Chapter 9: Seraphi and Aether

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Ragammia didn't feel like showing up at the School of Friendship and had slept in his own world. Zecora had informed the Mane Seven and Spike of what had happened before Celestia did herself.
"Why would Ragammia do this?!" Said Fluttershy.
"I assume that he might've been tryin' to fight him on purpose." Said Applejack.
"We should consider both viewpoints of this." Said Rarity.
"Where's Vuro? I haven't seen him since two days ago. He must still be in the Crystal Kingdom."
"And I think Velga might be visiting Klugetown." Said Rainbow Dash.
"Let's not let this get in the way of Friendship. We have a school to run." Said Twilight.
"Although we should talk about this later." Said Starlight.
"Gaia is already at the school."
"Was Ragammia punished?" Said Spike.
"No, Gaia told me he was let off with a stern warning. That's all." Said Twilight.
"Oh, that's good." Said Spike.
"Anyways, I'll get us to the school." Said Twilight, before warping the eight of them away.

The Young Six weren't concentrating on what homework they were assigned yesterday and had to do it during lunch. But being hungry was the least of their problems. The image of Cyan exploding was still fresh in their memory. They had asked Gaia not to talk about it and hadn't gotten any nightmares from it, thank goodness.
"Now class, think of Friendship as coverage. The more friends you have, the more will stick up for you when you get in an uncool situation." Said Rainbow Dash.
"That's why loyalty is so important." Occelus was reminded about how Athena had stuck up for Ragammia after Cyan died and was reminded of the events of how he had been killed again. She was immobilized with terror, but could only tell her friends because she was told by Twilight that Ragammia was let off with a stern warning.
"Ocellus?" Said Rainbow Dash.
"Did you catch what I said?"
"I have to go to the bathroom." She Said, before flying out of the classroom.
"Since when does she not want to pay attention and give the nerdiest answer ever?" Whispered Rainbow Dash.
"Gallus? Can you remind the class why loyalty is important?" Gallus immediately froze up.
"Uhhhhhhhh..." He slurred until another student answered in his stead.
"Very good! Now, let's continue the lesson." Said Rainbow Dash.
"Gee, Ocellus is sure taking her time."

Usually at lunch, Smolder and Sandbar were very talkative to the other creatures that had enrolled. However, they couldn't shake the thought of Ragammia taking out Cyan.
"Hey. Smolder, right?" Said a student.
"Huh? Oh yeah, that's my name." Said Smolder.
"Do you, um, want to tell us about when you were younger?" He Said.
"N-no...I'm fine." She Said.
"Okay..." Said the student, walking away and attempting to talk to Sandbar. But he was also not in the mood. A couple minutes later, the bell rang for recess as six finished their homework. Yona and Silverstream would be having lots of fun if it wasn't for what happened with Cyan. Instead, Silverstream was biting her claws and Yona was hiding behind a tree.
"That's strange..." Said Spike, noticing that the six students weren't having as much fun as usual. He went over to Smolder.
"Are you Okay, Smolder?"
"Yeah...I'm fine! Everything's fine! Nobody died yesterday!" She Said.
"Are you worried about what happened with Cyan?" Said Spike.
"Yes..." Admitted Smolder.
"Does Ragammia scare you?" Said Spike.
"No...kind of. But he wouldn't hurt us. Besides, Cyan was scarier." Said Smolder.
"Okay...are your friends also scared?" Said Spike.
"Sure. But they'll have the same response." Said Smolder, walking away.
"Alright..." Said Spike.
"Gaia!" He Said, spotting her talking with Trace.
"Can you tell me about what happened between you and Ragammia yesterday?"
"Cyan happened, and Ragammia was warned not to do it again." Said Gaia.
"Yes, But the six students seem to be more impacted by it than the others." Said Spike.
"That's them taking it seriously. Teens do that, Spike." Said Gaia.
"I did that when I was younger."
"Okay, I guess..." Said Spike.
"That's all?"
"Yes." She Said, as Spike walked away.
"Gaia. You're still nervous about what Celestia's going to do to him?" Said Trace.
"Yes. This is serious." Said Gaia.
"You like him." Said Trace.
"Yeah. I guess I do." Said Gaia.
"I should teach you how to behave around handsome, um...creatures like him." Said Trace.
"Maybe some other time." Said Gaia.

