Chapter 4: Equestria 101 (Part 2)

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Ragammia warped in front of the Carousel Boutique, letting Rarity go with his psychokinesis.
"My word...what happened?" Said Rarity.
"Let's continue our vacation." Said Ragammia.
"Where can I relax?"
"Relax? Oh, I was just about to go there anyway!" Said Rarity, leading Ragammia down through the town.
"Hey, look! It's the Alicorn speedster!" Said an earth pony before the two were swarmed with cheering ponies from all sides.
"Can I have an autograph, mister?" Said a young pegasus colt. Ragammia signed the autograph and began receiving more and being photographed by the paparazzi until Rarity cut in five minutes later.
"Ragammia has had enough recognition. We need to go or we'll be late!" Said Rarity, as the two left the crowd.
"We'll be late for my appointment!" Said Rarity.
"Hang on. What's the place called?" Said Ragammia.
"Ragammia, we are going to the Ponyville Day Spa." Said Rarity.
"Okay!" Said Ragammia, locating it on his sensors and dashing toward it while grabbing Rarity with his psychokinesis. When they arrived, Rarity quickly balanced her equilibrium and got to her hooves.
"How did you move so fast without your wings?" She Said.
"I don't have time to answer that if we're going to be late." Said Ragammia, as Rarity quickly pushed him through the door.
"Hello, Girls! This is my newest friend, Ragammia!" Said Rarity.
"Hi!" Said the two spa ponies, one with a pink coat and one with a blue coat.
"My name is Lotus!"
"My name is Aloe!"
"How may we help you today?" They both said at the same time.
"Oh, that never gets old. You must have some bits, don't you Ragammia?" Ragammia began flaring before disappearing into another room and levitating a bag of golden coins with a "Z" on it.
"How much do you charge for Zenny?" He Said. The three ponies stared at him strangely.
"Never heard of 'Zenny...'" Said Rarity.
"Um...that's all I've got!" Said Ragammia.
"Chill! This one's on us! Oh my, Lotus! You see those wings and horn?! You know what that means!" Said Aloe.
"An Alicorn?! My, my, my!" Said Lotus.
"You should give Rarity the usual! I'll be with Mister Ragammia!" Said Aloe.
"Okay...I usually give Rarity her usual anyways." Said Lotus, leading Rarity to a bed. Aloe led Ragammia to a bed as well.
"What would you like?" She Asked.
"I just feel so tensed up." Said Ragammia.
"My, you need to relax! How about a massage?" Said Aloe, spreading his hooves out and putting buckets of hot water for each of his hooves.
"Oh, yes..." Said Ragammia, lying down as Aloe began rubbing coconut oil on his fur.
"You're not from here, are you?" She Said.
"No..." Said Ragammia.
"Where do you come from?" She Said.
"Some place far away from here..." Said Ragammia.
"I noticed your cutie mark having the first letter of your name with a lightning bolt." Responded Aloe.
"It symbolizes my purpose: to preserve peace and protect those who can't stand against those who threaten it." Said Ragammia.
"Oh my...big purpose for such a pony like you. No wonder you're an Alicorn." Said Aloe. Ragammia wanted to go a little deeper on his history but not completely reveal himself in the process. Aloe was now massaging the side of his barrel.
"I was once a strong fighter for a unit of protectors. But one day, my commander betrayed me and killed nearly all my friends in the unit. I was able to escape." Said Ragammia.
"Oh dear...I am sorry..." Said Aloe. Surprised to hear this as she massaged the other side of his barrel.
"Even worse, the rest of my commanding officers turned on my organization and I was forced to...eliminate all of them." Aloe began massaging nervously.
"Then I found who was doing this and finally caught her in a fortress. I destroyed her and restored peace to my home, and now I'm relaxing on a vacation. I'm not a cold-blooded murderer, I just had no choice but to fight." Said Ragammia, a tear falling from his face.
"That would explain why you need a massage. Just relax." Said Aloe. Ragammia did as he was told and began to fall asleep.

