Chapter 20: Confrontation in Canterlot Castle, Part 2

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Twilight began concentrating with all her might as her horn flowed furiously as a light enveloped the Mane Six, Spike, Velga, and Vuro. The group suddenly was transported near Canterlot Castle as Twilight suddenly collapsed on the ground from fatigue.
"Twilight!" Said Fluttershy, as the others huddled around her.
"I bet she passed out because of what she did." Said Rarity.
"I can see why she prefers to show up in style with a chariot."
"Wait..." Said Vuro, entering the castle before the others and finding not only dead mechaniloids, but dead pony guards as well. He also found Shining Armor crying among the corpses.
"Why...why did they do this..." He Said.
"Um...Hello, Mr. Armor." Said Vuro, as Shining immediately recognized his voice.
"Get out! Your kind did this to us!" He Yelled.
"Hey! Vuro didn't kill your guards!" Said Velga, protecting him.
"What do you know?!" Shouted Shining.
"Wait! They're not lying!" Said Rainbow Dash, the Mane Five with Velga and Vuro.
"Don't tell me you five are siding with them as well..." He Said.
"They didn't mean any of this!" Said Pinkie Pie.
"How can you say that after what they've done?!" He Yelled.
"Wait...Shining..." Said Twilight, Who was trotting dizzily to her brother.
"They're...friends..." She then collapsed on the ground due to her migraine.
"Twily? Then...I have no choice but to trust you all..." He said as Vuro was chatting with Athena on how to deal with migraines.
"Who killed them?" Said Velga.
"I don't know...but it might've been Ragammia, your brother." Said Shining.
"No, it had to be an Enertron other than him." Said Velga.
"Wait a minute..." He suddenly recalled a quote in his memory:
We can't trust them.
"I KNEW IT!" He Yelled, slamming his fist through the wall.
"Everyone, get going. We have to find Celestia." Said Velga.
"What?" Said Fluttershy.
"Get...going. Now." He Said, glaring at them as he dashed to the next room in the castle.

Ragammia and Gaia continued to Celestia at the top of the castle, encountering groups of Fang Fangs, Ooze Demons, and Clockstoppers the rest of the way.
"These mechaniloids are easy!" Said Gaia, shooting an arrow through a Fang Fang and killing it.
"You said you were sent by your mom to investigate other worlds?" Said Ragammia, blasting a Clockstopper trying to freeze them.
"Yes...she has a lot of family in other worlds like Celestia." Said Gaia, helping Ragammia finish off the maverick hoard as they advanced near the top of the tower.
"Well then...this is it. I'm ready, Gaia. Are you?" Said Ragammia.
"Yes. I'm ready." She said, as Ragammia cut open the double doors with his saber. The duo found Princess Celestia waiting in the center of the room.
"Ragammia. I've been expecting..." But she turned around to find her niece with Ragammia.
"Sorry, Aunt Celestia. I agree with Ragammia." Said Gaia.
"I've had children disagree with me...Capper and Celaeno disagreed with me...but I never suspected that you would disagree with me!" Said Celestia.
"Someone else killed Trace. It wasn't him!" Said Gaia.
"I find that hard to you not see that the Enertrons have caused us enough pain?!" Said Celestia.
"Your guards brought this pain to fruition." Said Gaia.
"You've only been blinded by their sacrifices! Step back into the light!" Celestia had never expected her to hear this from her own niece.
"How could're not the Gaia I know..." Said Celestia, getting angry again.
"Surrender, Celestia. I'm serious. I defeated Luna, and me and Gaia nearly killed each other before we came to an agreement." Said Ragammia.
"It wouldn't take too long for the both of us to beat you into submission."
"Both of us. Sorry if this is how I get to repay you, Aunt Celestia." Said Gaia. Celestia was flabbergasted and then filled with rage.
"You...YOU TRAITOR! I'LL SHOW YOU TWO YOUR PLACE!" Said Celestia, as her mane ignited again.
"I might not fight her as much because she's my aunt..." Said Gaia, before Celestia began shooting orange lasers at them. Ragammia dodged them quickly with Gaia and blasted a charge shot at her, but Celestia blocked it with her wing and began shooting a barrage of flames from her horn.
"Ragammia, use a weapon against Celestia like you did with Luna!" Said Athena.
"Okay...she's got to be weak to the Poison Gunk!" Said Ragammia, setting up the weapon and shooting blobs of acid at Celestia. She attempted to block it with her wings again, but the acid started burning them, forcing her to continue using her horn.
"I won't let you win this!" She Said, shooting more fire from her horn in a spiral. Ragammia quickly dodged the flames as Gaia quickly retaliated with blasts of light from her palms. While Celestia turned to face Gaia after being hit, Ragammia used the Neruhaisui on Celestia and bit onto the side of her neck before he was thrown off.
"That attack will drain your vitality just like a vampire. Want to guess which guard gave me that?" He Said.
"Enough!" Yelled Celestia, slamming him into the wall with her magic.
"I've suffered too many losses at the hands of your kind! I'll remove you personally!"
"No you won't!" Yelled Gaia, jumping onto Celestia and burning her coat with her fiery hand.
"GAAAH!" Yelled Celestia, as Ragammia broke out and blasted her backwards with a charge shot.
I promised not to use this power...but they've pushed me too far! Thought Celestia. She suddenly began concentrating all of her magic.

