Charcter and Weapon Data

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Boss Profiles

Slasher of the Forest
Cyan used to enjoy a job of felling timber for recreational purposes in a forest. However, his craving for destruction led him to breaking other things like timber, rocks and metal, leading to his personality becoming more unruly. Instead of reporting him as a maverick, Athena offered him a job as a royal guard for Princess Celestia along with his brother Crisis. He now protects the Princess at her own castle to make sure no enemies come inside.

Freezer of Time
Unlike his brother Cyan, Crisis worked at a clock shop managing them for a part time job until he returned to observing the depths of cyberspace. He joined the royal guards with Cyan to keep him in check and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Unknown to everyone (everycreature) except Athena and Princess Celestia, Crisis has the ability to freeze time for a few seconds to allow himself to get the drop on his enemies as well as summon gold chains.

Master of Luck
Streak originally did not have a name; he was given it by those who knew how good a gambler he was. Although he may look like a helpless old senior, he has his trusty Sting Laser to help him burn through tough situations. Although he began to spend his money on things he had always wanted, he began to get bored with his huge pile of riches. He ended up joining the royal guards to share his wealth (and get his hands on bits) with them.

Wielder of Electrokinesis
Psy once was a proud A-ranked investigator on the Zap Unit with Ragammia. But when Commander Azap attempted to obliterate his Unit, Psy was one of the few survivors of his attack and quit the ESF after the war ended due to not agreeing with their tactics. She soon became a royal guard with the motive of finding her own definition of peace among the locals residing in Ponyville. She is easily able to fit in with the magic users, as she can move objects using her brain-controlled electricity.

Piercer of Metal
You would think a big and heavy guy with titanium armor and metal piercing bullets would be a strong fighter...but Dangan spends most of his time helping assemble furniture. Furious at himself for getting into such a slut, Dangan immediately left his old job once he found better use as a royal guard. He now hopes to prove how strong he is on the battlefield.

Demolition of Electric Bombs
Dyna is very good at creating silicon-based weapons, but prefers to keep her designs to herself. However, since Dyna's weapon designs are yet to be legalized, she does all of her work alone where the ESF can't get to her. The ESF was close to tracking her down when she got a job as a royal guard. Since the creatures of Equestria have never seen how powerful her weapons are, Dyna hopes to prove that her dangerous weapons can be used for good.

Warrior of the Shadows
Kunai had a job as a forest ranger and was tasked with preventing Enertrons from occupying or damaging organic and mechanical forests. Though she loves disappearing and practicing Tai Chi in the forest, she often gets into many disputes with Cyan when guarding the forests. She joined Princess Celestia's royal guards after hearing about the Everfree Forest filled with dangerous creatures like hydras and cockatrices. Her goal is to protect locals from getting hurt by the dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows.

Stalker of the Dusk
Barely anything is known about Merva's past, but Merva enjoyed hiding in the darkness at night and scaring innocent Enertrons with her vampiric appearance or even going as far as to steal their life energy or corrode them with her acid. Before she could get arrested as a Maverick for her actions, Merva accepted a position as a royal guard to avoid getting punished. She doesn't have the authority to harm or scare innocent ponies, but her teleportation abilities and close range attacks are definitely something to be scared of.

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