Chapter 3: Equestria 101 (Part 1)

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"Thank...thank you for showing me around, Ms. Rarity." Said Ragammia.
"Oh, it's my pleasure! I should talk about myself before I hear from you, mister Ray-Drainia!" Said Rarity.
"It's Ragammia." He corrected.
"Oh, goodness me! Where are my manners?" Said Rarity.
"Probably at your clothing shop..." Said Ragammia. Rarity found this funny and began to laugh.
"Hee Hee hee! Well, you are certainly both charming and handsome for an Alicorn!" Said Rarity.
"Miss, please..." Said Ragammia, blushing.
" name is Rarity, elegant owner of the Carousel Boutique! Where you can look fabulous, feel fabulous, and BE fabulous!" Said Rarity, singing the last word. Ragammia knew that Velga would immediately start trying to find ways to shut her up. Thankfully, he was not Velga.
"So...who's Spike?" Said Ragammia.
"Spike? Oh, he's word!" Said Rarity, looking at his mane.
"Your mane is a mess! Thankfully, I carry around some mane gel at times like this!" She opened the jar and began moving her hoof toward Ragammia's mane.
"Wait...what are you doing?!" Said Ragammia. But Rarity had already began rubbing his mane in many different directions for a minute until it was flattened out.
"There! Now you look proper!" Said Rarity.
"Do you like it?"
"I don'" But when Ragammia saw Rarity's smiling face, he changed his mind.
"I don't see how I couldn't like it!"
"Yes! I have done it once again!" She exclaimed, trotting around in joy. Ragammia took the time to notice the many ponies staring at him.
"I'm new." Said Ragammia.
"Please don't stare..."
"Yes! Do not stare! It is quite impolite!" Said Rarity, as the ponies around him stopped staring.
"Oh, Celestia...well, let's continue our tour! I'm sure you got enough attention from the locals already." Said Rarity.
"Incoming!" Said a voice from the sky. Rarity suddenly spotted a blue pegasus heading straight toward them. On instinct, Ragammia used his dash function and dodged the incoming pony, but Rarity was not so lucky as she was knocked into the dirt quite a distance. His mane was messed up again, and the gel was now keeping it in its current state.
"Ow...that wasn't hot." Said the pegasus, getting up and realizing she was on top of a scowling Rarity.
"Oh, hey Rarity..." She said nervously.
"RAINBOW! OFF! NOW!" Said Rarity, as the pegasus darted off her.
"Geez, Rarity...Huh? Who's your friend? And why is he an Alicorn?!"
"My name is Ragammia. I'd prefer if you used it." Said Ragammia.
"I think you should apologize for bulldozing Rarity."
"Chill, dude! It was only an accident! I was knocked off course by a couple strong winds! Does Rarity understand?" Said the pegasus. But Rarity was busy trying to restyle her mane and was using almost all of her hair gel and a nearby fountain.
"Urgh...must...fix...mane!" She panicked, frantically trying to restyle it while the pegasus and Ragammia stared at her.
"So...where do you come from?" Said the pegasus, flying upside down.
"I'll tell you later if you join us." Said Ragammia.
"Naw, I got a meeting with the Wonderbolts coming up! I was just brushing off on a few skills!" She said, lounging in the air.
"Your skills are dangerous." Said Ragammia.
"Uh, Yeah." Said Rainbow Dash.
"You could've hurt Rarity!" Said Ragammia.
"If I apologize, will you stop with the Mr. control freak attitude?" Said the pegasus.
"What is your name?" Said Ragammia, upset.
"Just call me Rainbow Dash. The fastest, coolest, and toughest flier in all of Equestria!" She Responded, spinning around. Ragammia grinned upon remembering that he knew how to fly and maneuver in the air like a champion would and grinned after thinking about his dash function.
"Talk is cheap, filly. I've seen faster." Said Ragammia. Rainbow Dash suddenly looked at Ragammia.
"Excuse me? Are you challenging me to an air race? You do know you are talking to the fastest and speediest mare in Equestria, right?" She Said.
"Probably, but definitely not the smartest." Said Ragammia, as nearby ponies had their attention drawn once again as the crowd gasped.
"An Alicorn stallion challenging Rainbow Dash? This day keeps getting weirder..." Said Bon Bon, a unicorn mare in the crowd.
"Oh,! You are going down, noob!" Said Rainbow Dash.
"Ragammia! Quick note: your wings have an unlimited air dash. Just a quick note before you race." Said Athena. This made Ragammia feel even more sorry for Rainbow Dash.
"I'll race you to Cloudsdale! If you don't know where that is..." She Said, sneering at him. Unknown to her, Ragammia had already scanned the entire area and located Cloudsdale.
"No. Let's race, Dash." Said Ragammia, as the two began to ready themselves. A gray pegasus flew in front of the two racers, holding a white flag in her mouth while the crowd watched. Her pupils were unaligned.
"Hey, look! It's Rainbow Dash! Who's that Alicorn? And why is he a stallion!" Said Scootaloo, a small pegasus filly That idolized Rainbow Dash. Her friends Sweetie Belle (a white colored unicorn similar to Rarity) and Apple Bloom (an orange colored filly with a western accent) were watching with her.
"Ponyfeathers! I don't need your insight!" Said a yellow mare with a green and black suit on. She suddenly spotted the commotion and Rainbow Dash and Ragammia in the center of it.
"What's this?" She Said, taking a look at the two fliers.
"Ready..." Said the gray pegasus named Derpy Hooves.
"Prepare to eat my dust." Said Rainbow Dash.
"You really don't have a grasp on the situation, do you, Rainbow Trash?" Said Ragammia, as the crowd started murmuring.
"Rainbow Trash?! Who does he think he is?!" Said Scootaloo.
"Rainbow Trash...? He has the nerve to insult her? And he's an Alicorn?!" Said the mare. Scootaloo suddenly spotted her when her friends were focused and struck a glare at her before going back to watching the race.
"GO!" Said the gray pegasus, waving the flag as the two speedsters zoomed into the air. Rainbow Dash left a rainbow streak as she flew and Ragammia left no streak, struggling to keep up with her.
"Finally! I fixed my mane!" Said Rarity, noticing Derpy's messed up one.
"Derpy! Why is everypony gathered around you? What happened to your mane? Where's Ragammia?" Said Rarity.
"He's racing Rainbow Dash." Said Derpy.
"What?! How could...I just don't believe it!" Said Rarity.
"I guess I'll just...wait here."

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