Chapter 10: Crisis in Cyberspace

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"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" Said a newspony, waving a group of newspapers in the air. Replacing the efforts of the defeated giant mechaniloid by him, Velga, and Vuro was an issue with the heading saying "Newcoming Hero Kills Royal Guard." He knew that ponies would recognize him, even when he was in his dragon armor. But Ragammia was not paying attention, as Athena was giving him information on his new abilities.
"The Cyan Slicer allows you to summon a claw in place of your buster and slash enemies close to you. It's sharp enough to cut sturdy objects or even data apart. The Kensheba on the other hand allows you to spin in the air with your saber and slash away enemies." Said Athena.
"Also, about your two new armors: Your Pony Armor and Hippogriff Armor."
"I thought that last one was a glitch." Said Ragammia.
"No. It was formed based on your personality. There was a glitch that caused Velga to briefly change into his dragon armor and Vuro changed into his pony armor right away." Said Athena.
"Oh, I see." Said Ragammia. Suddenly, he found a group huddled around the clock tower where a rift in cyberspace had occurred.
"What do you make of this, Derpy?" Said a brown stallion next to Derpy.
"I'm not looks so yellow though." Said Derpy, as Ragammia took a look at it and realized it led to cyberspace.
"That doesn't happen unless an Enertron has the ability to do so." Said Ragammia to himself.
"Is this a portal to another dimension? It's possible, now that I've seen it myself...this world seems to be catching up on technology." Said the stallion.
"Ooh. What's that?" Said Derpy, pointing to a mechaniloid in cyberspace that resembled a clock with only zeros and ones on its tic lines. It had no hands and a hole in the middle and another hole on the top.
"Athena, isn't that a Clockstopper?" Said Ragammia.
"Clockstopper? Give me a second...Velga and Vuro are dealing with Mavericks in Klugetown and the Crystal Kingdom!" Said Athena.
"But That mechaniloid stops time on the target with a beam, pulls them closer, and then blasts them with a laser!" Said Athena.
"Hope you win, you two..." Said Ragammia. Suddenly, the Clockstopper turned toward the two and froze them with a beam before pulling them into cyberspace and vanishing with them.
"Oh no! Don't worry, I'll handle this!" Said Ragammia, changing into his regular form and then entering the cyberspace hole before it closed. He found himself in a cyberspace version of the clock tower in Ponyville.
"Athena? I'm in a cyberspace version of the Ponyville clocktower." Said Ragammia.
"What? That must mean that an Enertron created it. I don't know who..." Said Athena.
"Someone opened an area in cyberspace from Equestria?" Said Ragammia. He suddenly spotted yellow floating blocks that were occupied with more Clockstoppers and Kurogippas, claw mechaniloids with an eye on their palm that popped out of the ground and grabbed enemies before electrocuting them.
"Athena. I'm going to find those two captured ponies." Said Ragammia jumping onto the first block and slashing the Kurogippas that popped out of the ground while blasting the Clockstoppers with his buster. He hopped on four of the appearing blocks before finding an orange, moving block with some Spark Balls on it, small mechaniloids that generated an electric shield that could block almost all attacks.
"Okay...looks like I'm going to have to cross with my normal form." Said Ragammia after trying his armors.
"Here I go." He jumped onto the block as it moved toward him and was able to jump correctly while on it to dodge the Spark Balls. He then waited until the block moved far from the area he was on and found appearing (yoku) blocks above him.
"Are you kidding me? This again?" Said Ragammia.
"Keep climbing those blocks. You'll be able to reach the next area." Said Athena. Ragammia began jumping on the appearing blocks with precise timing as he had done three months ago, making sure not to fall and having to teleport back to Athena's Lab. After tedious jumping, Ragammia touched a yellow crystal and arrived in another area. Ragammia was back on solid ground, but there were Crush Pressers, enemies that tried to use a press to heavily damage anyone underneath ahead of him on the ceiling.
"Dash correctly and you'll be able to pass them." Said Athena, as Ragammia dashed at the right time to avoid getting compressed. He saw another wave of Crush Pressers ahead, but they weren't moving at all on the ceiling and were red.
"Ragammia! Dash past these Crush Presser Rs quickly! You will take too much damage if you are crushed by them!" Said Athena.
"I can see that." Said Ragammia, looking at the spikes on the presses of the enemies.
Okay, you've got this Ragammia. All you need to do is dash past them like you did in the Disposal Factory. Thought Ragammia, taking a deep breath and dashing quickly under the enemies before they crushed him. He then came to a shaft after dodging the enemies.
"That was close..." He Said.
"But there's only a single chain leading upwards." He Said, the walls on the side curved at an angle.
"The walls aren't stable enough to climb, so grab the chain with your grab link!" Said Athena. Ragammia's saber arm changed into a blocky claw and held on tight to the chain, giving him room to use it to dash upward with it.
"Careful! There are more Clockstoppers above!" Said Athena. Ragammia dashed up the chain and blasted the enemies with his buster while moving. He was able to destroy all of the Clockstoppers and only take damage from one. He then found a boss door above him with Celestia's Cutie Mark on it.
