Chapter 11: Dyna at the Weapons Base

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It had only been a couple of hours since Corona had told Athena the bad news, and the entire ESF had been worried until they found maverick outbreaks occurring at different locations in their world.
"Ragammia...these are the other six royal guards, Seraphi, and Aether! They must be trying to claim land and resources from our world for Celestia!" Said Athena.
"What?! So she wasn't lying! Are you going to send Corona after them?" Said Ragammia.
"No, I was going to send you." Said Athena.
"I can't fight them! I've caused enough trouble!" Said Ragammia.
"We don't have a choice." Said Athena. But Ragammia started sitting in a corner once he had teleported somewhere else in the Base.
"Is this bothering you? I know what you're being asked to do." Said Corona.
"I can't fight them. I just can't." Said Ragammia.
"I know how you feel, Ragammia. But we can't lose to these guards, or they'll impact our future. We don't want to be controlled by Celestia." Said Corona.
"Is fighting really the only way?" Said Ragammia. Corona nodded in response.
"Fine...I'll fight them like I fought my commanders. Watch the base for me, Corona!" Said Ragammia, teleporting to Athena's lab. But while Corona went back to doing his normal stuff, Velga had overheard their entire conversation purely by accident.

"Okay, I'll fight." Said Ragammia, teleporting back.
"Really? Okay, then! Let me..." But before Athena could continue, Gaia emerged from the portal and into the Base.
"So this is the ESF Base." She said.
"Stop!" Said Athena, equipping her buster.
"Wait! I'm not against you! I want to help!" Said Gaia.
"Athena, stop!" Said Ragammia, as Athena put her buster down.
"Why, Gaia?"
"Because what Celestia's doing isn't right. I want to convince her of that." She said. Athena looked at Ragammia and saw that he trusted her.
"Okay...fine." Said Athena.
"You can join Ragammia on his missions if you wish."
"No, I want to stay here from now and collect as much info from my aunt as possible." Said Gaia.
"That's fine with me. I almost forgot to describe your weapons, Ragammia. The Stasis Crisis slows down everything so you can move faster, and the Tokinami freezes enemies in front of you in a limited range." Said Athena.
"Ragammia, here are the locations for the six guards: Streak has taken over an amusement park in Silver Stream City. Stop him and defeat the mavericks there. Psy has taken over an electronic research lab and has defeated the scientists there. Stop her before she gets her hands on the research there. Dangan has taken over a recycling plant and is using it to collect data on the mavericks disposed of there. Stop him and delete the data. Dyna has taken over a weapons base and is currently in control of all the weapons there. Defeat her before before she delivers them to Celestia. Kunai has returned to the forest, but is killing innocent Enertrons inside and is building a base in the forest. Stop her before any more Enertrons are hurt. Merva has taken taken over a chemistry lab and is killing all of the workers she can find. Stop her before she kills more scientists."
"Okay. Who do you recommend I take down first?" Said Ragammia.
"Take down...that sounds like a good name AND phrase." Said Athena.
"But you should Battle Dyna first. We don't want Celestia to get those weapons."
"Okay. I'm going!" Said Ragammia, teleporting to the Base.