Velga suddenly fell out of the portal in front of the carousel boutique. He was an earth pony and his cutie mark was an orange, pixelated "V".
"Oh my gosh!" Said Spike, as Opal clung to him with her claws. He had left the door open and could see Velga. Compared to most Earth ponies, Velga's muscles nearly bulged out of his skin like Bulk Biceps, But he still resembled and adult and his entire coat was red, but brighter than that of Big Mac.
"Hmph. I've survived tougher falls than this." He Said.
"Who are you?" Said Spike.
"My name is Velga, tiny dragon." Said Velga.
"Velga...? Oh, right! Velga! I don't know where Ragammia went, but is there something you want to do?" Asked Spike.
"Does this place have anything interesting or that doesn't want to make me vomit?" Said Velga.
"Um...I can show you around." Said Spike, giving Opal some food and water before showing him around Ponyville. Velga only nodded his head slightly while maintaining his emotionless face to anypony that greeted him.
"I'm used to living in an area where there's always fighting. This place seems happy, but not my kind of happy." Said Velga.
"What is your kind of happy?" Said Spike.
"Everyone is doing what they want without having to worry about enemies." Said Velga.
"We've been attacked several times by enemies, believe me." Said Spike.
"You must have a really patient population then." Said Velga.
"This just isn't my style."
"HI!" Said a pink pony in front of Velga all of a sudden.
"Gah! Prepare yourself!" Said Velga, glaring at her.
"Velga, Stop! It's just Pinkie Pie." Said Spike.
"Hi! Do you know that I know everypony in Ponyville? I've never seen you here before! *Gasp* That means you deserve my special 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" Said Pinkie Pie, smiling and singing the same song she sang to Twilight when they first met. While Spike was smiling, Velga's eyes were twitching involuntarily.
"Wait for it..." She Said once she finished her song. Suddenly, her party cannon went off in Velga's face, his eyes bloodshot.
"Tada! Were you surprised? Huh? Were you?" Said Pinkie Pie.
"Stand back, everypony..." Said Spike, backing up. Velga finally snapped after Pinkie Pie finished.
"SHUT...UP!!!" He Yelled at the top of his lungs, everything around him vibrating. Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped smiling and her hair deflated before she erupted into a wailing pile of tears and ran off.
"Dude, That was not nice." Said Spike. Velga was calmer now, but slightly agitated by what he had done.
"This...this is just not my place...I am sorry, but maybe we should go somewhere else for the time being." Said Spike.
"I can think of a good place for you to visit, but it's not around here. It's where I came from." Velga thought about what Spike was saying and then how his dragon armor was created from his DNA.
"Yes...let's go!" He Said, grabbing Spike and teleporting away.

When Spike touched the molten rock of the dragon lands, he was stunned on how quickly he had arrived there. Velga was now a tall dragon when he looked up.
"I got this power from my first adventure." He Said.
"You can turn into a dragon?" Said Spike.
"Yeah. Now this place...this seems like my style." Said Velga. A couple dragons recognized Spike and murmured about his newly earned wings whereas other dragons looked at Velga and wondered where he had come from.
"I having a craving for gems all of a sudden. I'll go and sniff around while you enjoy yourself." Said Velga, flying toward a mountain of stone. Enjoying himself was hardly the thing Spike was doing at the moment. Velga was much more brash and hot-tempered compared to Ragammia, and was very intolerable. He had been right; he'd fit right in. Spike looked around for something to do and found a gem sitting on the ground. He went to pick it up for a snack, as he had nothing to do but wait for Velga to come back.
"Hey, Spike." Said a dragon whom Spike recognized. He felt a chill run up his spine.
"Hey, Garble." Said Spike in a nervous tone.
"Why are you back here, scrub?" He Responded.
"I met a new friend." Said Spike, preparing to gorge on the gem. But Garble snatched it out of his claw and ate it himself.
"And my wings!" Spike flapped his wings, but Garble just laughed.
"And you expect me to treat you any different? You and your stupid...friend?" Said Garble, struggling to say the last word.
"You shouldn't bully me!" Said Spike. But Garble grabbed him by the leg and glared at him.
"I'll do whatever I want with you. I'm sick of being beaten by you and your stupid ponies!" But just before he could hurt Spike, Velga returned with a pile of gems.
"Hey Spike! I got us something to eat and thought we might...Huh?" Said Velga, realizing Spike was being tormented by Garble.
"Is there a problem here?" Garble turned around and looked at Velga before realizing Velga was bigger and stronger than him.
"Who are you?" Asked Garble.
"My name is Velga. You're not hurting my buddy Spike, are you?" He Said. Garble was speechless.
"Look, I don't know who you are, but Spike is mine, got it?" Said Garble. Velga remembered the upgrade Athena had given him and turned toward a pile of rocks before a ball of energy began to appear in his hands.
"Hadouken!" He Yelled, shooting the ball of fire at the pile of rocks and turning it into a pile of gravel.
"Are you hurting Spike?" Said Velga in a slower tone.
"!" Garble said, dropping Spike.
"Good." Said Velga, gesturing for Spike to get on his back and flying away with him.
"Does this area have a Princess?" Said Velga.
"Not a kidnapped one. Dragon Lord Ember is over there." Responded Spike.

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