Chapter 15: Kunai at the Forest Base

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Ragammia was forced to show up in the forest alone because Velga was undergoing mortal repairs from fighting Aether. Vuro had offered to stay with him during those repairs.
"Athena. I've entered the forest." Said Ragammia.
"Good. Your sensors aren't working that great in this area, so I'll guide you to the hidden base where Kunai is waiting for you." Said Athena. Ragammia leapt up the rocks in the rainy forest before coming across some more Winger Stingers from the park. He quickly jumped over them when they dove at him and blasted the two Mavericks to bits.
"Ragammia. I'm reading Tunnel Diggers in the area from the maverick intrusion at the park! I sense Fang Fangs as well!" Said Athena.
"Really? Okay, as if this rainy forest wasn't tricky enough..." Said Ragammia, jumping off the rocks and encountering a giant mechaniloid known as an 8 Totem Attacker That was projecting a force field that was preventing him from getting past.
"That mechaniloid is an 8 Totem Attacker! You have to damage all seven cores to be able to harm the head!" Said Athena, as Ragammia began using his saber to attack the cores while they tried blasting at him.
"Grr...this thing's stiff!" Said Ragammia, disabling the sixth core and moving onto the seventh. He finally got to the head and slashed it with the Cyan Slicer before landing and glancing at the mechaniloid that exploded right in front of him. The force field was down, allowing him to proceed.
"Only a mile before you reach the base." Said Athena.
"No wonder this place has become dangerous...there are too many maverick mechaniloids here." Ragammia walked carefully to dodge the Tunnel Diggers emerging from the ground and blasted them to bits with his buster when they did. This time, he was easily able to destroy the Fang Fangs with the Metal Piercer and Chajibomu when he encountered them.
"There are so many Mavericks...curse you, Celestia..." Said Ragammia, Who was low on health.
"Ragammia! I'm detecting another large-scale maverick in front of you!" Said Athena. Suddenly, another 8 Totem Attacker emerged from the ground and generated at force field that blocked Ragammia's path once again.
"Seriously?!" He Yelled. His first thought was to use a sub tank, but his next thought was better than that one.
"Ragammia! Use a sub tank!" Said Athena.
"I got something better in mind." He Said. Since he had taken so much damage, the Kyohoryu has been made available.
"Take this, maverick! Kyohoryu!" He suddenly released a bunch of electricity from his body that blasted the entire mechaniloid and destroyed it in one hit. The 8 Totem Attacker toppled backwards and landed on a bed of spikes placed to prevent Ragammia from crossing.
"Now You should use a sub tank...that was a good idea you had." Said Athena, as Ragammia used a sub tank once again. He then crossed the 8 Totem Attacker being used as a bridge and came across a small building with a force field around it.
"That field won't go down unless the security program is attacked." Said Athena.
"So? Can't you hack it?" Said Ragammia.
"I'm a navigator and first in command of the ESF, not a hacker! But I could jam it for a few seconds so that you may get inside. Then you just have to damage the computer enough to stop the Mavericks in this area. Yes, there's Mavericks you haven't killed, but that's why you need to take out that computer!" Said Athena.
"This is the smallest base I've ever seen that's not a treehouse like the one of five fillies I saw in Equestria." Said Ragammia. The only thing guarding the force fielded Base were two enemies known as Shuri Kens, Enertrons that could teleport for a short time in a short range and throw shurikens at their enemies. They quickly spotted Ragammia and attempted to engage them, but Ragammia was able to stun them with the Tokinami before blasting them with his buster.
"Athena. Shut off the force field, please." Said Ragammia, as the force field shut off. He quickly dashed through it before it shut on again and approached the giant door of the base.
"Be careful...there are a bunch of Enertrons occupying Ride Armors in there. Find a ride armor as soon as possible and subdue them quickly." Said Athena. Ragammia quickly cut down the door with his saber and spotted twenty-five Enertrons occupying Drillers to attack Ragammia.
"Maybe I should've used the Kyohoryu later..." He Said, dashing away from the Driller Armors and quickly jumping into an unoccupied one as the armor whirred to life. He then began using the drill arm to knock away and damage the other riders while trying not to get damaged himself.
"My armor isn't going to make it..." He Said.
"You haven't cleared out all the Mavericks, but I believe you'll have to take a risk and blow up the computer with the Ride Armor's explosion!" Said Athena.
"Stupid Mavericks..." Said Ragammia, dashing with his Ride Armor to the computer room and ejecting from the Driller as another Enertron stabbed it with a drill. Ragammia then quickly activated the Stasis Crisis to stop time as he blew a hole in the ceiling with a charge shot. He then quickly leapt off the building as the ride armor exploded and took out the entire base as well as the force field trapping Ragammia. He then landed on a grassy area in front of the remains of the base, still in the forest with the rain pouring down. However, there were still a couple Shuri Kens to deal with since they had not been disabled by the computer like the mechaniloids.
