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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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When Cal turned up to the OBX cinema, it was already pitch black. She had left Luke asleep on the couch, a blanket being the only thing covering him. She made sure to leave aspirin and water for him when he eventually woke back up.

The girls eyes flickered around for Rafe, wondering where the boy was. She eventually laid her eyes on the boy in the yellow. She couldn't help but allow a smile to form on her face. Her brows knitted together once she saw Kelce holding a blonde boy back and Rafe punching him.

Rafe punched JJ in the stomach. He was finally letting all his anger out on the boy. JJ allowed Cal to be hurt by their father. He didn't step up and protect her. He broke his promise about coming home, leaving her crying and meaning that Rafe had to come out and get her.

He saw red, he didn't realise how much anger and resentment he held towards JJ.  He should have stepped up and helped Cal. He should have been there for her when no one else was. He should have protect her.

"Look at you playing tough man now, but where are you when the people who need you the most are in trouble." Rafe snapped, slamming his fist into JJ's jaw.

"Rafe?" Cal's heart broke once she saw the boy she loved beating up her brother. Her voice was shaky and it caused everyone to pause.

Rafe looked at the girl, his eyes softening and his hand falling back to his side. He wanted to pull her into his chest and tell her how happy he was that she didn't stand him up for their date and that he didn't even care that she was late. But instead, JJ spoke up.

"Get outta here, Cal." JJ snapped. He didn't want his sister to get hurt. He wanted her to stay safe.

Something in what JJ said, angered Rafe, making him swing at the boy again. Cal gasped, her eyes glazing over with tears as she rushed over to the boys.

"Let go of him, Rafe." Cal shouted. Rafe turned to face the girl. He clenched his jaw and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her away from the fight.

"Stay out of this, sweetheart." He whispered gently. He didn't want her involved. He didn't want her to make the choice of him or JJ. 

Kie rushed in and began hitting Topper, who currently had a hold of Pope. Rafe had gone back to hitting JJ, Kelce holding him down.

Cal shook her head, there was no way in hell that she was staying out of this. That was her brother they were hurting. She clenched her fists as she walked up to them, pull her arm back and with all her strength, she swung at Kelce.

The boy staggered back and let go of JJ, making Cal protectively stand in front of her brother. Rafe chuckled at the power that the girl held. He certainly found it attractive. He knew that she knew that he wouldn't ever do anything to put her in harms way.

"Oh look, JJ, little sisters protecting you again." Rafe ran his tongue over his bottom lip, slowly he started walking towards the siblings, but before he got a chance to do anything, Kie set the screen on fire. "Fire."

Rafe grabbed Cal's wrist and pulled her behind him, he didn't want her to get hurt. He'd protect her if no one else was willing too. Cal was so angry at Rafe, but she liked the safety that he brought her.

"Let's go." JJ shouted as he, Pope and Kie ran in the opposite direction, completely unaware at the fact that Cal wasn't following them.

Cal broke away from Rafe and pushed him backwards. She was so fucking upset with him. She couldn't believe what he had just done. He knew how much she cared about JJ and the others. They were her family.

"What the fuck, Rafe?" Cal snapped, pushing him back again once he tried to reach out for girl.

"Stop fucking pushing me." Rafe snapped, gripping the girls bicep and making her flinch back. "I'm sorry." He whispered realising that he had just frightened her. He pulled the girl into his chest, no matter how much she tried to push him away, he didn't let go.

"He's my brother." Cal whispered softly. "Why did you-why would you?"

She shook her head and pulled away from him, a frown formed on Rafe's face, he hated seeing her so upset but he had to have Topper's back. Pope sank his boat, he needed to pay. JJ left Cal, he needed to know that he couldn't do that again.

They needed to learn their lessons.

"You're not mad at me, are you, sweetheart?" Rafe whispered lowly, his eyes narrowing on the girl in an almost playful way. "You can't be mad at me, can you?"

Cal scoffed, she raised her brows at the boy, his actions were unbelievable and he needed to know that. She shook her head and began to walk away from the boy, she couldn't be near him right now.

"Come on, Callista." Rafe shouted loudly, the girl didn't respond, instead she threw up her middle finger and continued to walk away, in hopes of finding JJ and the others. "Where you going, sweetheart?"

"Away from you." Cal shouted back, she couldn't wrap her head around what possessed Rafe to beat up her brother and best friends.

There was a silence that engulfed the fields. Even the crackling of the fire had settled down and everyone's had left. Cal hesitated a moment before leaving, she wanted to make sure that Rafe got into his car safely, no matter how angry at him she was. But instead of hearing a car door slam like she was expecting too, all she heard was Rafe shouting,


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