The Weapons Base was the place where new weapons were created for the purpose of peace. However, Dyna had been hiding in it and using it to construct weapons in the past. She now was using it again to finish her new weapons and give them to Celestia. Ragammia found the metal door in front guarded by two mechaniloids in Driller Ride Armors.
"Destroy the guards and enter the facility." Said Athena. Ragammia quickly used the Tokinami to freeze the two Armored guards and then blasted them repeatedly with his buster before they exploded with the Ride Armors.
"Okay, Athena. I'm entering the facility and..." Ragammia suddenly saw how damaged the electrified ground was inside the facility.
"Athena? The ground is too dangerous to traverse." Said Ragammia.
"Oh no...then you'll have to use your magnabike." Said Athena. Ragammia summoned his magnabike using his inventory and jumped on it before using it to speed through the factory.
"You'll have to make a lot of turns to get past this area. Be careful, as there are hazards along the way." Ragammia maneuvered his magnabike around the corner of the wall and found Bit Bombers, turrets that blasted grenades at him on the wall. He quickly dodged the grenades and continued moving down the hall until three enemies called Magna Chasers (just Enertrons on armed Magnabikes) began catching up with him.
"Crap...Athena, how far is the production room?" Said Ragammia.
"It's only five miles underground. Why?" Said Athena.
"Because two Magna Chasers are trying to handle me!" Said Ragammia dodging their blasts.
"Velga! I need your help!" Said Ragammia.
"Okay, But you have to put up with Aether!" Said Velga. The two switched places in a matter of seconds.
"Great! I'm great at this king of checking!" Said Velga, speeding up on the magnabike. As the Magna Chasers tried to catch up with him, Velga quickly slowed down and held out his fist, punching one of the Enertrons and causing them to crash into a wall. The second Magna Chaser glared at him before keeping a distance from Velga and trying to blast him.
"Three more miles, Velga!" Said Athena. Velga began speeding up and maneuvering around the corners and spikes pointing out of the walls while trying to dodge the blasts from the Magna Chaser.
"You're nearly there!" Said Athena, as Velga leapt off on the finally solid ground as the Magnabike exploded on the wall ahead. But the Magna Chaser was still coming right at him.
"You just don't give up, huh?" Said Velga.
"I'm not the same as Ragammia, though." He waited for the Magna Chaser to get close to him.
"Sankaipan!" He spun around in a circle with his fists and blew up the entire Magna Chaser with a single hit.
"I got something different out of Cyan." He Said, spotting the boss door in front of him with Celestia's cutie mark on it. He quickly entered the door and found a room with a punch of incomplete weapons littered near the sides of the walls. Suddenly, three mines suddenly attached to the ground and exploded into a bunch of electricity before Dyna jumped down.
"Dyna!" Said Velga.
"Look at What we have here! I'm impressed how quickly you got here, Velga." Said Dyna.
"You better stop this, now!" Said Velga.
"I don't think so. Princess Celestia needs the weapons to defeat you! Go home before I blow you to bits." Responded Dyna.
"Do as you wish." Said Velga. Dyna then jumped into the air and threw three mines on the ground that Velga had to jump to dodge as they exploded under his feet. He tried hitting her with a dash punch, but Dyna leapt away and threw a mine rolling across the ground that exploded into a vertical bolt of thunder that damaged Velga.
"She's quick..." Said Velga, as Dyna dashed toward him and jumped onto the wall as soon as he tried to throw a punch at him. She then began blasting five mines quicker towards Velga, which blew up once they hit the ground.
"Urgh! Ragammia, I need you back!" Said Velga.
"Hang on! I'm coming!" Said Ragammia, taking Velga's place.
"Ragammia! Finally, a challenge!" Said Dyna, rolling a Mine across the ground that Ragammia jumped over before it detonated.
"Velga Said you were fast. I can guess what your weakness is." Said Ragammia, dodging more of Dyna's mines and repelling her with his saber when she got too close with her dash. She then jumped backwards into the wall again.
"Stasis Crisis!" Yelled Ragammia, slowing down everything. Dyna appeared to be moving slower and Ragammia easily dodged her grenades before slicing her with his saber. He then blasted her with two shots before pausing Stasis Crisis.
"AAAAH! Was that...Crisis' weapon?" Said Dyna.
"Ragammia! Dyna took more damage just by being affected by the Stasis Crisis!" Said Athena.
"Really? Okay, that gives me an edge..." Said Ragammia.
"You are gonna pay for that! Here, have this!" Dyna began throwing mines into the air that began blowing up when they hit the ground. Ragammia quickly dodged the mines and blasted her in the chest with a charge shot before using the Stasis Crisis before she was able to recover.
"This ends here, Dyna!" He Said, slashing her many times with his saber before he ran out of energy for Stasis Crisis. When it stopped, Dyna collapsed on the ground with a lot of gashes in her body.
"How could...I lose..." She Said, before exploding into a bunch of black orbs. Ragammia then absorbed her weapon data before his body changed to a black color and he warped to the Base.
"Athena. I took care of Dyna." He Said.
"Excellent! Thank you for doing this." Said Athena.
"The Weapons you got were the Dynamo Mine and Chajibomu. The Dynamo Mine sticks to enemies and walls if you fire it and can be detonated to bombard the enemy with electricity. The Chijabomu shoots a bomb from your saber that explodes when it hits a surface. It's good when you don't want to waste Weapon energy."
"You beat Dyna..." Said Gaia.
"Yes. Sorry about all of this, Gaia." Said Ragammia.
"No need. But I need to get to Celestia now." Said Gaia.
"Good luck, Ragammia." She entered the portal and vanished in a few seconds.
"I hope Celestia doesn't find out..." Said Athena.
"She's a good mare."
"Yeah...She is." Said Ragammia, smiling.

Princess Celestia trotted around her throne room with Luna sulking in her throne.
"I hope I get those weapons soon. We want to beat those Enertrons to avoid any more casualties." She Said.
"I have never seen you this angry, Tia. Except when Twilight told me you fought that other version of yourself." Said Luna.
"You don't think, however, that this is a bit violent?"
"Luna, these creatures have already brought the violence upon us. We are left with little choice." Said Celestia.
"Alright." Said Luna.
"That makes sense..."
"Your majesty." Said one of the guards.
"King Thorax is here to see you." Celestia nodded and let the King of the Changelings inside.
"Celestia, Occelus told me what was going on." He Said.
"So, you heard about the Enertron incident." Said Celestia.
"Yes...I don't agree with this." Said King Thorax.
"What?" Said Celestia.
"I don't think this species meant any harm. It would be like...grouping me in with all the bad Changelings when I was in the Crystal Kingdom." He Said.
"Let's give them another chance."
"I gave them three chances, Thorax. The mechaniloid was the first, and it killed a couple ponies and injured many more. Cyan and Crisis were the second and third respectively, and the first ambassador sent here named Ragammia killed both of them." Said Celestia.
"Why?" Said Thorax.
"I am not sure. But something is telling me they aren't good." Said Celestia.
"Why don't you talk to them?" Said Thorax.
"Talk?!" Said Celestia.
"Did Occelus tell you about those two Enertrons that attacked the school? 80% of the students were killed more than injured."
"Yes..." Said Thorax.
"I know how much you and your hive want love, but these Enertrons aren't exactly the loving type. Do you want a surplus of the weapons one of my guards is getting for me?" Said Celestia.
"Let me see the Weapons first..." Said Thorax. He was nervous about making a decision. Suddenly, Gaia emerged from the portal.
"Aunt Celestia." She Said.
"Gaia! Where are the Weapons?" Celestia Responded and Gaia greeed Thorax.
"Dyna is dead. You won't get the Weapons." Said Gaia. Thorax quickly left when he saw Celestia's eye twitch and her expression freeze. He was glad he didn't have to make a decision.

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