"I'm sorry about your brother." Said Princess Candace, as Vuro was in his normal form.
"Ragammia only fights when he's forced to. This wasn't his fault." Said Vuro.
"Oh...what do you think will happen now?" Said Candace.
"I don't know...that's up to what we decide to do next. I'm a fun guy, but when the situation gets tough, I get serious." Said Vuro.
"That makes sense." Said Candace, watching Flurry Heart play with her toys.
"Shining isn't taking this too lightly..."
"Makes sense." Said Vuro.
"He's a royal guard captain."
"How have you been taking this?" Said Candace.
"Seriously." Said Vuro.
"Just like with maverick outbreaks."
"Funny that you should mention Mavericks..." Said Athena on coms.
"There's two Mavericks that got through cyberspace and are coming to this world again! I can't find them on any database,'s like they were just created." Said Athena.
"Prepare yourself! One of them is heading here!"
"Uh oh...there's Mavericks in this area!" Said Vuro.
"What?!" Said Candace. Suddenly, a giant icicle broke through the wall and a blue maverick that was similar to Vuro but was a girl with different styled hair and a lighter color jumped through the hole.
"Hello, Vuro." She Said.
"Who are you?!" Said Vuro.
"My name is Seraphi." She Said.
"I want to see how strong you are."
"You just bought yourself a 'round' trip on the roundhouse express!" Said Vuro, dashing towards her.

Velga had never been to Klugetown before, but he had dealt with the worst kinds of Mavericks before Virenne had rebelled, thinking it would be a great place to be himself while trying to keep a distance from the incident with Cyan. He fit in perfectly with the locals and wasn't bullied because of his size and strength. He was walking into a bar right now because he had nothing better to do. Creatures around him stared, but he simply gave them a firm "what're you lookin' at?" Before getting a drink.
"Never seen folks like you here before." Said the bartender.
"Yeah...I came here to take a break from what's going on where I come from." Said Velga.
"Where do you come from?" Said the bartender.
"Nowhere important." Said Velga, giving the bartender some Zenny.
"What the Tartarus is this?" He Said.
"Zenny. Currency from where I come. It's worth quite the load there." Said Velga, before leaving. He then noticed an airship landing and a few pirates coming out. His dash function was not as effective compared to that of his brothers, but he got there quickly.
"We're only stopping here for a bit, Capper." Said the pirate Captain.
"Thanks anyway, Captain."
"Boyle! Tell the others to stay on the ship!" Said the Captain.
"Aye, Captain." He Said. Velga noticed that the pirates resembled parrots. The one called Capper was getting off the ship with the Captain when they noticed him.
"Who's that? Never seen him around here." Said Capper.
"Yeah, Who are you?" Said the Captain.
"Me?" Said Velga.
"That depends on who you are. What's it to you?" Capper handed him some gold bits he had got from Equestria.
"If you're that desperate for an answer then you can keep your money. I'm Velga. I'm not from here." He Said.
"Where'd you get those bits?"
"Ponyville. After the Storm King attacked." Said the Captain. Velga was suddenly much more interested.
"Ponyville? That's where I was visiting. You happen to know a group of six ponies connected to the Elements of Harmony?" Said Velga.
"You mean Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Dash?" Said Capper, the captain cracked a smile at the last name.
"Yeah! I'm friends with them!" Said Velga.
"Really? So are we. Captain Celaeno." Said the Captain, shaking Velga's hand.
"Nice to meet you, Captain." Said Velga.
"You're welcome to come with us after Capper here gets us some supplies." Said Captain Celaeno.
"Thanks, Captain."
"Where are you from?" She asked him.
"Me? I don't come from this world. You'd understand if you knew what a robot was." Said Velga.
"Robot? Never heard of it."
"I'm an advanced version of a robot called an Enertron. We can think and act for ourselves and possess abilities that are potentially stronger than this world. We are made out of metal." Said Velga.
"That's...Wow. You certainly have the story." Said Celaeno, surprised.
"Yeah." Said Velga.
"Velga! There's a maverick entering your location! There's also one where Vuro is, But be ready!" Said Athena.
"What?!" Said Velga. Suddenly, a giant explosion came from one of the buildings and an Enertron that was taller than Velga by a little and had red armor on instead of orange armor shook the ground as he landed a couple feet from Velga.
"Who are you, maverick?!" Said Velga.
"My name is Aether! I've come to cause some danger for you!" Responded Aether, as his body was ignited with fire for a second. Before smiling at Velga.
"This is a maverick, an evil version of an Enertron. You might want to get somewhere safe, Captain." Said Velga, as Aether backed up and pounded his fists.

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