Twilight and her friends were still going through Celestia's castle until the Mane Six began to glow.
"Um...Twi? Isn't this what happens when we use our rainbow power?" Said Rainbow Dash.
"Yes...the only other one that can access this power is Celestia. Oh she planning to use it on Ragammia?!" Said Twilight. Velga and Vuro had already left to investigate the rest of the castle.

As Celestia was concentrating, outlines of the Elements of Harmony surrounded her.
"Oh no...don't tell me you plan to use the Elements of Harmony on both of us!" Said Gaia.
"I never imagined that you'd be able to do it!"
"Silence! Thou both shall be banished from this place!" Said Celestia, angry enough that she was speaking in a medieval tongue.
"Is that attack like yours?" Said Ragammia.
"'s faster!" Said Gaia.
"Why don't we just dodge it?" Said Ragammia. "Just fly out of range and I'll somersault!"
"How will that help you?!" Said Gaia. But it was too late, as the giant beam was fired toward them, Gaia flew out of the castle and Ragammia somersaulted as he said. But when the attack stopped, Celestia gasped as Ragammia had dodged the attack and Gaia flew back into the castle.
"How did you dodge that?!" Said Celestia.
"I just flew away." Said Gaia.
"But very quickly."
"I did a somersault dodge, which gives me a small invincibility period." Said Ragammia.
"But now it's our turn to attack!" Ragammia quickly used the Neruhaisui on Celestia while Gaia began charging up her laser attack that she had hit Ragammia with.
"Let...go!" Said Celestia, throwing Ragammia off again and attempting to burn him with fire. But Ragammia still dodged and stood next to Gaia, who had finished charging. Ragammia then began overcharging his buster like he had done three months ago.
"She's quite durable, so the combined attack from both of you should stop her but not kill her." Said Athena.
"Let's finish this!" Said Ragammia, as both of them shot their strongest attacks at Celestia. But suddenly, a shield was summoned around her as Celestia tried to shield with her own magic.
"What?" Said Gaia, as the attack was stopped by the magic shields.
"Stop! Don't do this!" Said the voice of Twilight, who had managed to find the two confronting Celestia.
"Twilight. You agree with me, right?" Said Celestia.
"Princess, look at what you've done! You've damaged so many areas in the other world, you've killed innocent Enertrons, and you've even attempted to kill your own niece!" Said Twilight.
"They are against me, Twilight!" Said Celestia.
"NO!" She suddenly Yelled, every creature backing up.
"You've just been at what's been happening in their world that you haven't considered why they are doing this!"
"I...I only wanted peace. The fighting started when your guards threatened me and you got angry enough to declare war on my kind." Said Ragammia.
"You also have been blinded by this pointless war!" Said Twilight to Ragammia.
"No, I didn't want to kill Celestia, just get her to stop! I was planning to talk afterwards, I swear!" Said Ragammia.
"When did you start getting so mad, Princess?"
"After you destroyed Cyan and Crisis." Said Celestia.
"That's when I felt my dark side emerge..." Said Celestia.
"Push away the darkness, Princess! Ragammia meant no harm to you!" Said Pinkie.
"I bet you meant him no harm as well." Said Fluttershy.
"Yes...I only wanted the best for Equestria!" She Said, sobbing suddenly.
"Athena only wanted the best for our world, too! I'm sorry!" Said Ragammia, sobbing as well. Gaia then watched as the two found themselves hugging each other until they stopped crying.
"Let's say that this never happened." She said.
"Yeah...That was awkward. But does this mean that we'll no longer wage war on each other?" Said Ragammia.
"Certainly! Thank you Twilight, for opening my eyes again with your friends!" Said Celestia.
I can't believe it was this easy...this world must have a lot of magic if that's what Friendship is here. Thought Ragammia. He then turned around and suddenly spotted Corona rushing into the room.
"Hang on, Ragammia! I'm here" He Said, looking at the group and seeing that they weren't fighting.
"Corona? The war is over. We've come to a peaceful resolution." Said Ragammia.
"Really?! That's great! I'm surprised that you settled this without fists! You really are awesome!" Said Corona.
"Ragammia, what's your status? Did Celestia surrender?" Said Athena, Who was contacting him on coms.
"No, we're still friends." Said Ragammia.
"Oh my...they are very peaceful then!" Said Athena.
"I'll arrive in a few minutes to sign a treaty."
"Okay. Celestia, Athena is coming to sign a treaty." Said Ragammia.
"Yay! The war is over!" Said Pinkie Pie, using her party cannon to express her gratitude.
"Let's party!"
"Yeah...we should celebrate!" Said Corona.
"NO! STOP!" Yelled another voice. Velga and Vuro suddenly charged into the room with Shining Armor and a worried look in their eyes.

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