Chapter 12: Dangan at the Recycling Plant

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Vuro had been told about how Ragammia had bravely infiltrated the Disposal Factory to fight Gaseon and had avoid the hazards that S-class investigators struggled with. The recycling plant, unlike the factory was a less dangerous place where Enertrons were created from recycled parts there. While the factory specializes in destroying maverick parts, the plant took parts and made them into different Enertrons. Vuro had recalled Athena visiting here before the first war broke out. However, it was almost as dangerous as the factory after Dangan had occupied it. He was already inside and found many burners along the ground.
"Athena? There are burners locked into the ground." Said Vuro.
"Those burners must've been placed by Dangan. They're too strong to destroy with the weapons you have." Said Athena.
"I don't think Velga could break them, either. Just dodge them." Vuro dashed past the burners at the right time and found a bunch of Metron MK-2s blocking his path. Vuro waited until they tried to shoot him and froze them solid with their shields off using his Ice Breath. Vuro continued his path down the corridor until he came to a conveyor belt. Vuro then jumped on it and found a bunch of pointed maverick parts that were sticking up in a sharp manner. Vuro was about to move forward some more when a giant compressor covering most of the conveyor belt except near Vuro crushed it into a block that Vuro could crouch to meet the height of.
"There's a compressor covering the next area! You may be able to bypass it by crouching." Said Athena.
"I could." Said Vuro.
"Okay...the junk blocks are keeping you from being compressed, but be quick as the junk blocks will flatten the more they get compressed." Said Athena. A fresh batch of maverick blocks fell on the compressor, and Vuro got in between them to avoid getting crushed. The compressor crushed the blocks, and Vuro still stood where he was, the compressor stopping higher than his height. He had to wait a minute for the conveyor belt to reach its end. A few seconds later, the compressor moved again, barely touching Vuro's head.
"Okay...a little faster than I expected." He Said. Vuro saw the end of the conveyor belt was slightly closer. He waited, but the compressor moved again and forced him to crouch a little to dodge it. The junk block next to him were now shorter than him.
"C'mon..." Said Vuro, growing impatient. He couldn't risk jumping past the jump blocks and falling off the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt was even closer now.
"Faster..." But the compressor crushed the blocks again and forced Vuro to crouch in the best way possible to avoid getting crushed. The junk blocks were now shorter than half his size.
"Hurry up!" He Yelled, still not at the end. The compressor moved again after a few seconds, forcing Vuro to lay down to avoid it. The junk blocks were now at a size that even he couldn't crouch to dodge, and he still wasn't at the end.
"Okay, screw this!" He said, charging up the Stasis Crisis. He then released it as the compressor came down and froze everything around him.
"That was close...I probably used it at the right time." Said Vuro, dashing on the immobile conveyor belt with no risk of falling off. He then jumped onto solid ground as the Stasis Crisis ran out of energy.
"Perfect timing..." He Said, advancing down the corridor. But enemies known as Jankudoroppas, mechaniloids that summoned a bunch of junk and threw it at their enemies were in his way. The boss door was just ahead of them.
"Okay...I've got this!" Said Vuro. The Jankudorroppas began clustering a bunch of maverick junk together and threw it toward Vuro. But he dodged the attacks from the enemies and blasted them with the Dynamo Mine before they exploded and destroyed the enemies.
" the boss." Said Vuro, entering the boss room. When he entered the room, he found a bunch of maverick junk making up the compressed floor. Suddenly, Dangan burst through the ceiling and shook the ground before grabbing his knuckle.
"Dangan! What are you doing?" Said Vuro.
"Heh...this is so much better than making furniture...move aside, kid. You're blocking my way." Said Dangan.
"Hell no, Dangan! If you won't relent from your misdeeds, I'll have to make you!" Said Vuro.
"Bring it on, kid. I've dealt with trash bigger than you!" Said Dangan. Celestia's insignia was on his chest. Dangan then began shooting his Metal Piercer, which began breaking through the wall and ceiling as Vuro dodged it.
"Dangan's Armor is too tough to break! You'll need to expose him with a charge shot or overload it!" Said Athena. Vuro dodged Dangan's punch and hit him with a charged icicle from his mouth, temporarily exposing Dangan. He then got up close with his Ice Breath, But Dangan grabbed him and threw him backwards.
"Nice try, kid." Said Dangan, dashing toward him. Vuro suddenly remembered the weapon he got from Dyna and blasted him with it as Dangan bashed him into the wall.
"And you say you're strong!" Said Dangan.
"You're one to talk." Said Vuro, as the shot of Dynamo Mine detonated on his chest and electrocuted him. Dangan then collapsed as the first layer of his armor broke off.
"My're a feisty kid!" Said Dangan, recovering and pounding the ground, stunning Vuro while he was on there. He then tried charging at Vuro, but he recovered quickly and jumped over him before charging up the Dynamo Mine and throwing a bunch of them in three directions that exploded on impact and electrocuted Dangan once again.
"You're starting to piss me off! I'll have to make this quick!" Said Dangan, jumping into the air and spinning around before shooting many shots of his Metal Piercer in different directions. Vuro was impaled by one in the arm, but dodged the others. Dangan then slammed the ground again and rammed Vuro into the wall.
"Ha ha ha! See how you like it, kid!" Said Dangan. But Vuro was laughing as well, right as Dangan realized he had a shot of Dynamo Mine attached to him.
"Oh crap..." He Said, right as he was blown up and exploded into a bunch of gray orbs. Vuro copied his weapon data successfully.
"Nice job, Vuro. I know this may be hard for you..." Said Athena.
" is." Said Vuro, teleporting back to the base.
"But the weapon you got was the Metal Piercer. It can be used to pierce walls, enemies, and even break weak objects. Ragammia and Velga have the Doriruseba, where they can thrust their fist/saber downward to damage enemies below." Mentioned Athena.
"Excellent job, bro." Said Velga, hi-fiving him.
"You did great, Vuro!" Said Ragammia.
"That leaves four more guards." Said Ragammia.
"I'm glad this fight is halfway done."
"Yeah, that's good. But let's not let our guard down." Said Corona.
"We still have more Mavericks to face. This isn't the time to be soft."
"Right. I'll need to rest for a bit." Said Ragammia, teleporting to his quarters.
"Corona, Ragammia isn't being soft. He's showing mercy." Said Velga.
"Really? Oh, I'm sorry." Said Corona.
"You don't show mercy."
"Not to my enemies." Said Velga.
"Same here. Don't blame me, Velga." Said Corona. Only Vuro heard this because Athena was working on something in another room. Vuro had seen her bring an arm into the room for attachment.

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