Chapter 19: Confrontation in Canterlot Castle, Part 1

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Ragammia continued through the rooms and found many Metron MK-2s as well as Cog Crushers and Spin Cyclers placed throughout them as he continued to the tower where the Elements of Harmony where stored. If he guessed correctly, Celestia would be there. He was also picking up a very strong energy reading from that place.
"So she's not placing as many enemies...good. This will be easier." He said, finding a passage filled with enemies. He then equipped the Metal Piercer and blasted through them many times before destroying them and advancing to the tower. Soon, he began climbing the rounded stairs up to the next floor that led to the connecting tower. He then tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge, no matter how hard he punched. He then tried using psychokinesis on it as a pony, but nothing happened.
"I'm not sure a charge shot would break this...I'll just try something else." He Said, breaking the nearest window and flying around the back. He then blasted another charge shot straight through the bricks and blasting a hole through the tower before changing into his Shield Armor on the wall and entering. He saw the Elements of Harmony on the corners of the room but instead of Celestia with them, he found Gaia at the center. She turned around with a fierce look in her eyes, as if expecting him.
"Gaia? What are you doing here?" Said Ragammia.
"You know why I'm here, you murderer." She Said, gritting her teeth.
"Murderer? What are you talking about? I came for Celestia, not you! And I don't intend to kill anyone!" He Said.
"Don't give me more lies, Ragammia! I saw you kill Trace with your saber! You called this species weak!" Yelled Gaia.
"What?!" Said Ragammia.
"That never happened! What's gotten into you, Gaia?!"
"It's too late now. I have no choice but to get serious on you!" Said Gaia, as a white light engulfed her, and she transformed. When the light faded, Ragammia saw a fairy his size staring at him.
"G-Gaia?! That's what you look like?!" He had to remind himself not to compliment her.
"Why are you doing this?! I only want to get this species to stand down! I don't intend to kill!" Said Ragammia.
"It's pointless now! You are a threat to this world! I'll destroy you for what you did to Trace!" Said Gaia. Ragammia assumed at this point that he couldn't talk her out of this anymore.
"I can't let you interfere with my mission, Gaia. Sorry...but I'm going to fight you!" Said Ragammia.
"Bring it on! I'm not holding back!" She Yelled. Gaia then began shooting fast orbs of fire at him. Ragammia dodged them and tried hitting her with a charge shot from his normal form, but Gaia was quickly able to smack it away.
"She doesn't have a weapon weakness, Ragammia! Hit her with standard attacks!" Said Athena.
"I'm sorry..." Ragammia quickly began dashing towards her, but Gaia suddenly glowed white and began shooting a bunch of lasers out from her body. Since the lasers were too fast for Ragammia to predict, he was hit multiple times before somersaulting behind her and blasting her in the back with a charge shot.
"Ow! How did he...?" But Gaia had barely any time to respond as Ragammia leapt up and attempted to hit her in the back with his saber. However, Gaia quickly turned around and blocked his shot with an orange barrier she summoned, causing Ragammia to land once again in a fighting stance.
"You look like a fairy, but what are you?!" Said Ragammia.
"You don't need to know!" Said Gaia, summoning an orange crossbow as an orange arrow of light materialized in her hand. She then began shooting arrows of light at Ragammia, who had to jump correctly to dodge them before dash-jumping off the wall and shooting her multiple times with his buster. Gaia summoned another shield to block the attack, but as Ragammia approached her, he charged his saber and broke it with a slash which knocked Gaia to the ground.
"He's strong..." Said Gaia, getting up and teleporting back into the sky before summoning Armor made of light on her body and flying at Ragammia. At this point, Ragammia expected some explanation from Athena on Gaia. He quickly somersaulted away from Gaia's assault, but she turned around and smacked him backward before preparing another assault. But Ragammia quickly transformed into a pony and sped away from her.
"So that's your idea, huh?!" Said Gaia, doing the same.
"Athena?! What should I do?!" Said Ragammia.
"You're expecting a diagnosis on Gaia's moveset? I could get a small reading for Celestia and Luna, but I'm not getting anything for Gaia!" Responded Athena. Gaia then was able to catch up to Ragammia and slammed him through a wall in the tower and away from the castle.

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