"Still more of you?" Said Ragammia, countering their shurikens with the Chimeishou and slashing the remaining enemies to bits.
"I think that's the last of them." Said Ragammia. But before he could take a break, he spotted a shadow on one of the trees that quickly teleported to another, then another, then another before teleporting in front of Ragammia. A thunderbolt was heard as Ragammia and Kunai looked each other in the eye, Kunai's purple burqa-like armor covering her entire body but her eyes.
"So you came...and you tore up my base." Said Kunai.
"What are you doing, Kunai?! You used to save forests!" Said Ragammia.
"I do save forests. But our two cultures can't survive together. It has come to the point where only one can exist rather than the other." Said Kunai.
"That doesn't answer my question entirely! You were going to plague this area with mavericks but protect the forests in Equestria?!" Said Ragammia.
"So what if that is my true intention? Celestia gave me orders, and you're making a mess of my occupation. If you can't understand what I planned to do here, then you won't be allowed to breathe here any longer." Said Kunai.
"Besides, I was going to fight you anyway for disposing of my forces. Get ready, Ragammia." Said Kunai. Ragammia had barely any time to prepare himself as Kunai immediately teleported to the top of a tree and began throwing a bunch of kunais (ninja knives) at him. She then teleported in front of Ragammia and slashed him with another kunai at close range.
"Kunai is too fast to be hit with normal attacks at a regular interval! Hit her with something related to electricity to stun her!" Said Athena.
"Electricity...time to put Psy's weapon to good use." Said Ragammia. Kunai tried charging at Ragammia after throwing more knives, but Ragammia predicted her attack and used the Psycho Bolt, electrocuting her once she got close.
"Rrgh!" Said Kunai, as she struggled to get up from the attack. But Ragammia immediately retaliated with his charged saber and knocked Kunai backwards before she teleported to another tree.
"Impressive." She Said, before teleporting again. She then attempted to slash Ragammia many times at a close range with her knives, but Ragammia was able to dodge her attacks by dash jumping away from her. He then leapt onto one of the trees as Kunai chose another one and tried to blast her down, but Kunai was too fast and teleported next to him before slashing him off the tree.
"Okay...Kunai is great at fighting in these areas. So I'll have to disrupt that!" Said Ragammia. He watched as Kunai teleported to another tree and switched to the Sting Laser before shooting the projectile at the tree's Base. As he expected, the attack burned right through the tree and caused it to collapse, Kunai hastily teleporting to another one nearby, giving Ragammia the range he needed to strike her with the Psycho Bolt and knock her off the tree once again.
"He's strong..." Said Kunai, getting up again and teleporting to another tree. But her speed was increasing because she was getting upset.
"Hold still..." She Yelled, throwing more knives at Ragammia even faster than before. He quickly jumped up one of the trees and blasted her with the Psycho Bolt again, causing her to fall once more.
"This time I'm getting serious! I'm prepared to dodge any one of your predictable attacks!" Said Kunai.
"Dodge this!" Said Ragammia, using the Kyohoryu and blasting a bunch of electricity that Kunai could not teleport to avoid. After the Giga Attack finished, Kunai's Armor was cracked all over and she fell flat on her face before exploding into a bunch of purple orbs.
"Ragammia. I'm detecting something over there!" Said Athena, as Ragammia walked over to a giant stump and burned it with the Sting Laser, revealing a red canteen with a W on it.
"That's a weapon tank. It stores Weapon Energy instead of life energy." Said Athena, before Ragammia teleported to her and stored it in his inventory.
"Your special weapon is the Kunai Flurry, and your skill is the Dasshukutta. The Kunai Flurry allows you to shoot many knives in a single course at a close range, and the Dasshukutta allows you to move at a blinding speed to cut through the enemy in front of you." Said Athena.
"Okay, thanks for that, Athena." Said Ragammia.
"I see you only have one guard left." Said Corona.
"Yeah. I almost defeated all of them. Thanks for helping me get through this." Said Ragammia.
"Remember, don't hesitate to defeat them." Said Corona. Vuro then walked up to Corona as Ragammia teleported away.
"Corona, that's the same thing Virenne Said before she went maverick." Said Vuro.
"It was? I never knew that." He said.
"You have to understand that Ragammia's hesitance is not a weakness." Said Vuro.
"Do you want him to help, or not?" Said Corona. Vuro had no response.
"I'm going to check on the Flame Unit." Corona teleported away, leaving Vuro in a somewhat scared state.

