more into his bad boy phase as the story goes on, but I dunno, I'm starting to like sweet Cole :') Comment? Vote? Fav? Hugs and kisses- BoLoves.




I put Georgie and Bodhi to bed, and was shocked to find the house empty as I ran back down the stairs. I stood still for a moment, looking over the discarded bottles and jackets and shoes, the calmness of a still house washing over me. I had strong memories of running around this place dressed up in clothes we had found in an old box up stairs as a kid. I kinda wanted to crawl back upstairs and go to bed, but people chanting Alex's name made me run outside.

I made it outside in time to see the first blood splatter on the long, concrete driveway. Rocco Lansbury, a member of Landon's Seven Sins the juniors edition, was pummeling Vinnie into the ground, and I was pleased to know Bodhi wasn't seeing this. In the crowd, people sipped their alcohol out of Macca's cups and watched wide eyed.

Alex grabbed Rocco's collar and punched him swiftly in the solar plexus and then in the nose, leaving him on the ground. Vinnie, beneath their feet, was not moving. My stomach curled, his face split and gushing. "Are you gonna fucking help?!" Alex screamed at Cole, as he ran his hands over the black sheen of one of the motorbikes. Cole smirked and turned, tackling Landon with no hesitation, in the corner of my eye I saw Izzy grow incredibly still.

While the Yorkie boys grew silent and shrunk back, Matty and Tex jumped in, taking Kane and Dalton's attention away from standing idly by and laughing. A circle of onlookers formed around the scrapping boys. On the other side of the circle, Sawyer MacMillan stood, chewing on her nails. She jerked her gaze up as the crowd gasped -- EJ Vance had grabbed Kane by the throat and head butted him for kneeing Tex in the balls. EJ sent him sprawling into the bikes, knocking them over. Sawyer winced at the loud crash, but found it in herself to blow Izzy a kiss.

Someone called for security -- but they were all on the third floor, playing video games and drinking.

There was a flash of silver in Landon's hand. Stupidly, Izzy lunged between the boys and even more stupidly, Corey and I followed her. We broke up the fight with smart words and by flicking our hair, but we let Izzy deal with Landon. She tugged at his shirt and started dragging him off Matty -- his eyes alight.

"Don't you dare. Landon, no." Izzy hissed, her fingers struggling to pry the knife from his.

"Get off me."

"Chill." Izzy muttered, her hands against his chest. He let the knife fall into her palm and she shoved him. "Idiot." Izzy whispered.

Landon rolled his eyes at her. "Bitch."

She spun to face the crowd, red hair flowing freely to almost her waist. People flinched away from her, and her narrowed eyes and flared nostrils, the Finlay temper legend. She relaxed into a smile.

"This goes on any longer and I'll start charging youse a spectator fee." Izzy kept the smile until the crowd wandered back inside. She grabbed Rocco by the collar and growled in his ear, "Your mess, clean him up." Izzy was pointing at Vinnie, who was making grunts and moans as he rolled on the floor. With a pale face, and the okay from Landon, Rocco did as he was told.

"It'll be okay. He didn't look that bad, truly." Landon said, his words lost somewhere between his charming smile and turquoise eyes. Izzy sighed and muttered bastard under her breath; but the Sins entered the party without any resistance. Sawyer rolled her eyes and went to help Rocco with Vinnie.

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