Chapter 23: The Boss Capsules

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Warning: This is a long chapter.

Ragammia destroyed the enemies in his way, which were infected Cog Crushers, Metron MK-2s, and Shuri Kens before coming to a room filled with ten capsules around him. After he entered, the door shut behind him.
"I guess each one of these leads to a maverick I've killed formerly from Celestia..." He Said.
"But the extra two must lead to Seraphi and Aether." Ragammia then chose a capsule before entering it and being teleported to another area. He then found himself in a rustic city that reminded him of an ancient time known as the "Wild West," where cowboys originated. However, the city was being attacked by Zap Traps, Cog Crushers, and Spin Cyclers.
"Whatever this place is...the Mavericks won't take it!" Said Ragammia, charging into battle.

Tempest Shadow hadn't thought highly of herself a couple months ago. She didn't need to, since she had helped the Storm King, an evil diplomat, take over Equestria by turning the Alicorn Princesses into stone. Twilight had helped reform her and had promised to repair her broken horn someday after the incident, but she was now wandering Equestria looking for ways to help. She could still use magic, but little of it remained because of her broken horn. Along her journey, she had come to a place called Appaloosa where Applejack, one of Twilight's friends, had relatives and lived with the buffalo tribe there. Tempest had come to expect work, but a few hours after she had arrived, the sky had become infested with purple clouds and Chief Thunderhooves began locking down the city with the town Sheriff. A bunch of mechanical monsters easily broke through the city's defenses and began damaging everything in sight. When Tempest attempted to use magic, she felt nothing and instead turned tail and ran before hiding behind a damaged building.
"What in Tartarus is going on?!" She Said. But suddenly, a giant ball machine began destroying the building she was using for cover until she was trapped by other machines.
"What do I do..." She Said, trying to think of something. But suddenly, another armored machine jumped into the sky and began cutting the machines to pieces easily, which was a surprise for Tempest since she had seen the defense lines for Appaloosa fall easily.
"You Mavericks may not feel any pain, but I'll make short work of you!" He Yelled, cutting, then all to pieces with what appeared to be a sword in his grip and blasting them with what resembled a gun.
"Are you Okay, miss?" He Said.
"Finally, someone who can actually fight these things...who are you?" Said Tempest.
"I am Ragammia, a mechanical being called an Enertron that hunts these other mechanical beings called Mavericks." He Said.
"I'm Tempest. Tempest Shadow. You don't appear to be from here, Ragammia." Said Tempest.
"I'm not." Said Ragammia.
"Those viral clouds are inhibiting magic in this world, but there is an Enertron guard that used to work for Celestia commanding Mavericks here." Tempest then followed Ragammia as he began dispatching the other mavericks attacking the area, Chief Thunderhooves soon noticing him.
"You! You're that guy that kidnapped the six students!" He Said.
"That's not a priority right now. One of Celestia's guards will be here any minute now..." Said Ragammia.
"I thought you killed all of them!" He Said. But suddenly, a thunderbolt struck the ground in front of Ragammia as Psy emerged from it. However, besides the fact that she had red eyes, her colors were also darker.
"Psy?!" Said Ragammia.
"What happened to you?!"
"Is that really one of Celestia's...?" Said Tempest.
"I am Psy. I am an officiant of Mistress Virenne. My orders are to raze this entire area." She Responded in a monotonous voice.
"Virenne must've resurrected her without a personality..." Said Ragammia.
"You are Ragammia. I must destroy Ragammia and his friends for my Mistress." Said Psy, as she began floating, an electric barrier surrounding her.
"Everyone get back!" Yelled Ragammia. Psy then threw a giant ball of electricity on the ground that began following Ragammia. Ragammia quickly jumped up and hit her with the Sting Laser, But it simply bounced off her, doing nothing.
"Athena? The Sting Laser isn't working!" He Said, dashing around Psy's laser beams as the citizens got to a safe distance.
"Use Dangan's moveset!" Said Athena, as Psy began pulling in a bunch of debris with her barrier before shooting a laser beam at Ragammia, Who was trying to dash away from it. Luckily, Ragammia was able to avoid it this time before blasting Psy with the Metal Piercer. She only flinched a little as a dent was made in her chest. Psy then began firing a bunch of lightning orbs at Ragammia, which he had to somersault past to dodge. He then jumped up to her and slammed her downward with the Doriruseba. The attack had cut off one of her arms, but Psy got up and a purple aura surrounded her.
"Uh oh..." Said Ragammia. A lightning bolt suddenly nearly struck Ragammia from the sky, followed by more as they stood in place, lessening the area Ragammia had to fight her. Psy then continued by shooting another electric orb that targeted Ragammia before he dodged it and blasted her with the Metal Piercer again. This time, Psy screamed as she collapsed to the ground.
"Mistress..." She Said, before her eyes stopped glowing and she exploded. Energy orbs came out of her as Ragammia was whisked back to the mothership.
"Did That Enertron save the city?" Asked Little Strongheart to her father.
"I...I believe so. He killed that monster of one of the guards." Said Chief Thunderhooves.
"Do you want me to help you repair?" Said Tempest, as everyone turned in her direction.
"That would be well appreciated. Thanks." Said the Chief, before Tempest started getting to work. But she felt more content now that there was something that could handle extreme crises like the current one.

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