The Young Six were meeting in the Castle of the Two Sisters once again, just like they had done a while ago. They had cardboard signs that they were decorating.
"I don't think Ragammia is evil." Said Smolder.
"None of us do. This wasn't his fault. Everywhere we go, it's 'destroy the Enertrons!' Celestia is putting too much negativity on this. I'm getting some really bad vibes." Said Sandbar.
"Which is why a peaceful protest will calm them down! Then they'll be happy and realize that they aren't evil!" Said Silverstream, shaking the glitter sprayer in her claws like crazy.
"That's too much glitter. You're covering up the other decorations you made!" Said Gallus. Soon, the group was finished with their signs and arrived at the town square where Mayor Mare had performed her speech hours ago. Celestia was reassuring her citizens since she could only count on Merva now.
"We are down to one guard. She has a bad history...but we don't have a choice." Celestia was saying.
"I assure you, we are handling these Enertrons effectively." Everypony suddenly spotted the Young Six carrying cardboard signs behind Celestia, including the Mane Six, Spike, Zecora, Gaia, and Trace. Twilight and Trace were scared the most as they read the signs, which said, "Not all Enertrons are evil," "You call this resolution," "No pain, so much gain," "PLEASE STOP ACCUSING RAGAMMIA AND HIS FRIENDS, PLEASE," (Silverstream) "Ban the targeting of the ESF," and "Start a true utopia with the Enertrons, not mavericks."
"Wait...!" Said Trace, before Gaia cut her off.
"What is this?" Said Princess Celestia.
"Don't you have better things to do with your time out of school?"
"Princess, with all due respect, this isn't right." Said Occelus.
"You remember the chances us Changelings got."
"I agree with Occelus! She thinks you aren't giving the Enertrons a chance!" Said Sandbar.
"Yona agree because yaks strong warriors! And yaks still agree with soft ways of ponies!" Said Yona.
"You could be overthinking this, Princess Celestia. Maybe we could talk to an Enertron to understand what's happening!" Said Gallus.
"We don't want any more war. We want to end this in the most peaceful way." Said Smolder.
"I'm like, SUPER scared to confront you Princess, but someone has to speak out for what's going on. We are those someones!" Said Silverstream. Celestia was stunned as the six teens had determined glances on their faces.
"How do you not understand...after all of this..." She Said.
"No. That's it. You're all expelled."
"WHAT?!" Yelled the six.
"You heard me! You are too young to understand what is going on between us! You have no control over the situation!" Said Celestia.
"I apologize, but if you cannot understand why I am doing this, you can't continue learning your ways of Friendship. Therefore, you are all expelled." Twilight was really scared about this along with her other friends, Pinkie Pie even welling up with tears, but Twilight knew that Celestia was in charge and had the authority to do this kind of thing.
"Why would She do this?!" Whispered Rainbow Dash.
"Oh dear...she's not messing around..." Said Fluttershy. Silverstream began to sob into her claws while Gallus tried to comfort her while trying to remain collected, Sandbar lowered his head toward the dirt while Occelus transformed into a turtle and hid herself in her shell, Smolder was clenching her fist and covering her face while Yona turned her back to the crowd and hid her face.
"B-but...this isn't fair..." Said Smolder.
" can't do this!" Said Sandbar, remembering what had happened when they had first been kicked out of the school.
"I am having a conference with the world leaders and ambassadors tomorrow. They will return with you and hear about what you did." Said Celestia.
"Leave." She teleported back to her castle with Luna, Who was also nervous about the entire event. The students that weren't crying or trying to be alone were frozen with terror as they quickly ran off.
"Wait!" Said Gaia. But the students had already left without a second thought. Soon, they were in the Everfree Forest once again.
"We're dead. We're dead. We are so dead." Said Gallus.
"I don't want Gilda to hear about this..."
"What's Auntie Novo gonna say?! I'm gonna be grounded for like a bajillion years! I'll never be able to see you all again!" Said Silverstream. The other students had to agree with her; the probability of them all meeting together was practically zero.
"What do we do now?" Said Occelus. The rest of the students remained speechless before deciding that their last hours together would be very dismal and full of sorrow.

"Tia, you don't think that was too serious?" Said Luna, back at Canterlot Castle with Celestia.
"Sister, I know when I must get serious." Said Celestia.
"Celestia." Said Luna.
"This war may be taking a toll on your brain. Why don't you take a break and relax?" Said Luna.
"Relax?! I'm down to one guard with a criminal background, Luna!" Said Celestia.
"I can't relax at the moment!"
"Hold guard?!" Said Luna.
"Yes. Now help me prepare for the assembly of the world leaders." Said Celestia. Luna felt that Celestia's mood was getting darker as she trotted to her throne and stared at the stained glass windows with rage.

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