Chapter 2: The Heroes Arrive

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"You want us to go and meet your friend in another dimension?" Said Ragammia.
"I thought that portal was in the testing stages."
"'s active. Remember that crystal that I pulled out of it? Well it turns out that it was from that specific dimension and that it belonged to someone she knew...that's been taken care of though." Said Athena.
"Is this about our vacation?" Said Vuro.
"Yes. Don't worry, Corona will manage while you're all gone." Said Athena.
"So he's not coming..." Said Ragammia, sighing in sadness.
"We have a lot in common."
"So...Ragammia will enter first. You two will go next if there aren't any difficulties." Said Athena.
"I'm nervous..." Said Ragammia.
"Don't be. This will be a great experience! Although the locals have not been exposed to the technology we possess, so try to act normal in their opinion. And take these." Said Athena, giving them some energy data. The three then absorbed the data and got a blank portion of an Armor in their inventory.
"Athena, this Armor Program is blank." Said Velga.
"Exactly. It will collect the surrounding DNA and integrate it for an Armor you can use. The dragon armor is from that world as well, actually." Said Athena.
"I figured..." Said Velga.
"Now are you ready, Ragammia?" Said Athena. Ragammia nodded and Athena opened the portal.
"One more thing: Celestia has a mirror that she used to anchor it to this portal, but when you go through the portal, you will end up in a random location nearby." Said Athena.
"The transformation may also be slow compared to your Dragon Armor."
"Okay. Thanks, Athena." Said Ragammia.
"Oh my..." He Said, entering the portal. Ragammia was momentarily blinded by light before he landed in what looked like the inside of a dressing room. His body seemed to have changed to resemble what Athena had said was a hippogriff.
"Oops! There was a small bug! Let me extract it..." Said Athena, as Ragammia returned to normal. Momentarily, he felt his arms and legs shifting into hooves, his mouth expanding into a muzzle, his eyes enlarging, his body changing color, wings growing from his shoulders, a horn emerging from his forehead, and a tail growing out of his backside.

A minute before...
Rarity Belle was a successful unicorn. Though obsessed with fashion, she was the bearer of the element of generosity. She wasn't a big fan of getting her hair messed up, but she was great at caring for her friends. However, she had a busy schedule today as she had an elaborate plan on how it would play out: brush her mane, style her mane, choose some perfume, spray on some perfume, take a shower, find out which kind of toothpaste would make her breath smell the way she wanted to, brush her teeth, put on a lovely smile every time a customer entered, take a lunch break, brush her teeth again with toothpaste that would make her breath smell lovely in a different way, continue working with a smile, picking up her younger sister Sweetie Belle from her outing with her friends, getting home, and having the rest of the night to herself. She almost sounded like Twilight with such an elaborate plan, though it had been going well. She was on her break now, and she was getting to the step of brushing her teeth when a familiar face walked through the door. The figure was a small purple dragon with green scales and wings and had a small, pointed tail behind him.
"Hey, Rarity!"
"Spikey Wikey! Where's Twilight?" Said Rarity. She already knew that the young drake had a crush on her.
"Twilight's researching. Princess Celestia told me that she met a new friend!" Said Spike.
"Is that why you're so happy?" Said Rarity.
"No, look at this!" He Said, holding up the fire ruby he had given to Rarity before his wings had grown in.
"Oh my! Is that the present you gave me, Spike?" Said Rarity.
"Yep! Princess Celestia's friend got ahold of it!" Said Spike.
"Is that what that robot was?" Said Rarity.
"She hasn't said." Spike told her.
"Well thank you for returning my present, Spikey Wikey!" Said Rarity, nuzzling him.
"I had better go and brush my teeth." Rarity Said, trotting up the stairs to her room. But suddenly, her cat Opalescence meowed loudly and skittered down the stairs before clinging to Rarity with her claws.
"Opal! What's the matter, dear?" Said Rarity, going upstairs to investigate. But when she got to her room, she found a blue stallion with a black mane and a yellow tail face planted into the floor. His cutie mark was a lightning bolt going through a an R on it, but what fascinated her the most was that he was an Alicorn, a pony with wings and a horn. She had never met a male Alicorn, because there were only five that existed and were all princesses. Rarity stared at him until he arose and got on his hoofs.
"This should feel natural to you." Said Athena.
"But this form is different than that of your normal one."
"Quite so." Said Ragammia, checking himself out before noticing the white mare in front of him staring at him. She had a white cat hissing at him on her back.
"Um...hi?" Said Ragammia.
"EEEEEEK!" Screamed Rarity, fleeing down the stairs.
"Rarity! What's wrong?!" Said Spike, as Rarity was out breath.
"There's...there's an Alicorn in my bedroom! A stallion!" Said Rarity.
"WHAT?!" Said Spike, unable to believe what he heard.
"Let me see!" He immediately flew up to Rarity's bedroom and saw the Alicorn stallion standing there in the center of the room.
"Are you going to run away?" Said Ragammia. Spike could not believe what he saw. Twilight had never mentioned any male Alicorns, and Twilight was a massive nerd. She knew almost everything about Equestrian history, but Spike knew by fact that there were no male Alicorns currently existing until now.
" did you get here?" He Said.
"Me? Um...let's just say it involves a teleportation spell." Said Ragammia. Spike stared at him for a second before believing his claim.
"Oh, that makes sense. Even Twilight makes mistakes." Said Spike.
"Anyways, I'm Spike." He Said, offering his claw.
"What's your name?"
"Ragammia. Most people know me as Mega Man, though." Said Ragammia, as he shook his hoof with Spike's claw.
"Ragammia? Is that a nickname? Do you have a last name?" Said Spike.
"No. That's my name. Besides Mega Man." Said Ragammia. Spike looked confused as they stopped shaking.
Didn't Twilight tell me a 'man' was the human counterpart of a stallion? Thought Spike.
"S-Spike? Have you dealt with the intruder?" Said Rarity.
"Oh, Rarity! He seems friendly!" Said Spike, guiding Rarity up the stairs to Ragammia. Rarity looked at the stallion for the second time.
"Hi. My name is Ragammia, AKA Mega Man." Said Ragammia.
"Ragammia...quite and odd name for a stallion..." Said Rarity.
"I'm new here." Said Ragammia.
"I'll tell you about myself if you show me around."
"Hmph...that seems fair." Said Rarity.
"Spike, watch Opal for me! I need to show this stallion around."
"But..." Before Spike could object, the two had exited the Carousel Boutique and Rarity had put up the closed sign. Spike was now left with Opal.
"Hey, Opal." He Said, patting Rarity's pet. Opal purred and brushed against Spike. However, Spike suddenly belched out a letter from Princess Celestia.
"Hmm? What's this?" He Said, reading it.

Dear Spike,
If you and Twilight are reading this, my new friend has sent over her children to explore Equestria. You might remember my friend, Athena, when Rarity mentioned what happened with the fire ruby. Her children are called as followed: Ragammia, Velga, and Vuro. Though they might appear to resemble pony-turned humans, they are not. Please let them explain their background and let them be the ones to talk about themselves.

Yours Truly,

Spike was surprised after reading this. Did that mean that Ragammia was...he couldn't believe it. He wanted to tell Twilight as soon as possible, but he had to take care of Opal. And Princess Celestia had specifically instructed them to let Ragammia explain himself. For now, he was stuck with Opal at the Carousel Boutique.

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