"What the...? Celestia?" He Said.
"If that's Celestia's cutie mark...then this must be the work of one of her guards!" Said Athena.
"Wait...Cyan...That makes sense!" Said Ragammia, entering the boss door as it closed below him. He then spotted the two ponies that had been kidnapped.
"Hang on! I'm here to save you!" Said Ragammia.
"We don't need to be saved." Said Derpy.
"We just want a way out of here. One of the guards only said he wanted your attention and meant us no harm." Said the stallion.
"What are your names? I saw you when I beat Dash in a race." Said Ragammia to Derpy.
"Ponies call me Derpy." Said Derpy.
"I am Dr. Whooves, or Time Turner, or Dr. Hooves, whatever you wish to call me. Charmed to meet you." He said. Suddenly, a hole through cyberspace opened up back to Equestria and the two fell through it and were returned to Ponyville.
"There is still so much I need to learn..." He Said.
"That's okay. We can learn together." Said Derpy.
"Crisis! I know you're here!" Said Ragammia. A golden chain suddenly impaled the ground, and Crisis slid down it with a grab link of his own.
"Ragammia." He Said.
"Do you know why I borrowed those two ponies?"
"So you could fight me." Said Ragammia.
"Bravo! You seem smart!" Said Crisis, clapping.
"But I cannot forgive what you did to've pushed my buttons."
"Crisis, I didn't mean it." Said Ragammia.
"Can't we talk this over?"
"It's too late for that...all we can do now is fight!" Said Crisis.
"Now let's battle!" He began shooting beams at Ragammia with his buster in a similar way to Cyan, but Ragammia dodged them and retaliated with a buster shot that Crisis dodged by jumping to the side.
"I'm stronger than my brother. Watch!" Said Crisis, shooting a chain into the air and being pulled upwards. Ragammia looked around as four new chains dropped down on the battlefield on each corner. Ragammia looked around, but Crisis suddenly moved quickly on one of them and whipped Ragammia with a chain on his buster, knocking him backwards before the chains disappeared.
"I gotta credit you. You are quite enduring." Said Crisis.
"Stasis Crisis!" He Said before Ragammia could slash at him. Ragammia suddenly realized that Crisis was behind him.
"What?!" Said Ragammia.
"I can slow down time with my Stasis Crisis. There's no way for me to lose now!" He Said.
"Ragammia! Use Cyan's weapon!" Said Athena.
"Right! I have the data from your brother." Said Ragammia.
"I know. But that's not gonna help you!" Said Crisis. Ragammia's body suddenly turned green and blue before his buster was replaced with a claw.
"Cyan Slicer!" He Said, cutting Crisis backwards and harming him. A scratch was now visible on his torso.
"How dare you use my brother's data against me!" Said Crisis, summoning four more chains and leaving temporarily.
"Two can play at this game!" Said Ragammia, going toward one of the chains.
"Ragammia, no!" Said Athena. But when Ragammia touched one of the chains, he was frozen in place and unable to move until Crisis arrived and blasted him.
"How do you like that, Ragammia?" Said Crisis.
"He's too far up to hit!" Said Ragammia.
"Ragammia...when Velga and Vuro weren't around for you, I got the idea to warp them to your location as I did. I call it the 'Transport Switch,' or the 'T-Switch' for short. This is a prototype, so it will switch the locations of who you choose. The finished version won't." Said Athena.
"I told you this because Velga and Vuro are back from their mission."
"Okay! Vuro, I need your help!" Said Ragammia.
"Okay, I'm coming!" Vuro Said, before he and Ragammia switched places and Ragammia found himself in Princess Candace's castle.
"Ragammia. I'm Vuro's brother." He Said to her, awkwardly trying to start a conversation.
"Okay...what do I do?" Said Vuro.
"You have Cyan's weapon from Ragammia! Charge it up!" Said Athena. When Crisis came down from one of the gold chains, Vuro released the charge shot of the Cyan Slicer and shot a giant slash beam from the sky that cut his Grab Link off before Vuro switched back.
"Gah! What was that?!" Yelled Crisis, clutching his damaged arm.
"That was the power of friendship." Said Ragammia. Cyan glared at him before using his Stasis Crisis again and moving much faster with his chain whip, Ragammia struggling to dodge it.
"Okay...Kensheba!" Said Ragammia, spinning around on the ground and cutting it in half.
"Grr! Now you've done it!" Said Crisis, charging at him. But Ragammia quickly equipped the Cyan Slicer and slashed at him when he ran at him. When Crisis stopped on the other side of the room, some oil oozed from his open wound where Ragammia had made a deep cut.
"Give up, Crisis." Said Ragammia.
"You're under arrest."
"You can't arrest a corpse." Said Crisis, sparks flying out of him.
"Don't pull that stunt your brother did. Don't be a sore loser." Said Ragammia.
"Losing? Is that what you think this is?" Said Crisis.
"Of course. Life is just a big game to you, isn't it? Well this game has just begun." Said Crisis, as white light flew out of him and he exploded into a bunch of golden orbs.
"Crap, Crisis..." Said Ragammia, taking his weapon data.
"Celestia won't be happy."

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