Chapter 1: The Mavericks

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Attention! All members of the Zap Unit come to Depature Platform 2! Said the voice of the intercom. Soon, a bunch of Enertrons teleported near the Magnabike hanger, a place where the fastest of vehicles were kept.
"Listen up, Zap Unit!" Said the new Commander of the Zap Unit. After the old commander had become a maverick, the ESF found it fair for Ragammia to take his place for his euthanasia. Ragammia eyed his unit with a determined glance.
"There has been a maverick outbreak at point 01738! Our job is to do the same thing as always: quell it. We may still be at a loss of troops as usual...but that's no justification to back down!" He Said.
"You're all here because you want to save lives. How let's get moving and saving lives!" Said Ragammia, as is squadron cheered and followed orders. Not much had changed in the last three months. At least not after Ragammia and his brothers were bumped up to S-rank for their efforts (Vuro to rank A) and rewarded with being the commanders of the security units. While most of the other units were still left with rookie commanders, Ragammia knew what it was like to be a leader and reminded himself how skilled he was as his team rode toward the area with the outbreak. However, since all eight of his commanding officers had betrayed him and tried to kill him, Ragammia had become a very untrusting Enertrons, pushing anyone hoping to gain his trust except those close to him. He didn't want to be tricked as he was last time.
"Okay, team! Let's move!" Said Ragammia, as his team got off the magnabikes and moved toward a park. They found it under attack from Fang Fangs, mechaniloid tigers that dashed toward their enemies, Winger Stingers, fly mechanoids that shot three small lasers from their eyes, Metron MK-2s, advanced versions of the original Metrons, and Tunnel Diggers, ground mechanoids that dug up from strange spots in the ground and threw bombs at their enemies.
"Okay, team! Dispatch the mechaniloids!" Said Ragammia, dispatching some of the enemies with his saber and blowing some of the other up with his buster. The Winger Stingers fired at him, but he dodged the blasts and blasted them out of the sky.
"Some of you, secure the locals! If they are have to destroy them!" Said Ragammia, slashing some of the Fang Fangs apart.
"Um...okay Commander!" Said one of the investigators. Some of the investigators managed to secure innocents caught in the attack. They hadn't been infected, luckily.
"I've almost defeated them!" Said Ragammia, as the rest of the investigators sat back and watched Ragammia kill the last of the Mavericks.
"That was something." He Said.
"Great job, Ragammia. Head back to Base, I need to talk with you." Said Athena, his creator and navigator.
"Okay, Athena. Investigators! Are the locals okay? Are they hurt?" Said Ragammia.
"They're okay, sir. Only a few casualties and none were infected." Said an investigator.
"Excellent job. Let's get back to the base. I'll warp back by myself, as I'm required to be there immediately." Said Ragammia, as a beam came out of his hand and teleported his magnabike to the hangar.
"Yes sir!" Said his members before he warped back to Base.
"Athena!" Said Ragammia, arriving in her lab.
"You called me here."
"I did." She Said.
"I have some good news, bad news, and strange news."
"In order?" Said Ragammia. Athena nodded.
"The good news is...remember Corona?" Said Athena.
" told me about him. Got stronger and defiant with the Darkling Virus and died in the hive." Said Ragammia.
"I'm not dead now." Said a voice. An orange and dark blue Enertron walked into the room. His eyes were green like Ragammia and his hair was gray and spiked up.
"Corona?! You're alive!" Said Ragammia.
"Athena found and repaired me. I'm happy to meet you, Ragammia." Said Corona, hugging his supposed successor.
"Now here's the bad news: I've noticed that Velga has been telling me you're getting less hesitant toward Mavericks. Normally this would be good, but I'm worried about you. Is this because of what happened in the war?" Said Athena.
" commanders betrayed me. The people I want to befriend could become Mavericks in the future." Said Ragammia.
"Crap...must've been hard for you." Said Corona, teleporting away.
"Ragammia, that's the worst case scenario. Don't think that your friends will become Mavericks." Said Athena.
"Friendship and trust don't seem like top priorities to me anymore. Is this a problem to you?" Said Ragammia.
"Yes. So here's the strange news: Velga! Vuro! I need you two!" Said Athena, as Ragammia's siblings teleported into the room.
"What's wrong, Athena?" Asked Velga.
"All of you have been too concentrated on your work and Ragammia has obviously been impacted in a negative way as you told me, Velga." Said Athena.
"We must continue fighting until all peace is achieved!" Said Vuro.
"That's What I mean. Even you three need a break. You need a vacation." Said Athena.
"Although I don't know what it will be yet...take a break for now." Said Athena, as the three heroes teleported to the rec room.
"What to do...what to do..." Said Athena, checking her incomplete Enertron in a capsule and then the giant portal in her lab. Suddenly, the portal whirred to life and a creature resembling a pony stepped into the lab. She was white with a mane colored many cool colors and seemed almost as tall as Athena. She wore golden boots, had wings and a horn, was wearing a purple crystal, and had an image of a sun on her flank.
"Princess Celestia. Nice to see you again." Said Athena.
"Athena." She Responded, as the two bowed to each other.
"How are your children and the ESF?"
"Not so good since the war. Our number of investigators has decreased heavily and we do not have a Warlord at the moment to replace Virenne. Ragammia seems to be greatly affected by the war and Velga and Vuro are worrying about him. The three need a vacation." Said Athena.
"I see...we have dealt with many more villains, but the most recent ones were a devastating attack from the Storm King and this young filly named Cozy Glow trying to release Lord Tirek. I told you about them, so you know what I'm talking about." Said Celestia.
"Of course." Said Athena.
"Most of my royal guards have resigned because of these unpredictable events, and I am afraid that I may not have a sufficient amount of them by the time another villain attacks." Said Celestia.
"I understand. Some juice?" Said Athena.
"Certainly." Said Celestia, as Athena tapped a few buttons on her control center and two glasses of juice materialized with a table. Celestia was surprised.
"It comes from cyberspace and then returns when we finish." Explained Athena.
"Though I doubt it is legal outside of this base."
"Interesting..." Said Celestia, drinking out of the glass with her magic.
"I need to learn more about your world." Said Celestia.
"As do I." Said Athena. The two then stopped drinking and came to a realization.
"That's it!!!" They both Said at the same time.
"I'll share first." Said Celestia.
"I want to share first." Said Athena.
"Only if I get your juice."
"That makes two of us." After thirty seconds of bickering the two came to the conclusion that Celestia went first.
"Why don't you send Ragammia as an ambassador to my world? He can relax there and you can invite Velga and Vuro as well if you want." Said Celestia.
"Yes! And I'll send you eight more royal guards as a token of my gratitude!" Said Athena, as the two were enthusiastic.
"Certainly! But why eight?" Said Celestia.
"That was the number of commanders we had." Said Athena.
"I can help you there, Athena." Said Corona, Who was outside the room.
"Corona! I'd like you to meet Princess Celestia." Said Athena.
"Pleasure to meet you." Said Corona, bowing.
"May I come as well?"
" need to stay here in case the Mavericks attack again. Sorry." Said Athena.
"But about that tip..."
"Right! I can get you two guards out of your eight, but that's all. They would be up for the job." Said Corona.
"Okay, then. I'll make preparations for your children." Said Celestia.
"I'll get the guards ready. See you soon!" Said Athena, as Celestia waved and entered the portal, which closed soon after.

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