Chapter 21: The Opposite of Harmony

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"Velga! Vuro! Shining Armor! Have you come to join the party?" Exclaimed Pinkie.
"We found out something horrible." Said Velga.
"What is it?" Said Twilight.
"Most of the guards are...dead..." Said Shining Armor.
"Not all of them..." He then had to wipe the tears out of his eyes.
"What?! Who could've done that?!" Said Corona. Velga then glared at him with Vuro.
"Don't play dumb with me, Corona. You and Ragammia were the only Enertrons to enter this castle first. You were in charge of the bottom floor." Velga said.
"You killed them!"
"Now, let's not jump to conclusions! I don't have the heart to murder innocent ponies!" Said Corona.
"He's right, Velga! Stop accusing him!" Said Ragammia.
"Ragammia. I know this must be hard for you to hear, but Celestia first began revealing her dark side after you killed Cyan and Crisis. It started approximately when Corona made direct contact with her, which plagued her with a virus...a lesser version of the one Virenne used!" Said Vuro.
"What?!" Said Ragammia.
"No...that's not what Corona would do! Right, Corona?" Said Ragammia.
"Yes! I wouldn't do that! You two told me I was teaching Ragammia bad lessons as well, didn't you? That's no excuse to call me out on this! I only wanted to help!" Said Corona.
"Velga...Vuro...Ragammia...I'm not sure who to agree with on this matter. I would say that Corona seems like a nice Enertron." Said Celestia.
"I'm not sure...Velga and Vuro came to us for research and we answered most of their questions. This is confusing..." Said Twilight.
"Ragammia, I would give Corona another chance, believe me. But he's covering up so much evil inside of him that I just can't." Said Velga.
"Velga..." Said Corona.
"I agree with Velga." Said Vuro.
"Corona isn't who he says he is."
"No...I don't believe that. This world has taught me that friendship is the most powerful thing! We should welcome Corona instead of pushing him away!" Said Ragammia.
"I'm not sure I want to get involved in this, Ragammia." Said Gaia, as Ragammia nodded in understatement.
"Then you'll have to choose between your friends." Said Velga. Ragammia hoped that this wouldn't have happened. Corona had finally been treating him more of a brother instead of just an investigator friend. He had been there for him and encouraged him to keep fighting against what he thought was wrong, and now Velga and Vuro's jealousy had led them to come up with reasons to push him away.
"You two are just jealous." Said Ragammia.
"Open your eyes. Corona isn't evil."
"Ragammia...don't do this." Said Velga.
"Corona isn't evil! Get that into your head!" He Said, gesturing to him.
"Ragammia...thank you for sticking up for me." Said Corona.
"But it was a waste." Before Ragammia could Respond, he was blasted through the chest with a charge shot, clutching the wound in his chest as the others stepped back from him.
"Corona?!" Said Gaia, a wicked grin spread across his face. Corona then prepared to shoot Ragammia with another charge shot, but Velga jumped onto his back to stop him. However, Corona was stronger than Velga and threw him into the side of the wall before his body turned white.
"Air Slicer!" He Yelled, cutting off Velga's arms with two shots, causing him to yell in pain.
"Hey! Get away from my brother!" Yelled Vuro, preparing to breathe ice on him. But Corona dashed up to him and twisted his jaw with his hand, emitting a distorted scream from Vuro as he tore off his buster as well.
"Ha! You're no stronger than Ragammia! You didn't even bother to notice what I was doing until after you let your guard down!" Said Corona.
" really did do all of this stuff?!" Said Applejack.
"That's right! And I'd do it all over again if I could! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Said Corona.
"Not if I have something to say about it!" Said Celestia, preparing to hit him with flames from her horn.
"Dasshukutta!" Yelled Corona, rushing past Celestia, who grabbed her head in pain. Her horn was lying next to her, broken off her forehead.
"Celestia!" Yelled Twilight.
"Seriously, Princess? Now's not a good time to lose part of your head. Ha ha ha!" Said Corona.
"yoU wON't GeT aWAY witH ThIs..." Said Vuro, clutching his broken jaw.
"Yeah? Who's gonna stop me? You? Ragammia? Velga? Celestia? Those pathetic ponies?" Said Corona.
"Stay away from them, you monster. Are you...are you the one that killed Trace?" Said Gaia.
"Took you long enough to realize that, stupid fairy." Said Corona. Gaia suddenly was enraged once again.
"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID! YOU'LL DIE FOR THIS!" But before she could hurt Corona, he blasted her into the wall with a charge shot and injured her, another wound opened on her arm.
"Pathetic sprite! You think you can beat me?" He Said.
"Corona..." Said Ragammia, getting up and using his second sub tank.
"You're not getting away with this. I thought we were brothers! But now I see that Velga and Vuro were trying to protect me from the monster that is you."
"Insults won't get you anywhere. I'll terminate you in the blink of an eye! And it'll be easier since I have all your weapons!" Said Corona.
"Wait...ALL my weapons?!" Said Ragammia.
"Yeah, ALL of them!" Said Corona, his body changing green.
"Piercing Vine!" He charged at Ragammia with the pointed vine on his arm to try and server Ragammia, but he was able to dash backwards and dodge it.
"Ice Rocket!" Corona then blasted the frozen explosive at Ragammia, freezing him solid again before breaking his icy prison with the Heat Blaster.
"What are those weapons?! I've never seen them before..." Said Celestia, as Twilight was clotting the blood where her horn was severed.
"Those are Weapons from my eight commanders...Athena must've given the data to you..." Said Ragammia, getting up and trying to blast him with his buster.
"Sorry..." Said Athena, as Corona dodged the blasts and equipped the Metal Piercer, trying to blast Ragammia with it. But Ragammia rolled past the attacks and hit Corona with a charged saber slash, causing him to fall backwards.
"Everyone! Get out of here! Corona is too dangerous!" Said Ragammia, as Velga stood up without his arms and Vuro stood up, pain still plaguing his jaw.
"Let's leave. That means you, Princess." Said Velga, teleporting the group out of the castle.
" made me miss my chance!" Said Corona, charging up his buster and then firing three charge shots at Ragammia. Ragammia was unable to dodge one and knocked into the wall of the castle.
"That's it...lie in ruins, Ragammia!" Yelled Corona, engulfing himself in fire and charging toward Ragammia. Since Corona was moving too fast for Ragammia to dodge his attack, Ragammia was knocked out the window and Corona teleported the duo somewhere else.
"Sister! Tia! Corona was the one who..." Said Luna, Who had flown up the stairs. But she was horrified to find Celestia's horn in a small red puddle while splotches of oil littered the top of the tower.

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